《The Infinite Item box IS the best thing someone can have on an adventure》Chapter 12 - Dark Gift
“Follow me Harrian,” The third princess demanded.
Due to Enar being recognized as a [Hero], the king has decided to train our group for six weeks, each person went to someone who specializes in their style of battle, for magic, Harrian was going to train with the third princess.
“Um, excuse me your majesty, but since you will be changing me for two week’s, what should I call you?” Harri asked.
“Call me Tifian,” She replied. “But still, it’s rare for royalty to appear out of nowhere, especially with one of this country’s greatest weapons,”
“Is that my eye you looked at?”
“Yes, every time your eye has appeared, the world began a new age,”
“So are you saying I am the messiah of some sort?”
“No, no, I am saying that your magical eye is quite powerful,”
Tifian then entered a room through with black doors, and Harri followed soon behind her. The room had no windows, and the light’s emitted from domes throughout the room. Through closer inspection, Harri realized that they were small habitats varying in shape and form.
“Your collection of habitats is quite astonishing, I have to say,”
“Thank you, Harrian, you are quite perspective, as of I with this scythe, [Chaos Collum] is its name if I believe so,”
Harrian quickly got his scythe off his back, Dropley and Rache were also on guard, or so Harrian thought. He felt a finger on his right shoulder, where Dropley was when he looked there, the slime was gone. Quickly, Harrian looked to his left and noticed Rache had also disappeared.
“You’d think I didn’t do my research Harrian, I know that your old planet got destroyed,” The voice of Tifian bellowed throughout the poorly lit room. “Yes, you might’ve thought that I was born and raised, but let me tell you Harrian, I am also a beta tester, like that woman you met at the bar,”
Harri slowly let down his guard, but that was a horrible mistake. A force of air pushed him onto a chair, the chair then grew cuffs for his arm and feet, negating his escape. The princess then appeared in front of him, now dressed in all black, still with her face covered, it was like a funeral service. Harrian struggled more, as his fear of being alone with her began to almost make him faint.
Tifian then took off her facial veil to reveal her face, the right side showed white hair and red eyes, with pale skin, whilst the other side showed something different. A mask, covering the left side of her face. Its colour pallet was just black with a little eyehole allowing a concentrated amount of blue to be shown through it.
“An ancient treasure left by our ancestors, [Chaos Row], also called the item that makes peace,” Tifian said.
“That sounds a lot like my-” Harrian calmed down but was cut off.
“[Chaos Collum], yes I know, in fact, [Chaos Row] made it so it’s counterpart didn’t attack rampantly,”
“So? Can you just put on some safety settings?”
“No Harrian, you see, I wanted you to listen to some stuff, a monologue if you would,"
“It’s not like I'm going anywhere, so I'm all ears,”
“That’s great to hear,”
With a movement of her finger, Tifian then added another wooden cuff, this time to chain Harri’s mouth.
“When I met with ‘the creator’ for the first and only time was when I got transported to this world, he told me a prophecy, that a group of five, one with a counterpart of something I would get here, I knew you were the one when I saw your ability [Rebound], unique to that scythe you own,”
Harri thought for a moment, that ‘The Creator’ planned this all along.
“He gave me an aptitude for magic, one that only appears twice every one hundred years, the other one being you, of course,” Tifian chuckled. “Anyway, I enrolled in a magician's academy, becoming an honour student graduating the top of my class at age eleven, but soon after I found it, [Chaos Row], I put it on and got another ability which I will tell you about soon,”
Harri started to fear Tifian’s story, she began to sound like she could kill him in one breath.
“The mask couldn’t come off, so I wore my iconic drapes around my head, and if I was ever betrothed, I would kill my fiance myself, without anyone blinking an eye. All for that just waiting for you, Harrian, my true love. Usually, royalty commands one division of the army, but for me, I got two, the magical and the assassination division,”
Tifian then snapped her fingers and Harrian was unshackled. Twisting his hands, Harri started to ask questions.
“This, [Eye of elements] and a [Reincarnation Eye’s], what are they?” Harri asked Tifian.
“The [Reincarnation Eye’s] are simple, when the current host dies, it finds a new host among its species, but the weird thing about your eye is that it was… stolen by the demon race long ago,”
“I don’t know when I got this eye, but it’s pretty much a useless ability at this point,”
“Do you have any idea when you could’ve gotten the [Eye of elements]?”
“Actually yes, we were leaving the Kethral Boss room and I saw a red sparkle in the corner of my eye, but when I looked at the sparkle again, it was gone, I did feel something change in my eye again,”
“So the [Eye of elements] was stored using a magic stone, telling us why the demons didn’t use it during the wars,”
“Hang on, wars?”
“A millennia ago, it’s where this continent is split into five countries, between the [Nature bound], [Sea bound], [Earthbound], the demons and the humans,”
“Also, when you saved me from your father, you said that there were two [Reincarnation eyes], so where is the other one,”
“Well, you see Harrian is that-”
Harrian was then lifted in the air before being placed down hard on a stone operating table, again being strapped down to another piece of furniture. Tifian then appeared overlooking Harri, with that blue colour glowing even more brightly than before.
“I have the other [Reincarnation Eye] Harrian, the [Eye of gain], that was the ability I was about to tell you about,” Tifian then opened her hand and Harri gained a feeling like he was being ripped vertically in half, but he couldn’t scream.
“The [Eye of gain], it’s not meant for battle, but something else. It allows someone to gain a rare ability that feeds off their true desire at the time, although it takes a lot of time and the person might die during the process,”
Harrian started to squirm.
“The person also has to tell me their true desire, so tell me, what’s your true desire Harrian?”
Harrian couldn’t think, he could die trying to get this unknown ability, but whilst he was thinking something, his right eye started to act up and started to cause him pain. Harri started to squirm with pain, whilst his eye changed.
Veins started to pulse throughout his right side of his eye, and his vision started to become blurry. Harrian’s right pupil started to dilate quite fast before turning completely white, whilst his sclera (the white of the eye) started to turn black. The rest of his eye started to completely spasm, even rolling to the back of his eye whilst his iris turned into an even brighter crimson. After that, Harrians calmed down and his lips started to twitch, not before long, he spoke.
“ðýâ²˂²˂á²áȕ˫ýçð²˂á²˽ˋ²˽˂Ȍˋ²ȕý²˂ãƣþƣȕȜ²˂ç²˽ˋ²ð˫˂çȕ , Tifian,” Harri spoke slowly.
“As you wish, my true love,” Tifian replied before starting.
Tifian started to move her hands, making Harri’s body levitate and start to split in half. Next thing is that layers of his body were cut again and removed, starting with the skin and the muscle. Tifian then got a syringe and started to inject some fluid in certain spots, it started to make Harrian spasm again. Tifian then started to pour some sort of dark purple liquid on Harrian’s skin, muscle and the rest of his body.
She then extracted his blood vessels, organs, and disassembled his skeleton, all Harrian was now was just sentient pieces of matter, but it didn’t stop. Tifian then disassembled everything again, everything down to the marrow in his bones, she then poured that dark purple liquid again before chanting some sort of spell.
“²ȟý˫þâɋ²ȕ˷ƣá²ƣç²âˋáƣ˫ˋá²ȕ˫üˋ²˷ƣá²˂ˆ˷ƣˋȞˋ²ˆ˂ç²˷ˋ²ȕ˷˂ȕ²áý²âˋáƣ˫ˋá²˷ˋ²ȟ˷ƣˆ˷²ƣç²˂ãƣþƣȕȜ²˂ç²˷ƣ˽²ð˫˂çȕ²˽˂ðƣˆɋ²˂çâ²˽ƣçâ²ãýâȜ²˽˂ç¾á²ȕ˷ƣá²áȕ˫ˋçðȕ˷ˋç²ȕý²ȟƣȕ˷²ãƣ˫ȕ˷ˋâ²ȟ˂á²ƣ²ȟ˷ƣˆ˷²ƣç²öýȟˋ˫²ȕ˷ˋ²˽ˋ²ð˫˂çȕ²˽˂ðƣˆɋ²˂çˆƣˋçȕ²˂çⲈˋþˋáȕƣ˂þ²ýˍ²ðýâ¾á²ð˫ˋ˂ȕ²ý˷” Tifian chattered.
After that, Harrian blacked out. When he was able to move his body whilst unconscious, he opened his eyes to see that he was sitting on a white chair, next to a white table in a white room.
“Glad to see that you didn’t die, Harrian,” Someone said to the left of him.
Harrian looked to his left and noticed it, ‘the Creator’ was having some tea, on the other side of the table.
“Care for some tea?” ‘The Creator’ asked Harrian.
“Yes please, after what I've been through,” He replied.
“Don’t worry, you’re not dead I'm here to tell you something,” ‘the Creator’ said whilst passing a teacup to Harrian.
“I’m just checking with my most powerful chosen one,”
“No-no, Enar is the hero you chose, so you’re incorrect,” Harrian began to drink his tea.
“No-no Harrian, although Enar does have that extreme stat boost, it’s nothing compared to your abilities,”
“Did you make it so I got the [Eye of elements]?”
“No, that was part of the demon race’s decision to give it to you, I did make you choose [Chaos Column] though,”
“Anyway, why did you summon me here?”
“Of course, I'm telling you about your future,”
“Why? I want to figure it out by myself,”
“Let me finish, you will go down in history, for being the shadow of the hero’s party, as well as doing something remarkable, but another thing will change the course of the history of this world forever, not for the greater good,”
“So, maybe my true desire is to master magic, or perhaps do something unique,”
“It’s higher than that Harrian, but I won’t spoil your future anymore, but I will now bid you farewell for now,” ‘the Creator’ then held out his hand.
“I agree with you, farewell,”
Harri shook ‘the Creator’s’ hand and blacked out again, this time showing a status board.
[You have gained the following abilities after undergoing the [Eye of Gain] trial]
[Black magic lvl 1 - All magic]
[Ancient Magic lvl 1 - All magic]
*Error redirecting*
[Celestial Magic lvl 1 - All magic]
[Do you wish to accept these abilities?]
[Yes] [No]
Harrian then woke up on the stone operating table, completely naked. He got up and equipped new clothes from his [Infinite Item Box] before Tifian noticed.
Next thing Harrian did was use the move [Fireball] before saying things to it.
“[Activate], [Black Magic],” He said.
Suddenly, the fireball doubled in size and turned into a black flame. He then threw it at one of the lit-up Habitats, hoping for a result. The habitat exploded causing catastrophe around it. Tifian then walked up to him and put her right hand on his chest.
“This power, it’s magnificent, but it’s enough for today, get a good’s night rest Harrian, your animals are at the entrance of the room,” Tifian said before walking away.
“Understood, my lady, Tifian”
Harrian just collapsed on the floor, overwhelmed by the power he just gained, but surrounding the castle, a pillar was watching. A suit of armour was resting on a house roof, half-conscious, but could still kill, she went on guard when something or someone appeared in front of her.
“I can see that Androma angered my lord,” Said the mysterious man.
“It’s you, the 71st pillar, Danta,”
“You could immediately tell, even by not looking at me, and here I was using [Illusion Magic]”
A click came out of the figure whilst it dispersed revealing what was in it. An old hunched man with the face of a young boy appeared with a walking cane in his left hand with a grimoire in his right, the book was thick and full of symbolic runes that were the colour of blood.
“Has it happened yet?” Danta asked Adromane.
“Even more, his eye has been awakened, but it will take a while for him to control it, but he survived the [Eye of Gain],” She replied.
“What ability did he get?”
“He only used it once, but it was a cursed spell, perfect for someone in a hero’s party,”
“Any idea which one?”
“I think I might be [Black Magic],”
Danta’s face morphed into a young man with black hair and eyes, his body grew taller as well as his coat, his walking cane also turned into a black magic staff with a red rock on top.
“Does that mean?-”
“Yes, he can become that of which my lord wanted,”
“Sorry for my reaction Adromane, but shall I also keep guard,”
“If my lord orders it, I possess nothing against it,”
“Very well, I'll see what this city has to offer,”
And as fast as he appeared, Danta was gone, leaving Andromane alone again. She looked up to the full moon and stood up, disappearing into the night as well.
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