《Sun Collector》Chapter #9 Jumpstart


Mana Regrowth, I was still stuck on it.

That implied that she could regrow the Deep Sea Kings Power in a human vessel and even add on to it.

I took my hand off and asked her "little miss monster what name should I call you?"

"You can't know my real name so just call me Q" she said

"Well Q did you feel anything just now?"

"Ya, it feels like I got a drop of the bubbly stuff in my heart that isn't mine?"

the invisible voice said

"That's my power." I boasted

"I um I have to go right now mister, see you around," she said

But I didn't say bye. I hadn't invited her anyone so saying goodbye seemed worthless.

Anyway, I had learned a lot from that encounter. I now knew that I could read the name of ability rings if my mana could interact with them.

I also learned how ignorant I had been there was a hidden dragon that had just visited me and it was a 14-year-old girl.

I continued to work on setting up my outdoor living until it got dark. Now that all my mana was gone I was going to go to the library and check out a bunch of books to read.

With that thought, I crawled comfortably on top of my bed and fell asleep. The next day I got up and no one was there. I half expected the little monster to be standing over me the second I awoke.

Maybe someday she would return. Anyways I should go check out the books. I checked out a book on heartbeasts and the three outposts. They both only held general information but that was what I needed the most considering I had been a fisherman my whole life.


I went home and completed my preparations for my 2-month long collection.

I now lived on a raised patio with my bed in the middle with all the mirrors shining on it. My kitchen was off to the right along with my newly set up toilet.

Now my path was set I just needed to lay in bed and read.

And I did for two weeks without any disturbances the books I had picked up were huge and covered all the important bits of information that humanity had gathered.

My life consisted of sitting around reading and exercising I almost considered giving up on the plan and going to work. But I had already spent all of the sea coins. There was no going back now.

Another week passed and as it was nearing the end of the month. I sat in front of the mirrors will the midday sun shone down on me. I had gotten pretty buff because all I did was exercise and my body was nourished at all times.

I was admiring my body in the mirror when a voice reached out to me.

"Say mister isn't it a bit weird to have a bathroom outside?"

I ignored it.

"Mister I came back a while ago but you just do boring things all day. Is it because of the number on your arm?" she said

I checked the number on my arm it was now at 2,150.

" Yes, I sit in the sun every day because it's very important to me," I said.

It felt weird picking up a conversation that had left off a month ago. The thing was nobody had come to visit in a month and I was in the mood to talk to someone.

"The microdrop of mana you left in my heart was very useful mister. My papa said that I should spend as much time with you, as long as I'm safe."


"Uh oh, now I knew I was in trouble" The thing about this situation was the enormous gap in power between us. It would screw me over if I ever met her papa. I felt that sentiment deep in my soul.

"You didn't tell your papa where I lived?" I asked tentatively

She stomped her feet, I now knew she was standing. About five feet away and facing me.

"No, he never once asked about where you live. He did send people to try and follow me every time I left the house to try and find you," she said quietly

Great just freaking great, she was obviously a mob bosses daughter. And somehow or another he had taken interest in me. The only thing I could be thankful for was her cheat like ability to avoid detection.

"Papa was very interested in what you gave me he brought lots of people to see me after I went home. Then one of them put there hand on my heart and I can't remember anything," she said

That sounds like a tracing spell if I've ever heard of one I thought to myself.

"Did he do that to find me?" I asked

" No, he said something about jumpstarting the dead sea king's power with your pure mana or something like that."

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