《Sun Collector》Chapter #14: Grandiose


The beautiful part of ability rings was unless they were soulbound you could swap them out.

So I needed to do whatever I could to make sure I got one that helped me understand crafting. After all, I still had around 4k mana to spend on making rings.

I found the dorms and registered for my room, it was small with just the basic furnishings. Apparently, if I was a good crafter I could have some of the lands in the outpost and build my own house.

I had always wanted to build a house but what I really wanted was a lawn.

Living on a dirt flat surface my whole life had made me envious of fields and hills with grass on them.

That was for the future! What I had to do today was set up my mirror and so I did.

The mirror reflected the light from the sun all the way around my room in a unique formation of mirrors.

I couldn't amplify the sun as I did before because that had damaged my body.

By the time I was done the sun was gone and it was time to go to bed.

The next morning I woke up and made my bed and headed out.

There was a large library like looking building in the middle of town that had multiple floors. It was the only building in town that exceeded two floors.

As soon as I entered I was assaulted with a feeling of grandiose. The floor was marble and the walls were a beautiful dark gold color inlaid with gold.

There were counters on each side and a bunch of rings hanging on the wall.

I walked up to one of the clerks and cleared my throat.

"I'm here to get my first ring for crafting."


The clerk looks dignified and responded without the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Then you will need a ring for mana generation."

"Actually I was hoping I could get a ring that helps me understand the crafting process," I asked hopefully.

"What's to understand you generate mana and pour it into the crafting chest and when you pour in enough or the time expires you get a ring."

I couldn't tell him that I had a bunch of mana stored up.

Wait, couldn't I tell him? Every crafter here was protected for the good of humanity.

"Well, you see sir I have enough mana to make a legendary class ability ring I just need to know how."

His eyes got big for a second and then he said

"There's no way you have the ability to do that only two people in this fortress are capable of generating that much mana. And that's the gatekeeper and the grand elder."

Well, you see the thing is "I have an ability that allows me to store mana and I've stored up 4,000." I pointed to the number on my arm.

His eyes flashed with hope but he still didn't believe me.

"In light of you being new Ill take that as a joke."

It's not a joke I grumbled to myself on the inside.

"Don't you have some way to test if I'm serious or not?"

I asked while looking him dead in the eye.

"Yes, there is a way but young man if you're lying to me ill have you sent on the next expedition back to the sand bar."

Idle threats I don't know how he was gonna test but I knew he was going to now.

He reached beneath the counter and pulled out a ring that was noticeably different than the ones hanging on the wall. It had a solar system on it.


He lifted the ring up to his eye and then it disappeared and a microscope hologram series of rings appeared. He then zoomed in on my arm and followed it all the way up to my heart.

He stood there frozen for ten seconds before the holograms shattered and the galaxy soul ring appeared in his hand.

"It looks like you weren't lying young man. If you are able to make one legendary basic ring this outpost will do anything they can to support you."

"Well old man," I said with arrogance "Give me the best non soul bound ring you have that will allow me to make a basic ring."

He stared at me in awe now and asked "Your really capable of it?"

I gave a grandiose laugh and said "Not only am I capable of it this is the very reason I came to the outpost."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and some strange power that looked like chains entered my body through it and constrained my heart.

"I'm sorry young man but it would be too much of a shame for you to leave without leaving something behind."

I knew that voice was the voice of the cannon man. Maybe I really shouldn't have revealed my trump card.

"Take those chains off," I said in the sternness voice I could muster

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