《Yowai - Season 1》Chapter 7 - Training [Part 1]


Yowai is asleep, he dreams of him standing in a large field, filled with grass. The wind slightly touches his face and then a black-blank figure appears in front of him from no-where "Yo, can you hear me? I didn't have a host for some long ass time so it is hard for me to communicate." That figure said. It had a deep voice yet it was chilling to hear and Yowai enjoyed its presence.

"I think I can. Who are you?" He answered. The field suddenly changed into a place which was similar to the 'Hirta' island, and the figure kept ongoing. "How can I put it down so you'll understand... Oh, it is simple. I am you, but myself." The figure that has an absolute lack of details in their look continues; "Let's say we are two sides of the same coin. Although, you are the side that shows the amount and I am the side that you don't look at when you use the coin as a currency, for example. But if one were to play coin flipping, it might land on me."

"Okay. Why are you here then?" Yowai asked after processing the information. Though it took an instant as it was all in his mind, anyway. "That is a bit more complicated, actually. You better take care of what's going outside for now. See ya." The figure suddenly vanished and a large crash sound came from outside the tent which Yowai was sleeping in. The only tent in the island, actually.

Yowai woke up quickly, he forgot what he just dreamed about and rushes out from the tent to check what is the source of the sound. When he looks around, his eyes struggle to handle the sunlight and he assumes that it is still the morning. "What in the heck are you doing?" The surprised Yowai suddenly says to Jinsoku, who's crashed into a rock not far away.

Jinsoku looks at him and chuckles a bit then replies "I just tried practicing my powers while you were asleep."; "You sleep a lot by the way... I woke up a few hours ago." Yowai looks at him with wonder in his face "I don't understand what you mean. I usually wake up in the noon and even then I take my time to get up." Jinsoku looks a bit surprised, but he puts the whole 'waking-up' talk aside.

"I should've probably guessed it. But that's not the point now... I found some interesting things about my abilities. Want to hear? Because you can go back to sleep." He says and gets up from the ground. Yowai hesitates but avoids the idea of going back to doze and replies "Ah. I already woke up, and I am also curious to know about how these powers work. So whatever you found, talk it out."

Jinsoku holds his chin and thinks about how to explain what information did he find. After some long seconds which included Yowai yawning, he begins explaining. "Okay, hear me out."; "Basically, when I started practicing after I woke up, it took me some time to understand what is going on. At first, I tried running around normally but nothing happened."

He looks at Yowai and saw that he is listening to him, then he proceeds "When that failed, I tried standing in the place and really focus so I can start seeing the world in that slow motion as before. That also failed. When I came back to the tent, I almost tripped over from a stone that is stuck in the sand." He stops for a little and shows Yowai the stone, which Yowai then uses his powers to move it away. Much to even his surprise, it was bigger than it looked and he moved it around like a piece of lego. "When did I gain that much control over my powers? Lol, maybe it was just a one-time thing." Yowai secretly thinks.


After that, Jinsoku keeps going "As a reflex, my hands pulled up so I can stop my fall, but it was different. When my hands came up, I didn't actually know they did. There was simply a blur, and they were suddenly there, stopping the slump." He stops to breathe for a bit and lastly adds "If you didn't understand yet, it seems like my powers currently work as a reflex. Same as when you were about to hit me with that tennis ball. Was it the same for you at first?"

The focused Yowai moves his look to Jinsoku's eyes and replies "I don't really know how to explain it. Although it wasn't a 'reflex' by a meaning, it was more like a random use of power. Think about it as a chance. As when you flip a coin and wait for one side to show up."

"I think I got it, but there are two other things," Jinsoku says after Yowai finished. He then continued "When you shot the tennis ball at me and my powers activated, they made me see the world in slow-motion and move my body as I want. Why did it show a different effect this time? Could it vary as the danger is bigger?" He adds, "Either way if I manage to control my powers; will I always have to be with the slow-motion effect active in order to avoid danger?"

Yowai doesn't really know how to answer, so he goes one by one "I will just answer each question. First, when my powers randomly activated it also changed the degree of power extracted, so I believe it affects you the same. But we can't rely just on that, we need to test both our powers and see." Jinsoku nods at that and Yowai goes on.

"Second, as I said, we will need to test and see. The impression I got until now is that the randomness of my powers and your's reflexes will activate in the face of danger no matter your level of control. But I don't believe it works like that."; "The random effects we have might will decrease as our amount control increases. Although that, only time will tell. We need to focus on our training now."

Jinsoku nods again and they both go to the tent without saying a word. When they are about to enter it so they can eat breakfast, Yowai remembers, "Wait, didn't you want to ask another thing?" Jinsoku looks up and pats his chin with his fingers, trying to think. He finally recalls the other thing and asks Yowai, "Yes, I forgot, I believe you can't really answer me but it still makes me curious." After Yowai turned around and started to listen, Jinsoku starts to talk. "You know how I crashed onto this island at an extremely high speed? How come I didn't get hurt even a little?"

"It isn't that obvious for someone to survive this, let alone not even getting damaged." At this question, Yowai lifted his black eyebrows up and really thought about it. A few moments later, he came up with an answer, "I think your abilities protect you from side effects while you use them. Say, the amount of fraction you made with the air when you dodged the tennis ball was enough to at least set you on fire."; "Correct me if I am wrong, but you also crashed head to head into the rock at the bay?"

"Oh, that's right. Maybe what you are saying is correct. Still, we will only be able to test it when we gain enough control over our powers." He finally says and after a "Yeah." From Yowai, they enter the tent and eat.


While eating, Yowai sits on his side of the tent and slowly eats his food. Jinsoku deeply thinks to himself "It isn't obvious that he is talking that much, with me especially. The first time we really talked was yesterday. I wonder what made him avoid everyone until now." And after that thought ran through his mind, the minutes of silent continued and as the boys finished eating, they both started their training.

Yowai sits down to practice precision while Jinsoku is running across the bay. About two hours later, Jinsoku succeeds in willingly activating his powers but sadly, he couldn't control it and the slow-motion effect broke. Yowai also had some progress, and he manages to steadily handle his powers.

An hour later, Jinsoku got a small understanding of how to use his powers, and they both head to the dual-training.

They met each other at the bay and Jinsoku says "We need a lot of stones for what I have in mind... I will go pick up some, wait here." while Yowai yawns and nods afterward.

Jinsoku attempts to activate slow-motion mode so he can collect stones a lot faster. He stands still for a few seconds, breathing in and out slowly. Shortly after, he gets in focus and the whole world becomes slow for him... The waves of the sea look frozen, Yowai picks his nose so slowly, it seems like his finger is stuck. Jinsoku relaxes, and when he started moving, he thought "This is really unstable. I have to stay focused the whole time so it won't turn off by its own."

He has a chilled face and moves his body like a leaf in the wind. Moving around so fast makes Jinsoku look like a blur for Yowai who stands far and watches. "Wow, I am keeping it up for quite a while!" He thought. Ironically, his powers deactivated that instant, and the world was back to normal.

"And... Obviously, this happens. At least I got enough stones collected." He walks over to Yowai with his hands full of small stones and says "So, you will have that pile of stones close to you and I will stand in front of you. When I tell you, shoot out the stones with your powers and try to hit me with them."

"Are you sure you can dodge it? I don't know how fast the stones can go even." Jinsoku already started walking away, so he turns his head around and tells Yowai "It's okay, even if I won't be able to activate the powers myself, there is still that reflex thing going on. I will be fine."

"Okay then." He replies and levitates two stones from the pile to the sides of his body. Jinsoku gets to where he needs to stand and yells "I will count down from five, when I reach one, shoot them! Ready?" Yowai prepares to throw the stones over and loudly replies "I am. You can start."

Jinsoku takes slow breaths and is about to activate his abilities. He counts down from five and they both focus. When he finishes counting, Yowai crossed his hands quickly like he caught both stones and threw them with his hands. Jinsoku tried to enter the slow-motion mode, but much to his surprise; the stones were about to hit his body already.

"This is way faster than the tennis ball!" He thought and in a blur, his whole body moved sideways. Lucky for him, he made it just on time as one of the stones almost shaved his hair off.

Jinsoku had some sweat sliding down his face and he looks at Yowai, who didn't get used to Jinsoku's speed yet. "Hey Yowai, might wanna watch out a bit! You almost killed me there!" He yelled angrily at Yowai who looked at him with a blank face and said: "I told you I don't know how fast I can shoot the stones, it is not my fault you didn't listen."

"Ah, you are probably right. But can you try to slow it down a little?" Jinsoku asked and calmed down. Yowai in response nodded to him and got ready to shoot again. This time, Jinsoku tried going further so he will have more time to react. He succeeded in dodging one stone, but the other one hit him in the shoulder. He was only in pain for a moment from the hit, but he didn't have any damage done.

The boys trained like this for at least four hours, and they both saw a sharp increase in the control over their abilities. Jinsoku could enter his slow-motion mode faster and could avoid double the amount of stones now, and Yowai, on the other hand, could shoot a few more objects at once and at much higher speed than before. After they finished this part, they ate lunch and proceeded with the schedule.

Jinsoku and Yowai kept training non-stop for the next few days. They both started to bond as friends and they can now control their powers in a basic way with no problem at all. They did have conflicts, but many minor ones as it was mainly Yowai thinking the school president is an idiot.

When a week passed since our boys arrived, they added the other training part one of them thought about (hunting wild sheep around the island), into their schedule.

The next day, Jinsoku woke up early as usual and started doing his morning ritual of running; going across the bay four hundred times without stopping to rest even once. He kept on adding to the number of laps with each day that passed. And in that day, he also planned to explore the island for a while after running.

A few hours later, he came back running to the tent and told to the just woken up Yowai that he found something interesting on the other side of the island, and took out a piece of some old paper from his pocket. It had drawings that looked quite ancient and a word in an unknown language written in it.

"Why are you showing me this?" Yowai said and looked confused. "I am sure that it is from an old history book or something. Don't you see how cool this is?" Jinsoku replied and Yowai blinked at him with nothing to say. He sighed and told Jinsoku that he can enjoy his piece of paper, but he needs to eat and train. He then left the tent.

Jinsoku looked a bit bumped and thought "How can he not be excited about it? Oh, wait. It is Yowai, I forgot." He turned around, about to go outside then another thought came to his mind saying "I will search for more pieces like this later. I also need to start training now."

He puts the paper back in his pocket and leaves the tent, then sees that Yowai is passed out on the on the floor a few meters away.

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