《The Imagineer's Bloodline》Chapter 22 - Irene and Ben
Ben was perplexed. He reread the line, glanced at his avatar, and then scowled at the bald monk. “Ink, is this because I’m still in high school or something? Because that”–he indicated the avatar with a mist formed hand–“is dead nuts, spot-on, beyond a shadow of a doubt, exactly who I feel like.”
Ink smiled, and his dancing eyes told the story even before he spoke, “I have no doubt that is the case, master Benjamin.”
“Well, what the flip Ink? What the hell is this nonsense about equilibrium unclear. I’m clear, and you’re obviously clear that I’m clear!” He coalesced an upper body and spread his arms to encompass the stone-paved grove and towering trees that surrounded it. “Isn’t this your gig? This equilibrium thing sounds like my reward for being so unbelievably clear.”
Ink looked back with a tight-lipped grin that was practically begging to become an all-out laugh. The man’s face was so creased with smile lines he looked like a caricature. He said nothing.
“Oh, come on... have you read this? You know what, that’s a stupid question, you created this, didn’t you? Have you heard it aloud? I mean, maybe it just looked good on paper.”
“Humm, paper… Do you think so?”
“Nooo,” Ben drew out, shaking a mist formed head. “Don’t do that. I’m serious, Ink. This is bullshit.”
“I was simply bemused by your reference to paper, master Benjamin. I fully comprehend the gravity of avatar creation and would never intentionally subject you to–bullll-shit.”
Ben chuckled in spite of himself. “You’re kind of cheeky, aren’t you, Ink.” The monk only offered him a flat, slightly bemused look in response. Ben wasn’t sure what to make of Ink, his responses were usually flat and serious, then the guy would bust out something bazar, seemingly drawn at random from a grab-bag.
“Look, I’ll just read it aloud.” Ben said. “Maybe hearing it, in all its nonsensical glory, you’ll see the glaring contradiction.” He cleared his non-existent throat and read, “Avatar Equilibrium: None.”
He stopped and turned a frown at the monk. “You realize this line wasn’t even here before, right? Why would this appear if I hadn’t nailed it–the very existence of this line implies that I passed your test; that I earned this equilibrium thing.” The monk’s lips parted ever so slightly, and Ben caught the tiniest glint of teeth, then it was gone.
“Okay, so you know this. Good, that’s something at least. Let’s keep going.” Ben turned back to the avatar data dialog. “So, then there’s an asterisk and in parentheses, it says: Equilibrium unclear, unlock in-game to gain linked bonus traits. See condition.” He was about to scroll down to the condition, but Ink cut him off.
“Yes, that is correct. Congratulations, Benjamin, it is quite extraordinary, really. You have surpassed my expectations. It is a noteworthy honor to be the first player rewarded with this opportunity, I think.”
Ben was shocked to silence by the conflict inherent in that. He was being congratulated for doing so well that his bonus had to be withheld. “What?” was all his confused mind could manage.
“Self-knowledge is only a tool, Benjamin, an exceptionally potent tool, but still, it is just a tool. And without purpose, even the most powerful tool is nothing but a glorified paperweight.” Ink spoke as he strolled around Ben’s avatar, looking at the ground in front of his feet. Reaching the other side, he looked into Ben’s mist-formed visage and asked, “Do you want to be a paperweight, Benjamin?”
Ben’s confusion swirled; were they having the same conversation? Was Ink saying that Ben was a glorified paperweight? He parsed the question, and his bewilderment resolved somewhat. There was at least a grain of truth in the system notification, and there was something revealing in Ink’s words.
His reply came out more befuddled than he actually felt. “Ahhh... no.”
“Good.” Ink gestured at his avatar and the screen of information hanging beside it. “I take it from your voluminous monologue that you are happy with your avatar.”
He was, but Ben didn’t answer immediately. Bendik had clearly explained that character creation was a one-time opportunity to express your unique personal truth through your avatar. The closer to this truth you managed, it was possible to unlock rare and powerful character bonuses.
Here, in this grove, with Ink’s gently reassuring presence, Ben had discovered that intimidating task was anything but, and he’d blazed through it.
Ben had simply felt drawn to certain races, particularly those with strong elemental affinities that also valued family, clan, or brael, which was dwarven for clan at his best guess. Also, the gnomes; they were obviously the tinkerers of this universe, probably every universe for that matter, and he loved to tinker.
The only tricky bit had been finding a balance that didn’t saddle him with the strange Crystalline Core trait. Apparently, the Oread, a race he’d never heard of before, had both a heart that pumped blood and a crystal core that circulated magical energy.
This wasn’t a new concept to Ben. The world of fantasy had well explored this core idea, and he’d been initially thrilled by it, as having a core meant you could become a powerful magic user. But it came with some substantial downsides. Most significantly, they could only consume fresh grown foods. Something to do with keeping their crystalline core charged with essential energies.
He figured the race probably had tastes adapted to prefer such a diet, so he wasn’t opposed to eliminating meat and animal-based food. What he couldn’t see a way past was the logistics.
How could such a diet be sustained during a multi-week dungeon dive? Or a long quest in the desert, or in an infected swamp, or any number of places where he might want to adventure, and fresh foods wouldn’t grow?
Fortunately, with a bit of tweaking, he’d managed to blend Crystalline Core with the Dwarven trait, Heart of Fire. He wasn’t totally clear what Heart of Fire did by itself, but blended with the Oread racial, it had become Essential Heart, and mitigated the dietary restrictions.
His thoughts were brought up short by a bubble that rose from his subconscious, popping right in the middle of his brain. I can’t lose anyone else.
The thought was more a feeling of lurking dread given words. And, in an unexpected way, Ink’s paperweight analogy cut to the heart of that feeling. He held a mist formed hand out to the monk. “So… are you saying I’m a loose cannon? That knowing myself isn’t good enough, that I need a purpose too?”
“Just so, master Benjamin.” Ink inclined his head. “Are you satisfied with your avatar?”
For a moment Ben considered debating Ink on the point. Then he sighed, he knew the robed stoic was right. One effect of knowing himself was awareness of not just his fear, but also of his complete inability to do anything about it.
He’d been focused on getting a scholarship to the Nanitics school at Dartmouth, but that was handled now, and it just a goal, not a purpose.
Ben nodded to himself and then to Ink. “Yes. But I want a minute to review.” He pulled his avatar data sheet up.
Kuoran Avatar Data Summary
Race: Oread 32%, High Elf 29%, Dwarf (Brael Bloudran) 21%, Dragonkin 11%, Gnome 7%
Avatar Equilibrium: None *(Equilibrium unclear, unlock in-game to gain linked bonus traits. See condition)
Level: 1
Attributes: Per level gain
Strength: 14 +1
Constitution: 13
Agility: 14 +1
Twitch: 19 +1
Intellect: 14 +1
Willpower: 15 +1
Charisma: 14
Advanced Attributes
Perception: 1
Avatar Equilibrium Modifiers: Undetermined *(Unlock Avatar Equilibrium to quantify modifiers)
Condition (Very Rare): Champion Without A Cause - Your exceptional knowledge of self represents great possibility, however, potential without purpose is destined to wither and fade, or worse, turn bitter and poison the soul. A champion must be guided by commitment aligned with their true nature, as the trials brought in this striving will be the whetstone against which potential is honed. Your capacity for power is limited while this condition persists.
Resolution: Choose a path, commit, and own your power to resolve this condition and evolve.
General Trait (Very Rare): Introspective Resolve – Many look upon others and the world and see how they have been wronged. Many others look within and see how they fail themselves. A rare few embrace both the self and the non-self just as they are and walk the path before them with eyes wide and striving for deeper truth. These beautiful few are the hope of all, and you have the potential to rise as one of them.
Effect 1: Gain +.5 Intelligence and +.5 Wisdom per level.
Effect 2: Locked
Racial Ability (Typical): Night Vision (passive) – Your elven heritage allows you to pierce the darkness of night and see clearly. This ability may combine with others.
Effect: See 100% better in the dark.
Racial Ability (Atypical): Essential Sight (passive) – Your Oread heritage allows you to perceive raw essential energy. This ability may combine with others.
Effect: Within a close-at-hand range you can perceive all essential energies. When those energies are excited by attuned objects or individuals you can perceive them at greater ranges. The range of this ability will increase with your capacity to yield essential power.
Racial Trait (Blended, Rare): Essential Heart – This trait is the wedded result of the rare Dwarven trait, Heart of Fire and the racial Oread trait, Crystalline Core. Your heart thrums in tune with the earth and the fruit of the earth.
Effect: +5% Strength, +5% Constitution, and +10% Intellect when consuming a diet of at least 70% fresh grown foods. Or -5% Strength, -5% Constitution, and -10% Intellect when you eat less than 10% fresh grown foods for 48 hours. (*Note – Certain dwarven ales can substitute for fresh grown foods.)
Latent Ability (Exceptional): Bonded Elementalist – Your combined Oread, High Elf and Dwarven heritage is closely attuned to the essential energy of earth. When you are ready, this proximate resonance will offer an opportunity to become bonded with some constituent of this essential element.
Unlocked Advanced Attribute: Presence – You have become aware of your connection to all things. In a sense, the universe speaks to you, and as a result, you have a powerful feeling in your gut that can guide you at critical times. As this attribute levels, your connection will increase, and new abilities will be unlocked. Presence can only be leveled with Advanced Attribute points.
Level 1 Effects: Unquantifiable, as sensitivity varies per player. However, your gut feelings have merit. Ignore them at your own peril.
Advanced Attributes Note – It is impossible to light the way for those unwilling to open their eyes. For this reason, any discussion of Advanced Attributes with players who have not unlocked them will be met with confusion or disbelief.
Ben found himself smiling despite the locked Avatar Equilibrium. In his whole avatar sheet, two things stood out as unquestionably awesome. Bonded Elementalist and Essential Heart.
He couldn’t wait to unlock Bonded Elementalist. He wasn’t really sure what it was, but it sounded amazing. Ben imagined being bonded to earth and melting into the ground, then emerging in the middle of enemies as an incarnation of Granite, manifesting a massive two-handed sword of elemental earth and wreaking havoc.
Or something like that. He smirked.
In the Essential Heart, he could only smile at the one dietary option. Dwarven ale was a substitute for fresh grown foods. His smirk grew. “Hey ink, there’s no legal drinking age in Kuora, is there?”
“There is not, Benjamin.”
“Nicccee.” Ben waggled his eyebrows at Ink. The monk blinked. “Right, no fun allowed. Okay Ink, I’m ready. Let’s rock and roll.”
The monk responded with a question. “Excellent, how will you be called?”
Ben nodded; attention tilted to the stones. “Right, my name.” He paused, closed his ethereal eyes, and let him imagination go. The shape of a name, unique but memorable began to form. It didn’t take long before the sounds solidified into letters. He opened his eyes. “Ready for this Ink?”
“Not only am I ready, Master Benjamin, I am waiting on pins and needles for you to reveal the brilliance of your new designator to me.” Ink delivered the sarcasm flat and straight.
Ben laughed. “Damn right Ink, well said.” He inhaled deeply, clearing his mind, and exhaled prepared to begin. “I will be Dnoeth, Dnoeth Rnoegr.” And smiled wide as the name appeared next to his avatar.
“Roxanna Devonshire,” Irene said, smiling with satisfaction as the name appeared next to her Kuoran avatar. She’d created it while working in a trance without awareness or care about time. This method of character creation made her feel so powerful.
Something about the blank slate and lack of care for her in-game role, opened her mind, and validated who she knew herself to be. It had become her opportunity to manifest a likeness of that person, and she’d seized it. As it had turned out, the result looked little like any natural person.
Her avatar had easy, approachable features and blond hair that was wound into a wide braid streaked with green highlights down to just above the elbow. She was taller than Irene by a half foot and solid in the shoulders with a well-defined, V-shaped back. The legs were thick and strong, with visible muscles in both the thighs and calves. The hips were just slightly wider than a slender waist, and she had a natural bust.
What Irene loved most, though, were the crystalline eyes, fingernails, and toenails. They weren’t entirely clear but were infused with shards of pure black that made it look like raindrops of midnight were falling through them.
She figured it was probably a physical sign of her Carbonado Equilibrium bonus.
A strange word to find in a fantasy game for sure, Irene was just glad she’d heard of Carbonado before and knew it was an extra hard kind of diamond. That was all she knew, but the name didn’t matter so much as the bonuses it came with, and those were nothing short of insane.
In all, Irene’s avatar was powerful, kind-looking, feminine, and quietly ferocious. She adored it.
She looked to Ink, and he extended one hand in invitation to Irene’s disembodied consciousness. “Are you ready to embark upon your journey?”
She took a deep breath, then nodded. “Ready, let’s go, Ink.”
He extended his other hand to the avatar. Her gaze followed it, fixing on the eyes of her new likeness. She let herself feel and accept the moment completely–it felt like a rebirth.
The avatar began to pull her in, and Ink spoke. “May the crystalline tower guide you and grant you the wisdom to ensure the ancient blood is reforged in truth.”
She heard his words, and they rang in her heart. She did not understand them; rather, she allowed them to find space within and gather into a seed of possibility.
A glittering crystalline thread brought her attention back as it extended from the avatar. When it touched her misted form, she was pulled in as if being sucked through a straw. Irene condensed, and everything became distant as her entire perspective seemed to fall through the crystal tube.
She was a point—no, she was Point. Point wasn’t Irene or Roxanna; it was just Point, and it was inside the chest of a new body. It considered the form, learning the physique from the inside, zipping about, experiencing each bit of it. This took little time, and soon, Point found itself pleased and chose to expand. The old Irene persona faded entirely, and Roxanna began to filter in.
It became just breathing lungs… a beating heart… shoulders, arms and a chest, then it trickled out and into the new body in a rush. Sensation bombarded Roxanna. Then she phased through a dark, star-filled reality and splashed down into frigidly cold water.
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