《Yowai - Season 1》Chapter 5 - Island [Part 2]


"What a nice place! Am I right, darling?" The wife said. "Yeah, it is. Although it's a shame Yowai didn't join us. I think he'd like this place." The husband then replies. "Should we call him to see if everything is okay?" She asks while unpacking her stuff. He is doing the same.

"It is about midnight at home right now. He is most likely sleeping. I don't think that's a good idea to check if he is not." He says and goes on to pour some wine. "You're probably right. Let's just call him tomorrow." They almost finished unpacking, Yowai's father gives her a kiss on the head from behind and as in every vacation of lovers, they proceed to do their stuff.

"Where the fuck did I drop it? I thought it landed in those bushes over there. Maybe I didn't aim well? This place is so silent as well, I think I'll like it here." Yowai is walking around the island to find his dropped backpacks while saying that. "That was one hell of a fall. And that shark, he almost bit my ass off. Good thing I have these powers, else I could never take a shit anymore in my life. I hope he can survive without his head though... These rocks I moved were quite the sharp ones, lol."

"When I think about it, even though I can control my powers a bit, they lack on almost every aspect. I can barely move anything, nor do anything precise. I guess that right now, their activation is about as random as it gets." ; "Well, at least it will make my time here more fun." Yowai keeps on talking to himself while walking around, then a few minutes later; He finds his bags. "There it is. I was already afraid I missed the whole island and it landed in the sea. Guess I'm lucky." He then opens them up to see if anything broke. Fortunately, his pillow and soft items inside protected the other things.

"Better go find a place to build my tent at. I think that the village at the bay with all the abandoned buildings will do. Also gotta get myself dry, I got soaked up from landing in the sea. Though I'm not as wet now." When he gets there, he starts unpacking his bags, slowly, pulling out his items and instant tent while he whistles the music of a jazz song he likes. "Damn, John Coltrane makes me think about his songs all time. I only heard this one about 3 times. Good shit, I have to say.." Yowai thinks and goes on.

"Now that the tent is done and I got everything inside, let's make a plan." He says, looking a bit tired from the day. Although he's got a few more hours until the day ends as he traveled this long distance and the time zone changed.

He took out a pen and a piece of paper then started thinking about how to train his abilities. "So, first I'd like to work on precision. It will help me improve my control at the beginning and let me grab a catch on my powers. I can do that by using all the little things I bought. Like the legos. I can even use small objects from around the area." Yowai writes it down and goes on: "Now, I need to work physically for a bit, even though I hate doing it. There is that steep area on the north side of the island which I can run on to increase my stamina, then when I get enough general control on my powers, I can do stuff like gravity training. Although I can't push myself so much. We'll see about that."


After adding some stuff and fixing, he has a schedule to work on. Two months, whole free time, alone on a remote island. Things might actually work well for Yowai. "I have just a little bit until the sun is down... Let's just read a few manga chapters and go to sleep." He says, his face is somewhat dirty and so are his clothes which got wet from his landing. He gets fixed up and then sits down in his tent to read. His next day will start his adventure, and he can't wait.

In the morning, Yowai wakes up and gets organized for the day. He wears normal clothes, a t-shirt, and long pants. After doing all his waking up ritual, he starts the schedule. It's Wednesday, so he starts it with the plans he made for that day, which include working on precision and a bit of stamina.

He pulls out some legos from his bag and begins. At first, he tries using his head and focuses on the legos. When nothing happened, Yowai attempts to use his hands now. He looks hard at the blue lego piece and aims his right hand with his fingers forward at it. The piece starts to shake a little, Yowai notices and he concentrates harder. The piece is now in the air but Yowai still needs to use all his focus on it so he can keep it in the air.

When he stops the control and let the lego piece fall, he gasps quite a bit. "It's way harder than I thought... I will need to work way more if I want to get somewhere close to control these powers." He thinks. "Maybe I should try going softer?"

About 3 hours later, Yowai sits with his legs crossed. He has 6 pieces of lego flying in the air, all under his control. It seems as if he starts to figure out how his powers work. "Whenever I focused too hard, the harder it was for me to control the pieces... I already got a few legos in the air but they require tons of concentration from me. Though if I'm honest, it is actually going well... Might as well try to the spoons now that I can do some lego tricks." He mulls.

He puts all the Lego blocks in the bag and takes out the spoons he purchased. Yowai looks at them and thinks "If I'm correct, I should be able to bend these spoons the way I want. Just moving them won't work though, perhaps I need to affect them from multiple sides at once? It might work actually."

By doing the same thing as before, Yowai holds a spoon and try to apply his powers on one side. It takes him a few seconds, but he succeeds doing so and the spoon is slowly getting crooked backward like magicians do. With that working, Yowai now thinks about what else he can do and then tries to bend it to the side. Again, he accomplishes that and thinks that it's enough for the precision training for now. He then goes out of his tent and starts walking over to the steep area he planned on using for physical training.

"Oh shit! It's way too steep when you look at it from up close. Damn, my legs are going to cry after today." He says while reaching the start of the hill and looking on it. "Maybe I should start slower than I thought... Let's just go up and down 10 times for now. I've got some hours to spend until the second precision training and object moving in the evening." ; "Gotta do my best here."


Yowai starts running up the hill. He pants in exhaustion like 20 seconds later, barely even moved. Taking semi-heavy breaths, he says "Holy crap that shit is hard. I didn't think through it too much, I thought I could nail it easily! Well, that is what I get for participating in Gym class once a year." He takes a couple of sips from the bottle of water he took beforehand and keeps on going.

The next two hours that include Yowai running up and lies down exhausted a few seconds later, he finishes running the hill 8 times out of 10. His face is so red, it seems like he is going to die. "I think that will do for the day. I can do 10 of these the next time and increase the number every once in a while." He says at the same time he's lying down looking at the sky. "What should I do when I'm out of here?" He wonders and his mind remains silent for a few minutes

After the long pause in activity, he says "I better go on and return doing precision training again then eat something and try object moving." Yowai then goes to his tent, but only after he washed his face with some sea-water.

In the next one and a half hours, Yowai managed to increase the number of legos he can control at once to seven and he now can even start connecting them to each other and build something out of it, Although with difficulty. He continues for another half an hour afterward. When he finished, he took a sealed meal that his mom made not many hours before they left the house and ate it. "What am I going to do for two months without this kind of meals? I don't think I can survive on canned food for this whole time... Got to think about something later." Yowai claims.

Quite a short time after that, he kept on training with spoons and succeeded when he tried to add another spoon for the bending attempts. It is now time for trying to move objects around. "These tennis balls I bought will work for that I believe," The boy says while taking the 3-packed tennis balls package out of his bag. He then puts the three balls in front of him with them being in a reasonable distance from each other.

He lifts his arm up then aim his hand to the middle ball. "If I can make Lego bricks fly then move around, and I can also bend spoons by activating my powers on the desired side of it, then maybe I can combine both of the ways I do it into pulling an object? Let's try." He then assumes.

Woosh! the ball flies straight into Yowai's hand at a speed that could be barely seen. "Ouch, what the fuck! It fucking hurts, damn." He loudly says while shaking his hand after trying to catch the flying ball. "Well, at least it works. Should try using less power so it won't fly so fast into my hand again." He says and continues "So, I found out about three ways of using my powers until now. The first is by focusing on things and let them levitate around in the air or move in a way. The second is using my powers as an affecter that can bend something by putting enough force on it."

Yowai stops for a couple of seconds and then adds "Although the third is a bit tricky. I used the concept of the first way to use my powers and added the force applying to it, then it allowed me to move an object in a specific way to a place I choose. It is dangerous if I can't control it though. Let's keep training on it then go to sleep."

Four hours later, Yowai sits down outside his tent. He already finished all of his training for the day and he is now reading a bit of manga. "Today was kind of fun, actually. Even though I don't do any physical activities usually, I enjoyed it. Two months of this can really get me somewhere... My powers are also pretty nice to use honestly." He says, "Now my mind is getting unfocused as fuck though. I'll go to sleep I guess."

Morning, the day after, Yowai's parents call and ask how is he doing, he finds something to say and they fall for it. I mean, not that they would believe him if he'd say that he's on an island alone, 400 Kilometers away from home. It is Yowai after all. They finish talking and he keeps on training for the whole day, increasing his control to the point where he can control an amount of Lego bricks that is enough to build a nice tower. He also tries adding laps around the village at the bay to his physical training and found a way to make some small objects orbit around his body. His growth rate is good, reasonable for this type of ability.

Yowai eats his dinner in his tent the same day. When he finished, he suddenly hears a large crash noise coming from not far by on the island. He stands up quickly and rushes to the place where the noise came from. He looks around the place and sees something from afar in a small crater made from the hit. Yowai gets closer to it and can't believe what he is looking at.

The school-council president is lying there.

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