《Revan Between Worlds》Tatooine
Instead of walking he took the lift and hoped to stop Anakin before talking to the Chancellor. He felt that something was very off with his relationship. As he walked by the meal hall, he glanced inside catching a glimpse of the very padawan as he was grabbing something to go. As he got close to him, he noticed he drained one cup of stimcaf before filling and draining a second.
"You know in the time it will take that stimcaf to work you could have just meditated and used the Force to wake you up."
"Master Surik, I could but I don't have time." He took a large bite of the sandwich he had made.
"Or have you not learned how yet?" Revan walked with Anakin as he moved out of the meal hall as he ate.
"I do know, but I told you I have problems meditating."
"Yes you said the Force is too loud. This makes it even more important to meditate. Sometimes even the Force is too loud for me, but when I meditate it realizes I want to listen and gets quiet." Revan looked to see that what he said was sinking in. The boy looked really tired.
"Look I have to get going and convince the Chancellor that Padme, I mean the Senator needs to heed the council's ruling."
"I'll come with, as I want to know how you know the chancellor. Plus, I see that you are not sleeping."
"Chancellor Palpatine is from Naboo as well. He has become a father figure for me over the years. He has taught me a lot. As far as me not sleeping it is because I am having dreams about my mother. I left her on Tatooine and I have not seen her since. Maybe I am dreaming about her since I met Padme again." Revan took this in and then he felt his anger rise as what he was not saying. He needed to know more so he just asked.
"Is your mother still a slave?" A deep sadness and a hint of buried anger radiated from the boy to make him concerned. This was not a good thing if something happened to his mother and he could feel it. Something was telling him he needed to find her for Anakin.
"I don't know. I can't even send her a letter." That made up his mind. This boy still had his attachment and until he learned to let go of the ones, he loved he would be vulnerable. Revan was not sure why he wanted to help as he had his investigation, but the Force was suddenly screaming through the dark side with glee. Yes, the dark side wanted this boy to fall.
"Here write down how I can find your mother, but I will need a ship." Anakin grabbed his datapad and his fingers flew over the touch screen.
"I have just the ship for you. Been working on it and the embedded droid too. I hope you can fly a fighter and oh come on." Anakin nearly ran from there telling him everything he wanted Revan to tell his mother. As he rushed into his room and then back out he handed him a credit stick he was to give to his mother. With that Revan went to requisitions and asked for his stipend and an allowance for his investigation. Getting several thousand dataries and told to account for every penny. He didn't even have to mind trick the young clerk. He went back to the meal hall ate his fill before retrieving the newer lightsabers he had built to replace the two that were taken. He liked these much better as they slid into the hidden slots without issue.
An hour later he climbed into this blue and white Delta 7 fighter. It had different weapons and what looked like future engine replacements behind it. As he walked around the fighter the droid came alive and showered him with questions that he did not feel like answering. It was not until he climbs up the side that the droid did not shut up only to then start to scream.
"Oh, be quiet. Anakin said you were a motor mouth." Revan tapped a code on his data pad and the canopy opened. Getting in the fighter was a shock and a surprise as the controls had not changed in thousands of years. As his hands flew over the different controls firing up the repulsorlift he was shocked that there were really no changes in the quality of fighter technology. As the ship rose in the air, he pointed it to the exit door.
"Okay droid, Arthree. Anakin wants us to find his maker or mother in this case. Ready to go to Tatooine?" The droid beeped and the display wrote out its response.
"Anything for my master."
"Good can you open the hanger door?" The droid didn't make a sound but the door opened and a flight path to the nearest hyperring appeared so Revan followed it. Not a single peep came over the comlink and Revan did not mind at all. As the ship linked into the ring, he felt a bit freer. He took one look at Coruscant before Arthree finished the hyperspace calculation and Revan saw nothing but the dark side shadowing the planet. The instant the ring's power engaged he felt as if a weight lifted off his body. It was a feeling that he had not experienced before to such an extent. He had felt it when he faced the emperor, but this was not directed by any one being. This felt like the result of thousands if not millions.
It was also a good thought to contemplate as being stuck inside a small fighter for the trip to Tatooine. He had spent some time on Tatooine in his first trip there. His mind bringing forth the location of the one-star map. He wondered if he should again seek out the Star Forge. For all he knew it was long destroyed. Then again if he remembered correctly the station was self-repairing in some form. This also brought back his words and thoughts that he left on that flawed holocron. Yes, if for nothing else he needed to go back to the Temple of the Ancients and retrieve the holocron or build a new one. He thought back as his words came to him.
'True power can come only to those who embrace the transformation as there can be no compromise. Mercy, compassion, loyalty, will prevent you from claiming what is rightfully yours. Those who follow the dark side must cast aside these conceits. Those who do not will fail by their own weakness. Those who accept the power of the dark side must also accept the challenge of holding on to it. By its very nature the dark side invites rivalry and strife. This is the greatest strength of the Sith, it culls the weak from our order. However, this rivalry can also be our greatest weakness. The strong must be careful or they will be overwhelmed by the ambitions of those working beneath them in concert. It is inevitable due to our social instincts. That is why each Master must have only one student.'
He had been very right at the time, but where his other words lead to the inevitable destruction of the master as he with holds knowledge to forestall this end. No, the dark side was no more the solution than the light side had been. Both sought power and only their goals differed as one worked to protect and the other to dominate. Revan in his choice had to push aside his morality to win a war that could afford no compassion. His enemy valued only strength over another and he had met them equally with force. After seeing the true Sith for what they truly were he knew that the Jedi were nowhere near the strength to face such an unstoppable force. A force that only desired consumption.
Revan then found the Star Forge and learned to destroy at the same time he protected. A lesson that Malak never learned from what little history survived from his time. He attacked the Republic the Jedi and meant to turn them all into an empire that would meet this unstoppable force with an unmovable object. He was not sure what had happened after he was beaten, but he knew that the True Sith had been stopped. Something happened to remove this lust to consume the galaxy from the True Sith. Was it Nihilus that had nearly killed the remaining Jedi that redirected the Sith? Could it have been his brother's actions or Meetra's? Did anything he do back then really matter? Could it have stopped the endless war for the last 4000 years or started an even more devastating time.
The hours went by and he was no longer at solution to how the Force had brought him here. He did not even know why the Council had even been so willing to let him be with such a story that lacked information. Then again, he could not claim to be Revan now, could he? Then he wondered had the Sith taken his thoughts literally. That would explain the complete lack of finding this Sith Lord. If there was only two instead of just a dark lord over every other Sith then that was an extreme that was strong, but flawed as all it would take is for the master to die before the apprentice is strong enough to learn on their own. They were not looking for a group of Sith and thought they ignored this former master Revan did not. His speeches were filled with his hunger for power. That was for sure.
Looking at the timer he stopped his thoughts to review where he would be landing. Mos Espa was a very large town probably the largest city on the planet. The junk trader that had owned Anakin and possibly still owns Shmi lived on the out skirts of the city. Most likely giving Jawas access to his yard to trade with him. The light changed just before he came out of hyperspace to stop nearly on top of the planet. This was either lucky or that hyperspace calculation was much more precise. Once he disconnected from the hyperring he flew straight down to Mos Espa without a single contact. As the fighter's holocom linked up with the local network he was able to find a landing spot right next to Watto's shop.
The heat hit as the ship started to power down and the canopy opened. Several of the locals were yelling at him for nearly landing on top of them. He tapped their minds with a hint of urgency at the same time he made adjustments with the Force to handle the heat. Everyone in sight suddenly had the urge to be somewhere else as Revan walked into the shop. It was only a bit cooler inside. He could feel only one life force inside as his eyes quickly adjusted to see nothing but junk filling the shelves and counters. A fluttering drew him to look at the small Toydarian that felt frustration as he worked on some part.
"If ya need something outlander I am not selling to the likes of you."
"Perhaps I came to collect on a debt." Watto's eye narrowed at this stranger.
"Never saw you before, so I know I don't owe you no money."
"I am looking for a slave you own. Shmi Skywalker?"
"Sold her long time ago."
"To who?"
"Don't remember, don't care." The snap hiss of a lightsaber igniting made the old Toydarian take flight.
"It may have sounded like a question, but it was a directive."
"I die you get nothing. Now with a bit of coin..." Revan smiled as he grabbed the alien with the Force and pull him close.
"Greed is not your only language, but I have many and I find pain works much better." To anyone who came close to the shop instantly turned and went the other way as several screams could be heard through the open doorway. It lasted for several minutes until the street outside made the city look abandoned. Revan came out a few minutes later. He maybe a former Sith Lord, but he had softened a bit. The damage he inflicted was healed and he even healed the Toydarian's old leg injury. Leaving the former slaver alive was a kindness he was not often known for. A minute later he was heading to Anchorhead. There he refueled the fighter and flew out to the Lars homestead just as a few speeders joined another group. About thirty in all with them looking up as he landed the fighter. Most showed angry faces and a few fearful. Only a few felt curious in the Force as the canopy opened.
"Are you lost outlander?" One member of the group asked. A man that rolled with anger fear and sorrow moved away from the group with a long blaster in his hands. There was a threat that he could train it on him in a blink of an eye so strong was the sense of murderous justice running through him.
"I am here to talk to Cliegg and Shmi Lars. I have a message from her son, Anakin."
"Are you a Jedi?"
"I am Master Rey Van Surik, do you need my assistance?"
"The Sand People raided the area and took one of our family. We want her back." Something felt wrong, and he felt they did not want his help.
"I am not here to help you. Only to talk to Shmi and give her Anakin's letters."
"If you want to talk to her then you have to help us find her first." That was what was wrong and he now had no choice but to get involved.
"Very well, but you will follow my orders. I have experience dealing with Sand people so first you all must completely cover all skin. Any visible skin is considered taboo worthy of death."
"We don't want to talk to them animals. We are going to kill them!" Revan felt that most of them thought this way and the Force warned him that they were all going to die but for a few of them.
"Will covering up really help?"
"It will. Are you Cliegg?"
"I am." A protocol droid came out of the homestead with a large container of water.
Then we will go free her. The rest of you can go home."
"Go home? A Tusken raiding party is not two or three or those vermin."
"More like twenty at a time!" Another yelled from the back.
"The Force is with me and I don't think I can carry more than one of you on the fighter." I took a hold of the container and moved it to the fighter with the Force. I opened the storage area of the ship and put it inside. Many of them backed away, but only about half. Revan pulled on the Force and let a disturbance form before letting it go as it tore up the dirt for over a hundred meters.
"I said just Cliegg and I." It was not hard to rig up a seat for one of us on the outside of the ship. We took off near dusk as one of the two suns were dipping below the horizon. The Force told Revan enough to fly directly to where Shmi was being held. Many voices screamed on Tatooine. Some in anger, some in pain, some in fear. However, Shmi did not scream with her voice, but with the Force. As we landed the blaster fire started and Revan had to jump the sixty or so meters to the desert floor reflecting the bolts and blocking the bullets. Once the fighter landed the sand people paused just long enough for Revan to scream out his challenge to their chief. This stopped their possible renewal of attack and the screams Shmi let out stopped as well as a Tusken came out of a large tent that most likely held her.
Revan pulled the water container out of the ship and set it down in front of the chief. Revan looked them all over feeling them in the Force knowing that he would have no trouble killing them all. A fate he felt he was somehow sparing them.
"Water for woman." The twenty-liter container was worth its weight in gold out in this desert. One female came forward and tested the water before talking to her chief. He signaled and another went and pulled out Shmi from the tent. They brought her closer, but did not release her.
"More worth she." Revan reached through the Force and one by one linked all the natives together.
"Go get your wife." Some of the Tusken lifted their Gaffi sticks, but a mental attack you cannot block. Cliegg jerked in fear as they all suddenly began to scream which spurred him on to gather his wife who had collapsed to the ground. He picked her up and carried her all the way back to the ship as Revan maintained control of the Tuskens with the Force.
"Arthree return to the homestead of Cliegg Lars. I will follow behind you." The droid beeped and whistled his confusion, but complied as Cliegg set Shmi inside the cockpit and fastened himself to his make shift seat.
"Are you sure?"
"The Force will sustain me."
"Okay droid take us home." The droid let out a sad sound as the ship lifted off. Once it was out of sight Revan looked back at the chief.
"You will now tell me who all decided to take that woman."
- In Serial11 Chapters
Fenn Farrow longs for adventure, but sneaking away from home in the back of a tinker's wagon may not have been the best way to go about it. She awakens, disoriented and confused, in a land she's never heard of, with no recollection of how she got there. And as Fenn soon discovers, the City of Yarde, home of the Duke and his prize turnip, is on high alert. The Beast is afoot. And it's devouring everything it can get its claws on. The townsfolk are terrified. No one knows what--or who--will be next. Dreams of adventure forgotten, all Fenn wants now is to get home to the quiet forest town of Wynne. But she has got no idea where home is. And the longer she spends in Yarde, the more the gnawing fear grows that her presence and that of the frightful Beast are somehow tied together. She's not the only one that suspects. Lost and alone, with no friends to speak of and danger round lurking round every corner, can Fenn find her way before disaster strikes again? ...Or will she too wind up at the bottom of the belly of the Beast?
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Begin the End
The legend of Alexander Wren, was a tale passed down through generations. Telling of a hero's quest to pull his love back from the gate of death. The story told is always a happy one.The hero slays the beast, saves the girl, lives happily ever after. However this is merely a folk tale, a story told to children. The truth is much more sinister This is the true story of Alexander Wren, the beginning of the end.The very thing that led us here, to the day the mortals die.
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2450 - Age of Corporations
Cover: https://i.imgur.com/GhGrA2d.png - 400 Years into the future -Humans have ventured beyond the confines of Planet Earth, spreading across the Milky Way Galaxy.Governments and archaic societal structures have all collapsed, and unrestrained capitalism has found firm footing in human civilisation. In this dog-eat-dog society, where value of human life can be assigned a monetary value, we follow our protagonists:- a group of unassuming orphans with a dark secret,- a bastard scion of a massive multi-system corporation,- and a 'garage start-up' comprising of optimistic and starry-eyed inventors setting out in the unforgiving free-market,in their adventures and exploits across the galaxy! AUTHOR'S NOTE:Hi guys! This novel is just a pet project of mine, to exercise my imagination and vocabulary. The regularity of uploads will depend on how well this catches on (but nonetheless, expect at least 1-2 ch/wk).I proofread my own work before uploading it, so there may be grammatical errors or misused vocabulary. Please let me know in the comments and I'll fix it. I found inspiration for this novel from various sources (Cyberpunk 2077, The Mech Touch, etc.) so in some places you may find some similarities. Please note that it is just an inspiration and I'm not trying to blatantly copy those works. While I do have a general plot line in mind, the various volumes (or arcs) will be quite fluid and susceptible to influence from reader suggestions. This is so that my creativity doesn't stagnate. I hope you guys like my work. If not, please leave reviews! I appreciate any and all constructive criticism, and opportunities to improve myself. Scribblehub: Scribblehub_AoCWebnovel: Webnovel_AoC
8 203 - In Serial10 Chapters
Path of the Vicious
Another world, one in which swords and magic rule. A world filled with demons and dragons, beautiful princesses, and noble intrigue. A world with boundless excitement, love, and potential. A place where anyone can be a hero. These are the fantasy worlds that Daniel has always dreamed of. A world in which he, the chosen hero, will obtain unparalleled strength, be good at everything he tries, and be beloved by countless women. When his wish of being transported to another world is finally granted, Daniel is overwhelmed with joy. When he really shouldn't be. Graphic content warning: This work contains mature themes such as gore, violence, sexual assault, suicide, and more. This is a rewrite of my first attempt at a novel, "Just another Isekai." I will try to upload once a week but school takes priority. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
8 78 - In Serial105 Chapters
Y'all loved the first one, the hits keep coming! All your HXH boys in absurd situations. Warning: I don't do boring! Enjoy!
8 155 - In Serial189 Chapters
[1.1] Highly Antisocial ✓ | MARAUDERS INSTAGRAM AU
Let's face it, if the Marauders had Instagram Sirius would be the king, James and Lily would flirt in the comments and Peter would have no clue how to tag. Highly clichéd but clichés are there for a reason.1975 ↣ 1978[INSTAGRAM AU][HIGHEST RANK - #96 IN FANFICTION]
8 273