《Revan Between Worlds》The Council and the Senate
Obi Wan had been looking all over for Anakin. He had called his comlink several times and left several messages and even had gone to several of his friends and still no luck. It was only after he went to Cin Drallig and used the Temple security net did he find his padawan. As he entered the salle he expected one of his epic kata sessions, but he then saw his padawan and this wanderer meditating in the middle of the salle. If it was not for the dozen or so training lightsabers flying around he would be impressed on how calm his padawan was for once. The flying lightsabers was a very rarely used technique and from what he could tell one was using nine sabers against the other three.
Over five minutes go by and it is clear that much more is going on then just a fight between sabers. He sees that every saber is using a different form. A flurry of blades and the three lightsabers is reduced to only one, and several seconds later the last one falls as well. He expected them to open their eyes, but he waited as another five minutes went by. Obi Wan drew in the breath to interrupt them by clearing his throat loudly when Anakin laughed.
"Master Kenobi you have got to try this." He takes in Anakin's excited face that had replaced the calm concentration now that he was no longer focusing on holding all the blades in the air. Master Surik was as calm as he always seemed as long as he knew you were watching. Though Obi Wan had caught him several times looking sad as if he was missing someone.
"Anakin what you find easy is something that many Jedi takes years to master. I also do not think you should be teaching him that form."
"And what have you been teaching him? I just spent the last four hours going over every form and having to correct half of what he has learned. What I was just showing him was how the different forms work together. He needs to be shown his full potential and mastery of the Force. Stop holding him back because of some misguided adherence to tradition."
"I know you mean well, but I am his master and I will determine when he is ready to learn something and not before." Revan tossed a training lightsaber at Obi Wan and he attacked as soon as he caught it. Revan had not fought Obi Wan yet, but in seconds he knew this was a Soresu practitioner. Good a test of endurance then. Drawing on the Force he countered Kenobi's every defense with a strike and counter strike.
Kenobi was instantly thrown off guard and had to scramble to maintain even the basics of defense. Surik was relentless and his forms rapidly jumped from one form to the next sticking with one for several moves or minutes before switching to another. Some moves were so random that he had to draw in the Force to keep up with the lightning fast strikes that stung his hands with the strength this man could apply. He pushed Obi Wan all around the room like a tooka chasing a meal. Obi Wan was sweating in minutes and after an hour he realized he was not as fit or prepared as he thought he had trained to be. His mastery of Form III had been challenged and he came up wanting as he was driven into a corner and tapped six times once in each of his limbs his neck and groin.
"I rest my case." Obi Wan was panting as he watched Surik walk calmly away barely breathing harder than he had when he started. He had heard the man was a power house who pummeled Cin Drallig and Mace Windu daily after he worked through the other duelists in the order. This was not how he wanted to face him for the first time.
"The simple reason is that you do not train to kill. If you faced a Sith then he would kill you." This made Kenobi nearly allow his anger to get the better of his tongue. He thought it better to ask a question instead.
"And you have?"
"I..." Kenobi watched the changes flashed over the man's face which rarely showed any emotion. Then he felt a build up of the dark side that made his eyes widen in shock before it switched to feeling light. It was then that they locked eyes with each other and Kenobi understood. He may not know, but he understood that this man had seen things that few Jedi had. The biggest wonder was how did he know?
It was only the first time that he found his padawan learning something from this master. In just a matter of a week Anakin seemed to settle down and was not so easily angered. He was calmer and surprised him by finally meditating instead of fidgeting the entire time. Their time sparing together, Anakin was unstoppable, but Obi Wan had upped his game as he was also sparring with Surik right next to Windu, Drallig and Yoda at times. How this unknown master could fend off all four of them with ease was a puzzle that he would eventually find out. The man seemed to have boundless energy. Many different Jedi went to him and he was at times other then in the dinning hall unreachable.
Revan felt it even before Anakin came in the dining hall to get breakfast. The calm he had gained had been shredded by something during the night. He hid it well as his shields had gotten much stronger but as with any student that Revan had taught he could not hide from him. It was a skill he shared with Meetra and the reason his brother had left the order. He was more of a loner who could make fast friends but never wanted any deeper connection. He reserved these deeper connections for family. Revan had given up that luxury in order to form his empire and keep his subordinates loyal. He watched as the boy got his food and came over to his table. He kept his silence until Anakin took a moment to center himself enough to speak.
"Morning Master Surik." He had not seen them for some time as they had gone to Ansion over some border dispute.
"Looks like you didn't even sleep. Bad dream?"
"Several. I..." He then went silent as Knight Kenobi sat down looking as refreshed as he always did. Revan could not ignore the sudden shift. There must have been something else going on, but this was more of a trust issue and one that he had been slowly beginning to understand and it was not just between Anakin and Kenobi, but between many of the master padawan pairs. More so with the masters that interacted with Anakin that really bothered Revan. It was as if the masters were actively trying to suppress their students learning. That they were forcing them all into the same mold instead of bringing them to the breaking point or failure point and then teaching them to go beyond that.
These were the methods he had learned and even taught to detrimental effect during the formation of his empire. True that these Jedi did not have to be in top form to go after normals, but to hold them to an impossible emotional norm was something he had felt was not in the best interest of the Jedi Order. Even the Jedi Council of his time would be shocked at how apathetic the Order had become. He looked to Kenobi and from what he could tell he had slept well and meditated at least for a few hours before coming to breakfast unlike Anakin who had most likely not slept at all.
"The council is going to want to talk to you later on today Master Surik. They feel that you need to get a better understanding of the current political situation."
"I do not need to see the Senate Zoo to understand current politics."
"Well you are not wrong." Anakin chuckled slightly to this response.
"Fine but I am not going to postpone my practice sessions."
"That is why I said later on today." He began to eat and so the conversation moved to other topics that did not cover nightmares or troubling visions. Several hours later and after a fresh shower Revan felt something was not right as he headed up to the High Council chambers. He looked out one of the windows unable to see what could have been an explosion in the distance that he could feel had caused a few to die. It was not the first time he felt death since he arrived in this future but it was the first time the Force whispered in his ear. This caused him to contemplate if this was why he was hear so it took much longer to reach the chamber at the top. Sure he could have taken one of the lifts, but the time taking the stairs gave him time to focus and clear his mind. It was strangely convenient when he reached the top that Kenobi and Skywalker were coming out of the lift.
We entered the chamber at the same time as I had a feeling we would be talked to together. It felt strange to be there having these masters try to ease by my shields and to find that I could push passed their shields while they could not touch mine. I do not think I could have gotten more cold stares from the council of my time. Though Master Yaddle smiled in my direction as she mentally slapped me out of her head. It was then we got a simple mission to guard a certain Senator, one that created a bit of surprise and worry in Anakin. It was a feeling that I instantly recognized. A feeling that most young men had. Except I had a feeling this was more than a passing crush as I remembered him telling his story on how he joined the Jedi Order.
Anakin started to feel different. It was not until we started up the elevator that I understood. He had all the signs as he was fidgeting, sweaty, and even his voice was sounding different. It was as he adjusted his robes for the third time that Kenobi finally said something.
"You seem a little on edge, Anakin."
"Not at all." I grew a smile knowing where this was going.
"I haven't felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of gundarks."
"You fell into that nightmare, Master, and I rescued you, remember." I laughed openly with them but it was a bit forced on both of their parts.
"You're sweating. Relax. Take a deep breath."
"Kenobi you are talking to a tree if you think he is going to relax." They both looked to Revan and he just glared at them before sighing.
"What do you mean?"
"This Senator Amidala is this girl, Padme?"
"Yes." they answered together.
Okay kid, this is the deal she is five years older."
"Does not matter. The point is she is a Senator one who has a lot of responsibility and has had to live up to certain expectations. She is not going to remember you as you think she will. For all you know she will remark on you being a child at best. At worst she will not remember you even if she does." Kenobi seemed to get what I was saying but the boy was confused and I could feel his emotions rising to defend his crush.
"She will remember me. I haven't seen her in ten years and I remember her."
"Don't say I didn't warn you." We entered the apartment for this alien to accost the two with jumping around as he was very excited. Luckily he did not try to do the same with me. Not that I would have stopped him as he seemed to be a walking clown. Thankfully he calmed down as we entered a common area through another door. I notice two females and a male, all human. The man had a distinctive eye patch and from his bearing in the Force he was security. The two females were close in looks to each other, but not like sisters. It was easy to pick the one with the gold hair basket was the Senator. I then looked closer at the other girl as our eyes met. My heart jumped for a moment as she looked just like Bastila. I could say I had an interest in her as the war started, but she never joined the Revanchists so my interest in her sexually did not last as I never saw her again after the war went on. I was so startled I nearly missed the woman remembering Anakin.
"...always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine." I could not help snorting just a little bit catching how he grew a very embarrassed shade of red that hid his fury at me for my tiny outburst. I could feel that Kenobi found it humorous as well, but he could better control his reactions. She felt mildly embarrassed, but I could tell it was of a different variety as her words had been to mask her growing attraction.
"And you are, Master Jedi."
"Senator Amidala I am Master Rey Van Surik. I am here in an observational role."
"It is a pleasure to meet another Jedi, but I do not think I need all three of you." Padme did not look happy as she glared at Captain Typho.
I'm very grateful you're here, Master Kenobi. I'm Captain Typho, head of her Majesty's security service. Queen Jamillia has informed you of your assignment. The situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit.
"Our presence will be invisible, M'lady, I can assure you."
"I don't need more security, I need answers. I want to know who is trying to kill me." She looked only slightly as angry as she was feeling through the Force.
We will find out who's trying to kill you Padme, I promise you." Uh oh, yup he is crushing hard as I felt him puff up with determination. Kenobi was quick to counter the boy, but he did have a point.
"We're here to protect you Senator, not to start an investigation."
"We will..." I moved Anakin to the side as the others sat down forcing him to adjust as I took his spot and his words.
"I think I could start this investigation while you two can focus on your mandate." I felt Obi Wan glaring at me. "As a fresh set of eyes on the enemies that you have gained as a Senator I am sure we could narrow down who."
"We will do exactly as the Council has instructed, Master Surik."
"And Master Kenobi need I remind you of proper etiquette." I glared back tapping his shields hard enough he winced.
"Perhaps with merely your presence, the mysteries surrounding this threat will be revealed. Now, if you will excuse me, I will retire." Revan had to smile as she had deftly defused the situation as well as I had blocked the possible argument that I had felt coming. Though I was sure I had started another. The tension did not abate as she left with her handmaiden one who I wanted to be introduce to. I knew it was silly at my age to be suddenly attracted to someone. Perhaps I should just pass it off as a past memory. I barely paid attention to them talking to Jar Jar.
"Master Surik can I have a word with you."
"Sure, and Anakin."
"Yes master."
"I told you so." Anakin blinked before his eyes grew larger as I chuckled. I slipped a wink in there only he could see as I felt his anger rise. I was going to have some fun with him if he was this easy to rile up. Kenobi was nearly visibly angry as he walked out on the balcony.
"What were you thinking when you offered to start an investigation. The Council..."
"Mandated that we protect the Senator. One that you know personally and so does your Padawan who was about to put both feet in his mouth to say the exact same thing."
"Excuse me and what was with this etiquette reference?"
"A master is to only show praise or thought out rebuttals to their padawans so that they are not seen as being put down but lightly chastised in front of others outside of the order and that goes double for arguments between masters."
"You were in no position to offer to investigate as you even said that you were there to observe. I had to remind you of..."
"Our orders? Kenobi you should know that orders are to be adhered to up until contact with the enemy. From there they are followed in spirit. What I did was show that we were and are there for her. She needed the assurance that something would be done."
"It is still not what we are supposed to do."
"Show compasion? Are you no longer allowed to show that you care or is it that this is just a job and that you are not required to care. Are you such a stickler for your code that you have no emotions." Kenobi nearly lost his cool as his next words came out very measured.
"It is your code as well."
"I learned long ago that I don't do well with absolutes. I never understood why Master Odan-Urr changed the wording of the code. Then again his species was not very emotional to begin with. Natural lightsiders they were much like Master Yoda. I follow the classical code and so should you with the emotional padawan you have."
"My padawan is difficult. He was not brought to the temple at the right time. He has attachments that he will not let go of. He still misses his mother and I can understand part of it is because he was raised as a slave."
That could have made me angry as there was still slavery in the galaxy. It was a very lucrative trade and even part of many species cultures in some form or another. However, I came across the information and put it to the back of my mind as something to deal with in the future.
"It is natural to miss your parents. They are family and I can see that you do not understand. You miss your creche master do you not and your former master?" Kenobi opened his mouth and then shut it as his hand stroked his beard. I could almost hear his thoughts on the matter as he felt as he got it.
"I think I understand now. Perhaps we will focus on possessive emotions and how their negative aspects can be realized so he can better able to let go of his attachment to his mother."
"You got most of it, but I believe you need to study it a bit more." Revan truly wanted to let him know that he had known his mother and missed her even now. It had pained him when she died more so then many of the other Jedi that had fought for him. It took him several weeks to stop trying to kill every Mandalorian personally for her death. He only stopped as he realized she had been there because of him.
"Okay I will meditate on this subject."
"Educate yourself or Anakin will always act in some part as a slave. You better check out their security set up."
"True." Kenobi moved to the door before noticing Surik was not following. He still did not understand this man and he was hiding a lot from the council. He just wondered why he had been chosen to get Surik to reveal what he was hiding.
"Are you coming?"
"I have everything I need here." Revan held up a datapad as Kenobi nodded before disappearing back inside. It was not hard to get Amidala's public history and with his codes he got the basic reports of the Invasion that Anakin and Kenobi had a large part in ending. He smiled at how the boy had destroyed the ship that controlled the droids. Mere puppets HK would have called them bouncing on unguided strings. It was here that he wondered if HK had survived these many millennium. He doubted it but if one could then that droid would do so. It was then that the Force hinted that his thoughts were true. Though how he would find the murderous droid was another issue for a different day.
After several hours he moved to the security break room for some needed stimcaf. He had a list of potential suspects starting with Nute Gunray as he must be her largest enemy. Rune Haako was next on the list as they both had charges brought up against them that they had somehow not only avoided prison time but were still in charge of the Trade Federation. Several opponents in her system could have done so as well. But the one name that Amidala had suggested was this Count Dooku. Reading about him had taken the rest of the evening and the Force was screaming at him that he was the one behind her attacks. A former Jedi and one that was not silent on the Jedi Order's strict loyalty to the Republic. He criticized the Order to the point that they were no better than obedient Akk dogs. Then he felt it as Anakin's fear rose along with his anger.
He rushed back up into the apartment to find the window broken and the two Jedi gone. He made a point of going to the window with one of his blades active. In case there was any other assassin near. It was not until he felt no more threat that he turned around to face the Senator and her handmaiden. He frowned as this was not the one he had seen before. How many bodyguards did she have.
"Best to move to a more secure room. I will stay here until the other two return."
"Come Padme. Thank you, master Jedi." He waited until the two were out of the room before picking up the strange bugs. After a brief scan the datapad returned with not only a name but full detail of the nasty bug. Kouhun came from a jungle world out past Ryloth called Indoumodo. They were used by assassins to kill targets that were hard to get to like the Senator was. Orn Free Taa was too new to the Senate to be a threat to her, and very few of the other systems in the region were controlled by the Hutt worlds. The next piece of info came from his Jedi clearance as the bugs were used by several Mandalorian bounty hunters, one of which came up as being allegedly linked to Count Dooku.
"Hmm, so she instinctively knew who it was. Interesting."
It was not until the next day that he met back up with Kenobi and Skywalker. He had to wonder what the Mandalorian was thinking in being near the one he worked with on the two assassination attempts. That he nearly revealed himself just to keep the Clawdite hunter silent was strange. That he would use a proxy was conflicting with Mandalorian honor as having another kill for you was an act of cowardice. That or his confidence in not being identified was high. He kept his opinion silent on who he thought it was until they walked into the Jedi Council.
"And I have yet to find out anything about the toxic dart, or the Clawdite that was killed." Many of the masters looked concerned.
"Track down this bounty hunter, you must, Obi-Wan." Master Yoda ordered before looking to Master Windu.
"Most importantly, find out who he's working for." I almost smirked as how could they not know.
"What about Senator Amidala? She will still need protecting." Possibly, but there could be another reason one that Revan may have over looked. He started typing on his datapad ignoring several of the masters frowning at him.
"Handle that, your Padawan will." Oh now that is going to turn out interesting putting the love struck boy with the endangered girl.
"Anakin, escort the Senator back to her home planet of Naboo. She'll be safer there, and don't use registered transport. Travel as refugees." Smart so long as no one sees them between her apartments and the space port. That they had refugees coming to Coruscant was surprising as they would not be able to afford to land on Coruscant.
"As the leader of the opposition to the Military Creation Act, it will be very difficult to get Senator Amidala to leave the Capital." Nice point there Anakin and what I needed. Revan entered in the name and got several of his previous suspects linked in conflict with Amidala. Again those Neimoidians popped up. Why was that and another search revealed the Trade Federation still had a sizable droid military. If the Republic had a military then the Trade Federation would be disarmed. Though that is still speculation.
"Until caught this killer is, our judgment she must respect." Yoda looked to Revan as he continued to ignore the council.
"Anakin, go to the Senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her." Wait what? How does this padawan have any influence with the Supreme Chancellor? The two bowed and made to leave.
"Do you have something to add Master Surik?" Revan waved to Kenobi that they should go and he pushed Skywalker out with him.
"I do have several points. One Senator Amidala should remain on Coruscant in order to be present for this vote. I get a feeling from the Force that this is the reason she has been targeted. As for the assassin there is only one type that uses jet packs and armor. That would be a Mandalorian. One I suspect as working for this Count Dooku. I have also a feeling that this Trade Federation would have the most to lose if the Military Creation Act is passed, so why oppose Amidala other than out of spite? They surely can not profit from being told to disarm. My best guess is that the assassin is the bounty hunter Jango Fett."
The masters Revan could feel, were discussing his proposal silently as they traded concerned looks. It lasted several minutes as Revan was sensing the Force and getting a good feeling that he was right or at least close. Then Master Windu let a bit of his scorn leak out before he spoke.
"That is some very damning points that we can not accept. Senator Amidala has plenty of supporters and her co-senator can vote in her place. She can give her guidance before she leaves as she is not the soul leader. It is how the Senate works. As far as Nute Gunray and the Trade Federation we could believe he is behind the attempts. Count Dooku was a member of this very council and a highly respected Jedi Master. It is not in his nature. We will pull up information on this Jango Fett, but again without solid proof we will not act until then."
"Solid your investigating has been. More evidence we require before accept it we can."
"Very well, masters." Revan did not bother to even bow as he had felt the Force disagree with these masters. Revan was sure of it. He would still need evidence and a lot more information to change their minds. He wondered if they could even think that this former master had turned to the dark side. To Revan it was nearly a given in his mind.
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Azarinth Healer
A new world with nearly unlimited possibilities. A status, classes, magic and monsters. Sounds good? Well, for Ilea it didn't come quite as expected as for some other protagonists, nor was there a king or god to welcome her. The grand quest? Well, she might figure that out someday but for now, a new world with new food is prize enough. Her fists at the ready, she's prepared to punch and get punched, however long it takes and however many limbs she might have to regrow. A story I've started writing now quite a while ago. Transported to another world, somewhat standard fantasy setting with my beginner attempts to make it dark but funny. There are Litrpg elements here but I do hope it's not too heavy and annoying. The fights should be interesting and aren't just numbers vs numbers. Contrary to the title the protagonist will be quite an offensive fighter. Ilea Spears is your average sarcastic kick-boxing fast food worker and soon to be student. She will be transported to another world rather conventionally and will be confronted with survival in the wild. Give it a shot and let me know what you think. My experience is incredibly lacking. If you find yourself hating it early on, do convey your anger in a detailed comment or review :) I want to get better but without any feedback it's simply quite difficult. Quick heads up: Around chapter 120 there are a bunch of longer PoV changes that I discontinued again shortly after. The Arc around chapters 150-200 is darker than the rest and the themes shift quite a bit. Just know that it goes back to what you've come to know after that section. Thank you for reading. Quick update June 2019: Many complaints regarding the formatting, specifically spacing in conversations and of course the usage of the present tense in the first 36 chapters have been addressed. I'm of course learning by the day but compared to how it was before it should be an improvement at least. Chapters usually around 3k words Cover art by Kevin Catalan
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(18+) არვიცი თავი ასე, როგორ შემაყვარა, ამ ფლეიბოიმ...
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