《How to get away with murder》Chapter 2 - Death and all its friends


Classes went on as it would, today was no different from other days. It would take a world wide pandemic to actually stop classes in this parts.

There was a bit of solemnity in the air. Everyone must have been feeling sympathetic to Jamal's situation and even if they weren't they would have to act with empathy so as to not give the impression that they were inconsiderate and uncaring.

Not me though. My mind was racing. I couldn't even concentrate in class. I had the urge to browse my phone for information but I knew I had to be mindful of the lecturer in class.

I would have asked Ola or Tundun for more information but I generally disliked getting second hand information. I decided to put off my excitement till after class. I didn't have anything after, so ill have enough time to savour my findings.

As soon as the class ended, I rushed out to the school library. I hardly used the library for schorlarly purposes, I only went there whenever I needed to get away from my class mates.

I found a sit far away from everyone else, brought out a book from my school bag as well as my phone. I immediately searched the web for our towns local newspaper website and checked the latest news. It was there.

An article, albeit a short one. I began to worry if it would contain the detailed information I really wanted.

However, as I read on, my heartbeat became faster. In the text I found some of the keywords I was looking for.

“…on her way to work on a mountain pass…”

“…a sharp curve with poor sight distance…”

“…there have been casualties before…”

“…too much speed due to the slope…”

As I pictured the crash with that thought in mind, I could not help feeling a chill run down my spine. My mind immediately went to the Murder plan in the book I brought out. I reread it again. I was ecstatic. Jamal had really executed his murder plan!

I closed the tab. The article would have been far more lengthy if the police had not thought it was an accident. If they knew what I knew...if they had the hard evidence like I did, then the news of the incident might perhaps be covered on far more newpapers, maybe a national one at that.

Think of it, the school idol, a well behaved rich kid who could have anything he wanted is convicted for killing is mother. That should surely make the national news. A smile crept unto my face.

Was there something I got terribly wrong?

At first glance the plan looked childish, like an unpredictable tactic relying on several flimsy aspects.

And yet, perhaps he could execute this plan precisely because of those flaws?

Who could suspect the existence of such a plan?

Who would even link the two seperate incidents together?

And from what I just read, the police believed it was a road accident. All evidences pointed to it. Even my classmates were convinced too. They all had sympathy for Jamal, who lost his mother.

I bet even Jamal wouldn't have believed it would have worked.

Neither would I, if not for the plan I accidentally stumbled upon.

Jamal's objective was his mother— someone who was always near to him and who gave him countless chances to kill her.

It may be a coarse saying, but you may say, "even a bad shot hits the target, given enough attempts."

Jamal had definitely not expected to pull it off as quickly and efficiently as possible. He just wanted to kill her, sooner or later. That is how he felt about it, I guess.


His main goal was to not be caught.

The plan was executed in such a way that he could continue his normal life after he did it.

The results made this evident in that case. Jamal had done it-

"The Perfect murder"

My imagination was certainly running wild. I was overthinking things as usual but I didn't mind. This was what got me excited. I could not hide my true nature from myself.

I checked the time and saw I had fifteen minutes to my next class, thus I got up, packed my things and headed back.

My level Advisor entered the class moments after I did. He spoke about Jamal and the passing of his mother. His mother was to be buried this evening as per customs.

“Moreover, the class officers are required to come along to the funeral as the representatives of the class.”

Right when our level advisor was about to leave: Ola raised his hand, “The male class officer is Jamal himself.”

“Aah, you’re right. Well then, Ola, may I ask you?”

“Ah, yes.” Ola said.

“The other one was you, Gabriella, right? I expect you to be there.”

“Yes.” I nodded calmly and secretly grinned to myself.

It was exactly what I'd wanted. I hadn't even dreamed I would have the opportunity to officially attend this funeral like this.

In fact, after reading the article in the library, I thought about how I might be able to go to the funeral, because I wanted to get more information about Jamal. I had felt the ceremonies would be out of reach, apparently not.

“Only the two of you?! That’s not fair!” Tundun squealed immediately our level advisor left the class.

“You only have yourself to blame. Who was the one responsible for nominating me for class officer again?” I asked rolling my eyes.

Just this once I was grateful for that irresponsible personality of her, though.

“Huh? I can't remember. I’m a woman who doesn’t look back at times gone past.” Tundun said sheepishly.

"Tundun, you don't really look like someone that feels for Jamal, you're being tactless" Ola said with a frown o his face.

"What? I think you are misunderstanding me. We all show emotions differently, I want to be able to attend the funeral to show love and concern" Tundun shot back.

"Argh! That doesn't seem so, you have ulterior motives" Ola said as though he was dissapointed but not surprised.

“No, idiot! I would never have ulterior motives! I simply wish to soothe Jamal in these hard times,” she objected instantly,

“Well, but sure, I would not be averse to him falling in love with me in the process, heh!” she said dreamily.

“You really are a tactless, Tundun” Ola seemed completely dumbfounded.

I spoke up "doesn't that make it an ulterior motive, Tundun?"

“Ahaa, I see! You never stop learning, do you?” Tundun evaded my remark with feigned ignorance. There’s no cure for her. I shook my head.

“…I hope you don’t have an ulterior motive too, Gabriella?” Ola said. He realized that Tundun was beyond hope and set me as his new target.

“Of course not. I am going to the funeral ceremony because I’m a class officer, not because I wish for it myself,” I put on a powerless smile. “Also, I don’t like the gloomy air at funerals. To be honest, I would rather not go.” I said.

“Right? I knew you weren’t like Tundun!” Ola flashed a brilliant smile as if he himself had been praised.


"What?! This is not fair? Tundun said.

"What's not fair?" Ola asked wigh a raised brow.

"I sense favouritism! Your attitude towards Gabriella and I are completely different! If we were in America, I would take you to court, right now" Tundun said.

"But we're not in America and you can't do anything about it. Besides your behaviour is vastly different from Gabriella's." Ola said matter-of-factly.

Though I was of a very different sort, I still had an ulterior motive. I loved funerals, to say the truth. Especially because you could take a look at all kinds of people.

I was looking forward to the funeral with the same emotions as going to my favorite artist's concert.

Ola and I were driven to the funeral home in level advisor's car after finishing the third class. I was able to gather some information about Jamal's family life from him during the trip.

His family consisted of his two parents and himself, their only child. This was actually quite surprising to me because his mature behavior had led me to believe that he’d have someone to look after, such as a younger sibling, typical of firstborn children.

Apparently his mother had been the head of a construction design company, her own company.

When we arrived at the home and went through the formalities at the entrance, we proceeded to the hall marked with a "Jamal" sign read.

The dim, wide room was packed with people in mourning clothes. We sat down in the seats that had been prepared for common visitors. My eyes scanned for Jamal and found him sitting where relatives had come together. He consoled a man who bowed his head beside him, supporting him.

Looking at the man closely, I could immediately tell that he was Jamal's father. The resemblance was striking. That's who Jamal got his looks from. Now though he looked weak and vulnerable, making him look like a star actor from a sad scene in a film.

I was, however, surprised at how composed Jamal apparently was. Indeed. I was almost unsure of who the father and who the son was.

"I feel really sorry for Jamal. He's a strong guy" Ola said from beside me. I looked at him and found he was really affected by the funeral environment.

“Come on, don't cry,” I said as I produced a handkerchief.

“I'm not going to cry" Ola pushed my hand away in annoyance. "Just look at how he’s keeping calm though he’s bound to be sad in reality! If it was me, I wouldn’t be able to…” he finished in a whisper.

But I was reluctant to agree with him that Jamal was saddened about his mother’s death. If my suspicions were right, then Jamal wouldn't be sad but instead this funeral will serve as an event to celebrate his success.

I could hear whispers from every direction that had been lowered in respect of the solemn mood that accompanied the funeral homes. I decided to listen attentively to that chatter as a combined means of gathering information and killing time.

I focused on the conversation of two women that were meekly talking in the row right before me. I would have loved to jot it down!

Their chatter was interrupted midways. I would have preferred to listen a little longer.

The solemn atmosphere put my mind at rest and thus created the perfect environment for indulging my thoughts. I chose to replay the conversation I had just heard and place the details in order:

His mother's reputation was extremely good.

They had first spoken about her looks, which was not too surprising given she was the mother of Jamal. A look at the picture in the room showed that she looked like some sort of model, and made me understand why she was famous with them.

Then, they continued with her company’s and her family’s economic situation. While it was a S.M.E., the business went smoothly and their private living standard was quite high as well. Apparently, their home had been newly built two years ago, with a complex design as one would expect from the director of a construction design business.

They had spoken about his family themselves, lastly. Both father and mother were fairly friendly with their neighbors, and on good terms. They also spoke about Jamal himself.

About how he wasn't the typical spoiled rich kid. An handsome guy, well behaved and performing well in school.

Now I understood why Jamal was studying civil engineering in school. He was propped to take over from his mother when he came of age.

I breathed in the silent air of the hall.

Pulling myself together, I decided to give myself over to the tranquil mood of the room again. It was a promising funeral, after all! It would be a waste not to take advantage of the occasion and spy on some human relationships.

No need to rush things. The longer this game of ours lasted, the better.

Sooner the ceremony came to an end and the relatives of the deceased, Jamal among them, left the hall temporarily. The three of us decided that we would wait for his return so that we could at least exchange a few words with him.

"I know it might seem insensitive to say this right now but there's something about death that is comforting. The thought that you could die tomorrow frees you to appreciate your life now" our level advisor said.

He continued "It is a curious thing, the death of a loved one. We all know that our time in this world is limited, and that eventually all of us will end up underneath some sheet, never to wake up. And yet it is always a surprise when it happens to someone we know"

We were silent.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, leave good memories behind, because afer you leave this world, that's all you leave your family and friends with" he finished.

"Life’s interesting because there’s a limit to it. The thrill of not knowing when it ends is what gives you the awareness of being alive" I mused aloud.

At first glance it might seem contradictory that death, the antithesis of life, highlights the value of life, but it actually makes sense. I even conceived the idea that most things in the world might work in a similar way.

At that very moment, enthralled by the risky murder plan—I was most definitely living.

We greeted Jamal when he came back to the hall.

Level advisor first expressed his deepest sympathy before assuring him: “Don’t be concerned about school. Take your time and return when you’re comfortable.”

“Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness. However, I have it in mind to attend school normally from the day after tomorrow because I think it will help me to distract myself.” Jamal smiled weakly.

“…I am a little anxious about leaving my father alone at home, as he has been hit especially hard, but his siblings and my mother's siblings both assured me that they will be supporting him for a while.” He said.

Jamal seemed exhausted. From the looks of it, he hadn’t been sleeping properly.

But while knowing it was pretty tactless, I couldn’t help being under the impression that his face, now accentuated by his mourning dress, looked even more sensual than at school.

“I see. At any rate, be sure not to over-strain yourself and feel free to consult me anytime.” our level advisor patted him on the shoulder.

“Thank you for coming as well, Ola and Gabriella” Jamal thanked.

“Everyone in the class is worried about you.” Ola said.

“I feel blessed.” Jamal smiled.

Jamal didn’t hesitate to embrace us. “Thank you all. I’m very happy that you all are so worried about me…I think you can consider yourself happy if you have someone that worries about you.”

The gentle and fragile guy at that moment did not look in the least like someone who would plan a murder to me.

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