《A Demon's Journey》Prologue


Two men sat across from each other, separated by an old oaken table. The middle-aged man sat back in his seat, taking time to collect his thoughts.

“I’m sorry we had to meet under these pretenses,” The younger man said, shoving a thin book towards the older man, “I’m sorry for your loss, Sensei.”

“As am I, Kira,” Sensei replied, “but you’re asking a lot more than you understand. I can’t harbor such coveted relics of the past here.”

“The master is gone.” Kira said. “Throw it away if you like. I have no use for it.”

“Fine,” Sensei sighed, grabbing the book, “but I have to keep the interest of The Tower above all else. You understand that, correct?”

“Of course.”

“What of the rest of the Hunter’s Guild?”

“Scattered, but they’ve been instructed to come here whenever they can.”

“Very well.” Sensei said.

“And my other request?”

Sensei looked intently at the book in his hand. He gave the question some thought before replying.

“It seems I have no choice. I wouldn’t want to place Lucy in unnecessary danger.”

“Thank you.”

“However,” Sensei continued, “I don’t plan to go easy on either of you. Once you enter my tower, there’s no turning back.”

“Me?” Kira asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Why not? Do you have somewhere better to be?”


“I think this will help you understand.” Sensei said.

Reaching to his side, Sensei pulled out a short dagger from the sheath at his hip. It wasn’t a weapon he’d normally carry, but he’d planned to bring it in advance. Sensei placed the blade on the table before shoving it towards Kira. The blade skid across the coarse oak, stopping directly beside the end of the table.


“Let's call it a ‘show of faith’.” Sensei said. “Your training will begin whenever you’re ready.”

“You couldn’t mean-”

“I do.” Sensei interrupted. “This is the one thing I know I can train you better at than our master. I’m sure he thought the same.”

Kira looked down at the blade before him. It was just an ordinary dagger, with nothing exceptional about it. Yet, for the first time, in a long time, Kira felt a hint of hesitation. Taking the blade in his hand, Kira pointed it at his chest before looking up at Sensei, who nodded in approval. Without another word between them, Kira thrusted the blade through his heart.

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