《The Infinite Item box IS the best thing someone can have on an adventure》Chapter 28 - Feral
It was just a black blob, but before long, some limbs sprang out, before they bent, and five fingers appeared. The legs so did it afterwards, before a head popped out, teeth and eyes also were seen. Finally, the rest of the black sludge was absorbed into the body, and a voice came from it.
"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, Psalm 30:11. That was a quote from the Bible; I'm a [Demon], isn't that madness?"
"What do you want?" Enar went straight to the point, slightly unsheathing her blade.
"Hmmm, good question, but an even better question, am I good at rhyming or what?"
"Just answer the question, [Demon]!"
"Straight to the point, this generation [Hero], straight to the point I do see,"
"What do you want?"
"Well, hmmm, what I want is bloodshed, massacre and complete eradication of life, so only my species remains, although how long have I been trapped inside here? Two, no, three thousand years, yes, that's enough time to tell a story,"
Enar drew her blade and used the [Skill] that changed her tattoos; she was only halfway through before Enar stopped all of a sudden. Everyone stopped moving. The person just raised his arm very slightly before he lowered it again and laughed childishly.
"Dammit, you're a beta tester aren't you?" Harrian asked him.
"One letter before, my enemy,"
"Correct! Now you look less like an idiot with that pink hair, tihi!"
In the world of building programs, there were stages, two of those were the Beta and Alpha tests. Beta tests would usually be by people who were clients of them, while Alpha testers are the ones who test and build the programs. This person, he was responsible for the beginning of the world everyone was in, pretty much, an entitled [God] of some sort.
"Thirty-five, do you know what number that is?" The figure continued.
"A number?" Nicko replied.
"No, you idiots! It's a number, and part of the-"
"The Lesser Key of Solomon, the seventy-two pillars!" Atogin cut him off.
"Ahh, the [Demihumans] aren't known for their smarts, but I can see that you are an [Owl], and correct, the lesser key of Solomon." Then, very slowly, the figure began to change.
A tail came from the black sludge, and hissing was heard from it. The [Demon] grew taller and became well built, puffs of dark grey fur began to pop out. The final new limb was that of white wings on his back. The man's face was revealed to be some sort of [Wolf Demihuman], with yellow eyes.
"The thirty-fifth [Demon] of the seventy-two pillars, Marchosias, the original [Demon] of my house!" Many people began to take a few steps back, afraid of this [Demon's] power.
"Now now don't be shy," He closed his eyes and put his open hands to his chest, smiling "I just want to toy with my prey even more."
There were screams for women and men, just hearing the word 'prey' from someone who froze about two hundred people in fear. After the [Golem] laid waste to the [Heroes Party], they didn't have a number, but there were more injuries and casualties, caught in the crossfire during the battle.
When Harrian absorbed the laser beam, many people around him died. People just ran out of [Stamina] until they died, and some only of wounds during the fight of the [Guardians]. Anyway, more just died of shock, and twenty had soiled themselves.
"Still, typical prevo's will just lose the will to fight as soon as they see me!" Marchosias continued "And after I murder you, Enar Agne, I will resurrect my other alpha testers of the seventy-two pillars, and I WILL have my way with the royal bloodline you serve!"
Atogin reacted; first, he used [Limit Break] and dashed at Marchosias. Not even Harrian could keep up with his [Magical eye]. Soon as Atogin seemed to be in the distance with the [Demon], he was buried into the floor, twitching like a squashed cockroach.
Marchosias almost seemed to teleport towards Nicko, which gave him enough time to brace his upper body. Instead, Marchosias kicked him in the testicles, before kicking him upwards into the ceiling, where he was stuck there.
Looking towards Enar, Harrian wrapped Marchosias's fur around himself. His tail snake tried to bite Harrian, so he just dodged and scraped his back with [Chaos Column], damaging one wing. Marchosias disappeared from Harrian's view halfway through slicing him and was behind Harrian.
The [Demon] grabbed Harrians head, which he began to squeeze. Harrian dropped [Chaos Column] and hopelessly struggled to pull it, the hand squeezing his head away. Veins began to pop from Marchosias's right hand, seeing them himself, he pulled Harrian up to his height and talked.
"An [Hybrid] of a [Slime] and some sort of [Human], definitely harder to break, but…" The [Demon] the repositioned his second and fourth fingers right over Harrian's eyes and plunged them in. Tears of blood and screams from the [Dark Magician] filled the room. Most of the expedition, hearing Harrian's cry, turned the other way and ran towards the start of the [Boss Room].
Marchosias sighed and threw Harrian into the back of the expedition. Ten people were knocked unconscious, and Marchosias looked at Enar. She used that [Skill] which changed her tattoos, and around her neck bone appeared a dark blue and thick symbol, almost like a mane.
"[Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath Style: Stage 2]" Enar then said, her eye colour becoming the same as her tattoos, although afterwards, Enar looked tired.
Marchosias sighed and the next thing Enar knew he had his jaw's around the base of Enar's neck behind her, slowly seeping his fangs into Enar's neck. Suddenly, steam began to appear in the [Demons] mouth, and he backed away, screaming.
He was back to where he started, Atogin still unconscious on the floor. Marchosias coughed up blood which then also evaporated. Then for some reason, Marchosias took his left wrist and bit it, drinking his blood. He sighed for relief and looked at Enar, which had gotten her bladed staff out, the circle appearing straight at the Demon with a bright yellow glow.
"Dammit, you're an [Hero] of those [Gods], and you drink [Holy Water] with every meal? Why!"
"Due to enemy's like you," Enar put her right hand around her neck and showed Marchosias a pendant in the shape of a small silver water droplet.
"And that blade... I recognize it, is that a chakram? Even when I walked, I still saw none; I think they only give them to skilled warriors,"
"How did you know I was the [Hero],"
"Oh my, can you not feel the [Spell] cast on this place, you've been here for I don't know how long, and you don't feel the [Enchantment] of a former [Hero]?"
"Heh, of course, I can feel it; it was just that I wanted to stall."
Marchosias was confused until he realized where he was standing. Right next to Atogin he was, so Marchosias decided to nudge the [Demihuman] with his foot. After the third small kick, Atogin grabbed Marchosias foot and pierced the skin. A little blue light appeared on Marchosias right ankle, before Atogin, jumped away.
Out of nowhere, Nicko jumped out of the ceiling and made an impact with the [Demons] face. He retracted his fist, the elbow making contact before hitting Marchosias with his other fist. The ultimate combo was a fist in the stomach, which made Marchosias jump back. The [Demon] coughed blood, and his eyes began to sag.
"What, what did you do to me! Answer [Demihuman]!"
"I made some of your blood into an anesthetic, although it isn't going to knock you out, it should slow you down,"
"Smart thinking, we get along, how about coming over to my side?"
"Haha, no, I fight with the [Hero], not against her," Atogin took in a deep breath, and cut himself with a scalpel. His feathers became ruffled, his eyes dilated, and he began salivating. "Don't worry, this is a variant of the [Leverse Weed], it's called the [Hunter Weed], I'll spare you the details," Atogin explained to Enar while licking the blood of Marchosias off his right hand.
"Fine suit yourself, but I think I've already knocked one of your teammates" The [Demon] pointed to Harrian who was getting up.
"You only got rid of one eye idiot, I'm fine after that," Harrian had no left eye, but his [Eye of elements] was glowing, veins bulging around it.
"That…" Marchosias looked down for a moment, before looking at Enar again "How does he have that!"
Before the [Demon] could react, Atogin hit him three times across the body and went back to where he was, three out of five throwing knives then made contact with where he ran, it seemed the [Hunter Weed] worked similarly to the [Leverse Weed], power for humanity.
Marchosias felt that and tried to attack him, instead, he made contact with Nicko's chest, which turned into [Motle] like the fight with Titos. It singed the hairs off the [Demons] fist, Nicko tried to land a hit, but unfortunately, Marchosias had already retreated. He changed his scales to a different substance, and some steam was already coming off the [Dragon-Kin]
Harrian had already snuck up from behind and was able to gaze at the [Demons] back again. This time, the snake bit Harrian, and he screamed in pain, but what it didn't know was that it was an illusion. Harrian's real arm was a bit higher, and what the snake bit was a chunk of marble from the [Golem], shattering its teeth.
Putting [Chaos Column] at Marchosias's back, he used [Burnball], launching in the air, before he used [Float] to group up with the rest of his teammates.
"Hehe, hehehehe, fufufu, ffuuuehhehehehahahaHA!!" Marchosias began to laugh uncontrollably; the four of them looked at each other confused before the [Demon] talked again.
"It seems I actually will need to use that [Skill]."
The snake on Marchosias's tail began to hiss in pain, its fangs regrew, not only that, but the snake became more substantial and extended, also becoming a cobra. Marchosias's wings became that of the [Alpha Gargoyle] that Harrian defeated. His back became hunched, new seeing his muscles even through his fur.
"[Human Feral]! The [Taboo Skill] that outrivals all, able to change my state to anything considered to be a [Homunculi Monsters], so now, let's see if you can keep up!"
Marchosias's fangs and nails grow longer, his mouth not able to close. He tore out his right arm and threw it at Nicko. The [Dragon-kin] caught the limb and looked at it for a second, but that was his downfall. The arm then scratched his arm, passing his [Scales] and began to choke him.
A crack was heard, and the arm returned to Marchosias where it sealed itself back on, while Nicko fell to the floor, still breathing.
"[Zombie], now [Slithering High Kobold]," He put his right hand out, and it turned to a snake, which bit Atogin before he could react.
It bit him, and Atogin screamed in pain, not long afterwards, Marchosias's eyes reverted to normal, Atogin now looking tired instead. The [Demon] threw Atogin into a pillar, which he went through, going through another five afterwards.
Harrian took out [Chaos Column], shaking for some reason. Marchosias laughed as he turned into something which even Harrian's [Magical Eye] couldn't protect him against. The [Dark Magician] suddenly turned to stone and was smacked into a wall, still staying as the lifeless rock.
Enar was left alone again; she decided to use her [Skill] again but failed. Her tear duct turned black, going down a little, making her look like a lion. Her right eye was done, but her legs then began to shake. Afterwards, Enar coughed up blood, using [Recover] on herself, but her left eye didn't change.
"Weakling, you can only get up to [Stage 2] before almost dying, it seems this time it'll be even easier, goodbye [Hero] lineage, hello world!"
Marchosias was about to deal the finishing blow, but he stopped only an inch away from Enar's face. The sudden stop created blades of wind around him, slicing the marble parts. He behind Enar, seeing Harrian, his top half bare, and him no longer in stone.
"How the?" Marchosias stuttered.
Harrian was looking down, he put his right hand into a fist and hit the wall behind him with the side of the fist. Everything shook, even Atogin woke up because of it, and screams of surprise were heard in the distance.
The ground began to crack around Marchosias, and a sinkhole was made which he almost fell into. He jumped out of the way, and Enar ran, Marchosias didn't chase, and neither did Harrian, the two of them were facing each other.
"Now what got into you? You're stronger than everyone who was her combined now if just touching the wall can attack me? Are you an original seventy-two pillar [Demon] like me?"
Harrian threw his arm which stretched and curled around Marchosias's arm, sticking to him. He tried to pull it away, but Harrian's arm wouldn't let go. Instead, he reeled it back, Harrian now above Marchosias and punched him into the ground face first.
Nicko began to wake up himself, with pulsing neck pain and saw what happened, Atogin and Enar experienced the entire thing. Harrian opened his mouth, which he only stuttered one word.
The trio took his advice and ran away from the fight. Harrian put his right arm to the side, and it began to change form. The arm divided into five separate purple tentacles, and Harrian's tophat was then absorbed into him. Looking down, Harrian saw [Chaos Column] on the floor, so his human arm stretched down, picking it up, before consuming it as well.
Marchosias was angered by what just happened, beaten by something weaker than himself. His left arm began to slice itself before stitching it back, it then was repeated with his other arm. With even more anger in his eyes, Marchosias tried to punch Harrian again, and it hit, it went through, like a fork through jelly.
Harrian turned into some sort of liquid from, still standing, and Marchosias couldn't move. The tips of the tentacles grew blades and cut through the strings that were around the [Demons] arm. He jumped away again, seeing Harrian also absorb the arm into his body, making it disappear.
Seeing what just happened, the wound quickly sealed the bleeding while the limb began to grow. Marchosias began to yell at Harrian, dashing into the front of him and tried to hit him. The [Dark Magician], just simply dodged the attack, while a black slimy tail was created from behind him and pierced Marchosias's lung, before disappearing.
By the time the [Demon] had suffered a new wound, his torn limb had already healed, changing into an arm three times his size. Turning around, Marchosias was about to hit Harrian, when all of a sudden, Marchosias's massive sleeve then slit into perfect square cubes up to his shoulder.
Harrian's head was down the entire time, and then, he looked up, revealing something. His eyes, finally, were identical, two [Eyes of elements] were glowing in each eye, and Harrian had a smile from cheek to cheek.
His right arm went back to normal, and four spider-like appendages appeared on his back. Harrian's hair then grew longer, so long that he wriggled it in the air like tentacles. His fingernails changed to black, becoming longer as well.
Marchosias looked at the ever-changing Harrian, and he began to laugh. During that time, memories came back to him. From three thousand years ago, and then, he began to cry, opening up his hands, as he said his final words.
"Finally, my torment will end! Finally, a man who has a stronger [Skill] than I! But still, let's see how fast your friends can run!"
Harrian used [Swap] with something behind the [Demon] and with a clean slice, removed Marchosias's head, which was floating in the air, before grabbing it and eating the wolf face. All of a sudden, the [Dungeon] began to tremor, and Harrian just stood there in his monstrous form, grabbing the [Guardian] parts that were scattered, looking up before the marble roof caved in on him.
Outside the [Dungeon], cracks appeared around the cave, and they began to grow bigger. The cave was collapsing, but one thing did happen, what everyone had come to do, they had defeated the [Boss] in the end.
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