《The Infinite Item box IS the best thing someone can have on an adventure》Chapter 22 - Imposter
As expected the expedition was full of [Monsters], there was a lot of [Monsters], but they were weak and quite easy to deal with such a large number of adventurers. But the weird thing was that the monster hordes were waiting for them, each one with a different kind of [Monster].
It started after ten minutes of walking, the expedition encountered a mass amount of different variants of sheep, like the [Nap ram] which could be found in the Newtown plains. They were quite easy to defeat and barely took any time to defeat them.
When the adventurers would loot the [Monster corpses], a lot of them would take little to none. Since 'the Creator' didn't make something known as [Infinite Item Storage], Harrian took that away with his unique item, he just made the right choice.
Every time, Harrian and Cordelie would try and pillage as much as they could, trying not to cause a lot of suspicions, yes, Harrian was apart of the [Heroes Party], but he didn't want to be swarmed by confused people, so he usually stayed at the back of the expedition and it was working all well.
By the third horde of monsters they encountered, it became harder for them. The theme of the horde was [Kobolds]. There were numerous amount of colours, showing how far and wide these [Monsters] had come, but their stature and features were all quite similar. They were scaly, hunched, humanoid and about half the size of Harrian, attacking them with blades made of bone.
They were easy to defeat with [Magic spells], Cordelie using her [Rock affinity] to make them fuse with the ground before Harrian and Rache would slice them with their string. A lot of adventurers partnered up, forming groups and attacking together.
Everything was fine, as all the [Mages] that had a high affinity to [Healing], were in the middle of the group, using their abilities to anyone who needed it. Everything was fine in the duo's fight until a dark kobold shrouded in [Illusion Magic] snuck up on the duo.
Harrians [Eye of elements] could see through some [Illusion Magic], and in the corner of his eye, he began to see the [Kobold] jump, ready to strike Cordelie with its bone dagger. Harrian yelled out to Cordelie to duck and she did. Rache also saw the Kobold so she restricted its movement with the string connected to Harrian's cape.
Harrian noticed and tugged the string grabbing the kobold by the mouth, biting down on his left hand, before Harrian finished it with [Blazeball]. Right after Harrian yelled out he found a [Magic monster]. Although not rare, the first [Magic monster] would indicate that the [Boss] would appear soon, and as expected, it did.
A massive lizard about four times the size of Harrian with human features appeared further into the cavern, and the group would start casting [Magic spells] some of them even using weapons against it. Harrian decided that he would be slowing down the massive lizard, which it worked, especially with Cordelie using [Transmute] on the string turning it into stone.
Not long after, the [Boss] and people began to loot its corpse, its hide, its teeth and even organs. Harrian and Cordelie waited, as they wanted one thing, its blood. Soon enough, Harrian used his [Infinite Item box] and sucked up all the remaining blood before sitting down as everyone was taking a break.
The expedition made a massive bowl out of the earth and filled it with monster parts before boiling it and filling it with herbs, adventurers would quickly craft a bowl and then drink the horrible tasting stew which slipped down their throats and rested.
After they sat down, Cordelie then asked Harrian a story about how he met Gold, just as she was his business partner, Harrian obliged and began to talk. Being shocked and surprised about how Gold once tried to create a harem, they decided to play some card games which Harrian had stored in his [Infinite Item Box].
They were happily playing before Rache intervened and began to talk to Harrian.
'Harrian!' Yelled Rache 'Someone is walking towards you and Cordelie, he looks strong,' Rache then pointed using one of her many legs and Harrian looked. A man with long white hair and red eyes, he was wearing black and had two people walking behind him, both women, one with red hair and the other blue.
"Don't worry Rache, it's just another womanizer that is just too cocky," Harrian replied to Rache.
'I wasn't there, but with Gold's story intrigued me, remember, he might think that you are a girl,'
"If he makes a move on either of us, I'll just stay no,"
'As you wish Harrian.' Rache silenced herself and crawled into his tophat. Harrian was now very cautious of the man, so he whispered Cordelie something in which she agreed with.
Harrian watched closely trying not to make eye contact and saw the man pass. He sighed before he stopped and looked around, staring Harrian right in the eye. There was no way to stop him, so Harrian played his final cards and waited.
The man sat down, the two of his companions watching over him. Harrian and Cordelie stopped playing and looked at him. The thing that Harrian had noticed from far away is that the man also had a nose ring and had ear studs. With a very fake cough, that man began to talk.
"Excuse me, but may I have a moment of your time?" The man said with an aggressive tone.
"Of course," Harrian replied.
"Not you numbnuts, your female friend, may I?" Harrian looked at Cordelie and nodded, seeing this, she began to respond.
"Sure, what do you want?" Cordelie replied politely.
"Are you with this man?"
"No, he and I are just teaming up for this,"
"Great, then leave this loser and come join me!" Pointing to himself with his right thumb.
"No, sorry, but I think I'll stick with who I am at the moment,"
"Hehe, no, you don't get it, Ladies," The man snapped his finger and the two girls behind him grabbed Cordelie, picked her up and restrained her movement. The man then took out a dagger which he hid in his left hand and licked it with a tongue longer than the average one of a [Human]. He began to slowly become closer toward Cordelie and resumed talking.
"You see, no one EVER says no to me, so I think you'll join my party," The man reached into a pouch and pulled out a studded collar "Now put this on like the mutt you are!"
Harrian then also noticed that the woman that was holding Cordelie was also wearing the collar, he was going to turn Cordelie into a slave. In fear, Cordelie closed her eyes and struggled, to move her neck away, and then click, the collar was put on her, and she fell motionless. The girls dropped her and moved back behind the man and he opened his mouth.
"I'll ask you again, will you join my party?" The man had the face of confidence, which Harrian did not like. Cordelie slowly lifted herself and stood, looking at the man. She then showed the man her neck pointing at a collar, which was slowly being absorbed into her neck.
The man jumped back, and so did his companions wondering what was happening, and slowly Cordelie's body began to change. Her sapphire eyes changed to red and blue, one of them slowly getting a white pupil, her hair changed to pink and a coat appeared, afterwards. Harrian was then standing in front of the man, absorbing the rest of the collar.
"Man I can't believe my [Illusion Magic] worked! [Absorb] is painful to use, thanks for agreeing with me Cordelie," Harrian looked at himself which was slowly changed to Cordelie, he had used [Illusion magic] and was now face to face with the man.
"What do you think you're doing!" The man yelled, people now showing attention "Do you know who I am! I'll report this to the king of Kilvi if I have to,"
"No, I don't know who you are, mind if you introduce yourself,"
"Hmph, fine! My name is Harrien Steve, the [Mage] of the [Heroes party]," The entire expedition fell silent, believing his claim. For a moment, people could hear the crickets chirp from outside the [Dungeon]. The silence was broken by Harrian, pointing at Harrien and begging to chuckle. He put his hand over his mouth but still, he was laughing, Harrian took off his hand and was beginning to bawl his eyes out.
It happened for about another thirty seconds before Harrian calmed down and looked at Harrien again.
"I'm sorry what?" Harrian was wiping away his tears from laughing too much.
"It's as I said, I am the [Mage] of the [Heroes Party], it says here on this scroll." Harrien reached into the same pouch and pulled out a bronze scroll which he handed to Harrian to which began to read.
[This scroll hereby declares that the [Mage] known as 'Harrian Steve' as part of the [Heroes Party] of Kilvi, he is allowed to do anything or everything that does not put the country or a major populous at risk]
[He will continually serve this country until he dies, the contractor dies or the contract ends]
Harrian looked at it and almost began to laugh out loud again. Even the king's signature was almost on point. Harrain then used [Burn Kindle] on the scroll, quickly and thoroughly, it disintegrated. Harrien looked in there shocked before he opened his mouth full of lies again.
"You idiot!" Harrien screamed, "Do you know what you've just done, you'r-"
"If it was a scroll signed by the king as it had said, then it would have fallen to [Burn affinity lvl 5], not even with [Black Magic], that was a fake and poorly made scroll I have to say, not only that but scroll signed by the king is written on a paper that never fades as well as it is written in gold ink, that and the handles would've been a pure white with its family crest being shown on the other side," Harrian explained.
"How do YOU know that? Are you saying that you are the [Mage] of the [Heroes Party]?"
"...Why yes, yes in fact I am."
The crowd that surrounded them now began to murmur, Cordelie even seeing sacs of sals were being traded across people. So she disappeared into the crowd. Before long and in vain, Harrien thought of a wondrous idea.
"How about this? The strongest out of the two of us is telling the truth, so, how about we have a duel?"
"Very well, could the people with the highest [Rock] or even [Boulder affinity] create a ring,"
"It would be preposterous to beat each other senseless, so the first one to exit the ring or loses consciousness is declared the loser,"
"I agree, now on the count of three, we can both attack,"
"Fine by me, would you count down,"
"Very well, three… two… one, [Ancient Magic:]-"
"[Bright Affinity: Blind]!" Harrian opened his left hand and a bright light filled the cave. He ran towards Harrien and sucked punching him in the stomach with his right hand, before crushing his voice box and throwing him out of the circle, into the crowd.
Harrian looked towards Harrien before turning around and walking away, but then he sensed something. He quickly turned around and used his cape as a shield to protect him from a [Burnball] which he looked at saw that it was Harrien.
"Can't you just give up! I'm the true [Mage] of the [Heroes Party]," Harrian exclaimed.
"We agreed to the best out of three, isn't that right everyone?" Harrien yelled back, looking into the audience. Harrian took notice and saw that pouches of sals were being passed around before the crowd was yelling that was what happened.
"Very well," Harrian said "But this time I'll count down. Now, three… two,"
Harrien didn't even wait for one as he was a trickster. He dashed at Harrian and used [Rock bullet] which hit him and the chest, making the [Dark Magician] go into the crowd, where he was left there.
The crowd cheered for Harrien, but Cordelie rushed to Harrians side and used [Recovery magic] on him. Harrians right eye began to hurt and very quickly he tried to swallow a pill, but instead, Harrian crushed it into dust leaving it on the floor.
Slowly, Harrian got up, with a new look in his eyes, and very slowly, he grasped his right eye and stood up. Harrien noticed and before he counted, Harrian opened his mouth.
"Let's make this more challenging for me, three versus one, you have your red and blue-haired woman fight me as well,"
"Oh, are you delusional?" I mean, do you want to-"
"Just do it, I want a challenge from a worthless nobody!" The crowd oohed, which Harrien heard and was furious again.
"Very well, Pyrrha, Aqua, come forth!" The red and blue-haired woman ran towards Harrien and stood to either side of him. With a pissed face, Harrien began to count down again. "Three… two… one!"
The trio charged, but stopped, and was shivering. They all looked at Harrian and saw that the look in his eyes wasn't just trying to prove a point, but also was showing bloodlust. A heartbeat was heard all through the trio and then Harrian began to say stuff.
"[Black Magic: String control: Sound of silence]" Hair from the three of them began to stitch their mouths shut. As they were struggling to tear their hair apart, they also noticed that the hair was also being tied together, making it harder for them to tear.
Silently, Harrian used [String Control] again, making the trio immobile and trip. Harrian then began to talk again.
"[Black Magic: Rock affinity: Rocks fuse]!" The ground around the blue-haired Aqua began to flow around her, slowly pulling her into the ground, Harrian looked towards Pyhra next and then cast another [Spell].
"[Sleep: Black Magic: Nightmare Teller]," Phyrra began to scream, even with her mouth close, it echoed throughout the cave. The people near the entrances looked down as they could hear the screams as well.
Harrian then walked right up to Harrien and made him go on his knees. He then made his right buttoned sleeve, into a string and wrap around Harrien's head. He then opened his hand, showing the spiral pattern of royalty, before Harrians hand was begging to light up with lightning.
"[Black Lightning], and [Lightning Rod]," The colour of the lightning changed from a white to a pure black, making it louder and less controlled, some of it even going loose and already burning Harriens skin.
Slowly and certainly, Harrien's head came closer and closer towards the lightning imbued hand. With the struggle, Harrien looked up to Harrian and saw it. Veins bulging from Harrians right eye were there, and its crimson colour was now glowing, if there was no light, you'd be able to see Harrians eye glowing from across the room.
After a while, Harrian grabbed onto Harrien's head and he began to show a painful struggle. The crowd moved away, and then after three minutes, he removed the hand and took two potions and a pill from his tophat, one potion was blue whilst the other was a blood-red colour.
Drinking the pill with the blue potion, Harrians eye veins calmed down before then opening the other potion and pouring it onto Harrien's face. Squatting down, Harrien pulled Harriens hair until they were eye to eye.
"If you find any IMPOSTERS of me out there, tell them what I did, letting you off lightly," He pushed Harrien's head into the ground before getting up and stepping on his body.
The crowd dispersed around Harrian and he began to walk deeper into the [Dungeon]. He looked back at the forsaken crowd, still shocked by what he just did. Cordelie came out and ran to his side.
"We were supposed to leave five minutes ago, but that person delayed it, let's go!" Harrian yelled, pointing his arm forward.
The crowd dispersed even more in fear, quickly getting their things and following Harrian. There was one thing that came out of that fight, and that was a show of when Harrian snapped.
- In Serial143 Chapters
Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?
Tyler Suesa was a normal undergraduate student, until the day he awoke beneath a bed of soil. He escapes his shallow grave, only to find he's no longer human. In fact, he's no longer alive... This is the story of Tyler's "life" as a skeleton in the fantasy world of Garea. Arc 1 (Ch.1-23): Rise of the Skeleton... Literally Arc 2 (Ch.24-64): Afterlife with the Kobolds Arc 3 (Ch.65-???): Legacy of a Lich Note: I orignally posted my story on https://calciumoxidesite.wordpress.com/. Cover art by phasmonyc. Warning: Tagged 12+ for Violence. At least one chapter will be posted every weekend. Chapters will be released in 12-15 day intervals. Make that once a month on average.
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P.A.D. World (Rebirth)
This is the story of two worlds. One is known as real and the other as virtual. But let the question be explored: What is reality to you? Synopsis: In a future of corporate rule, virtual technology and physical-derived coding have become the norm. With technology advancing at an alarming rate, the CEO of one such corporation, Shinji Takamura, discovers a code derived from the world itself. He dubs it: The Universal Code. After implementation, Takamura accesses a world that feels as real as his own. Following his death, the three largest tech companies unite to finish the ultimate virtual reality game: Puzzle and Dragons World. The closed LAN Beta Test is ready to admit the best Players of the original Puzzle and Dragons. Ray Andylon is one of these few chosen to test the new virtual game. But Ray and the other Players soon find themselves questioning the world's reality. War looms as the malicious agendas of enemy Players and monsters are revealed. And in the real world, conspiracies unfold that could threaten both worlds. Cover Art is "Puzzle and Dragons_Metatron" by shadowsinking. Check her stuff out! Seriously!DA:https://www.deviantart.com/shadowsinking Twitter:https://twitter.com/shadowsinking?lang=en This story currently has a biweekly schedule (may shift to weekly). Sometimes, I am able to get out earlier chapters. Note: This story is not a typical fanfiction. It is mainly an authentic work. This story only uses monster names/appearances, names of locations and the orb-matching strategy combat system from the app game on android/ios. The rest is original, which means prior knowledge for readers is not required. The app game has no plot, and this work also has no relation whatsoever to the anime aired starting in 2016. The goal was to create a story using these monsters, giving them personalities and purposes beyond just images and stats.
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