《Aurora's Sky》chapter 8 : Aurora (8)


Dr. Estinger and M1 were not seated in the lounge. Dr. Estinger was leisurely drinking some tea while M1 was glaring at the Dr. They had to sit in seats that were too small for them so it looked almost like two adults playing with a kid's tea set.

Dr. Estinger had to have his tea or else he would be completely in panic at the situation at hand. He had completely fell out with the Union now. There was no way that there would be a sliver of chance of redeeming himself because of the cooperation between him and M1.

*Approximately 1 min. till arrival*

It was almost completely silent with only the occasional Tek confirmations and the sipping of tea. Dr. Estinger suddenly broke the mug he was drinking his tea from because of his strength that he was not accustomed to as of yet.

They both looked at the spilt tea and the shards of glass in silence until M1 started a conversation.

"I have way too many questions for you human but I'll be sure to ring them out of you after we do this heist of yours."

"Please monster, I have a name and you should know well about my name, seeing as i'm your kinds creator."

M1's eyes twitched for a brief moment.

"Dr. Estinger, humans aren't the only ones with names. My name is M1."

"Lovely name, M1"

M1's eyes twitched once again.

"If our goals weren't aligned I would be bashing your head in."

"Good to know."

M1's eyes twitched again as he watched Dr. Estinger break another mug of tea.

*30 seconds till arrival*

"Well all you have to do is follow me and protect me, the plan is all thought out in my mind so you'll just play follow the leader."

M1's eyes no longer twitched, as if they had gotten tired of the cycle.

"Human you..."

*10 seconds till arrival*

"Well, well anyhow whatever you were gonna say was probably going to be irrelevant anyways. Pick up a few weapons and prepare yourself for infiltrationi into the Institute."


M1 sighed and grabbed a rifle, few slugs, and explosives. Dr. Estinger followed suit and also held onto the capsule.

*We have arrived at the Institute of Technology*

"Time to go to work. Never thought i'll return like this to my workplace."

"Tek fly around and return here 45 min. from now"

M1 just quietly followed behind and observed the area with his eyes.

"Quickly human I can see the military speeding towards here and I hear movement inside."

"Phew you really live up to your names as the ultimate soldiers. Alright lets go."

Estinger walked up to the enormous door and they automatically slid open for him.

*Hello and welcome back, Dr. Estinger*

They sprinted towards the elevators. Suddenly from both hallways to the left and right began pouring soldiers and robots. The sentry robots only shot at M1 as they could only detect M1 as an enemy at the moment. The soldiers had long upgraded from using restraining slugs and their orders were changed to shoot and kill. They started firing heavy duty weaponry towards them, attempting to block them from getting to the elevator. M1 barreled forward and tanked the weaponry straight on.

The soldiers widened their eyes and changed their focus from Dr. Estinger to M1. M1 picked up his gun and shot at the soldiers meanwhile crushing the sentry robots in his bare hands. Dr. Estinger could do nothing except "shoot" at the enemies. Dr. Estinger couldn't really aim correctly as he had never fought and wasn't use to his body at all still.

M1 fought as an one-man army and repeatedly tanked all the shots and crushing the sentry robots with his hands. They moved forward at a very fast pace and appeared to be unstoppable. The soldiers began retreating in panic seeing as how even their heavy weaponry wasn't dealing much damage the Relisvantian monster. Sentries continued pouring out as the soldiers backed off. M1 brushed off the sentries easily and they entered the elevator.


"Bring... me... to... Aurora's chambers," said Dr. Estinger as he tried to catch his breath

Suddenly a light shined onto Dr. Estinger.

*Voice verified. Cornea verified. Chip verified. Key card confirmed. Body scan... complete. Dr. Estinger please state the code for the room.*

"Blue and Green."

Physical pain could be seen on Dr. Estinger's face as he held the capsule tighter to his chest. M1 only gave him a questioning look and did not ask much.

*Permission granted. Dr. Estinger please continue your hard work towards the advancement of humanity*

Dr. Estinger and M1 quickly arrived into the laboratory and they saw a gigantic room that even M1 felt small in. In the middle of the room was a gigantic ball with thousands of lights. Each light was flashing green to indicate that there were no problems with the A.I. Dr. Estinger walked up to the platform that led to the gigantic ball and began rapidly tapping away. M1 couldn't understand what Dr. Estinger was doing so he turned around and watched the hallway that led to the elevator.

Suddenly, the doors opened and out came more enemies. Soldiers stood behind the sentries and charged down the hallway. M1 took out a few restraining slugs and fired them at the walls. The slugs quickly expanded and made a wall to temporarily block them in.


Dr. Estinger was already madly perspiring profusely as he tried to type faster. The center of the ball then suddenly ejected a small chip that was brought down by a mechanical arm. All the lights on the ball began flashing then turned into an ominous red.


Dr. Estinger pumped his fist and put the chip into the capsule that Aurora lied in. He then started running towards a wall like a madman and punched the wall. The wall suddenly caved in wards and revealed a couple escape capsules that ejected you from the bottom most floor of the institute to the surface for emergencies.

At this moment the soldiers broke the restraining slug wall and charged in. M1 started throwing explosives and retreated further. M1 turned around and saw that Dr. Estinger had already climbed into an escape capsule that was hidden along the wall. Dr. Estinger looked at M1 and stuck his thumbs up as he mouthed the words good luck.

"YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

M1 sprinted towards the capsules rapidly as he fired back at the approaching army. M1 suddenly jerked his body to the right and dodged an electric rail gun shot. However he didn't fully dodge it as it completely tore through all of his scale armor and muscles on his shoulder. He threw himself into the capsule and threw out one last explosive. The capsule shot up as the explosions wrecked all the other escape capsules.

The soldiers have to give up their chase and tell the soldiers on the surface to immediately begin a search of the perimeter. Dr. Estinger was already on the surface and Tek had just arrived at exactly 45 min., just as he had calculated. He ran towards the ship and was about to enter it when M1 was ejected from the ground. M1 looked at Dr. Estinger with anger and began sprinting at max speed. M1 then did a long jump, very similar to the jump of a past olympian event. M1's body physique was so monstrous that one jump could easily cover a distance of 100 ft in a second. He landed behind a paniced Dr. Estinger, grabbed him, and then threw him in.

Tek began lifting off and went at maximum speed to break orbit and launch into space.

Dr. Estinger gave a wry smile towards the enraged M1.

"How about a cup of tea?"

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