《Bug Bytes》34. Shock Therapy


Heading down the hill towards the power station. I go to the back of the building. There, under a glowing yellow light sits a door.

A quick glance around reveals no zombies so I go straight to the door. Finding it propped open by a rock. A coffee can half full of cigarette butts sits beside it.

Entering, a maze of narrow hallways stands in front of me. The door being left open isn't a promising sign. I think if the army or anyone else for that matter, were stationed here. They'd have it a bit more secure.

So, airing on the side of caution, I do not call out. I do my best to remain as silent as possible as I sneak further into the building. My foot makes a clicking sound whenever I step on a tile. It's then I remember the shooting pain I had been feeling earlier. Before an hour walking barefoot in the snow numbed any feeling I had left in my foot.

I grabbed my foot in my hand and pulled it up to get a better look. I find a large piece of glass buried an inch deep. It takes me several minutes to try and dig it out. as each step I had taken up until now had been pushing it in deeper and deeper.

I creep along through the building. Hopelessly lost. I turn a corner and see something that immediately makes me jump back to the hall I was just in. Peeking around the corner to get a better look. I see a line of zombies.

Orderly, single file, uniform distance between each zombies. I watch them in profile as they stare dead forward. Suddenly they all take a big step forward. a few seconds later they do it again.

I keep travelling along. Starting to get an idea of how this buildings layout works. I believe I am moving parallel with the zombie line going the same direction as them. So long as the line or the hallway doesn't turn at any point.


Eventually there is another hall running between my own and the one I believe the zombie line to be in. sure enough there is again a line of them. moving forward every few seconds. I watch for a few minutes. Worried it may be a second completely separate line. Finally one steps into view that I recognize from the previous hallway. Then another, and another. Confirming this is the same line.

I'd like to see where this line is going, though I have a pretty good idea at this point. I look back the way I had been coming and realize I've left a trail of bloody foot prints.

Remembering how crazy Susanna went from the smell of blood. It dawns on me I need to cover my foot. Especially with this many zombies around. They seemed pretty focused on the task at hand. And Probably won't notice me. But I don't want to take any unnecessary risks.

I also consider that if I am seeking out the end of the line. Once the zombies have done what I believe they've come here to do. They very well might turn their attention to me. So I step into to the first office I see.

There's a map of the facility on the wall. A helpful "You are here" pinned to it. Once I've gotten my perspective down. Starting from the back of the building and following my finger along the hall I have been walking down. Marking where the zombie line currently is, and where it could be heading. It seems to be a straight shot all the way to a room labelled "Main Generator" my own hall leading to a room that reads "Observation deck"

Before heading there I look around the office to see what I can use for my foot. A first aid kit hangs on the wall opposite the map. I pop it open to find a roll of bandage and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Along with an assortment of other things. The feeling in my foot surges back as I pour the alcohol over the wound. I bite down on the roll of bandage to stop myself from screaming as it burns. Once that subsides I use the bandage to wrap up my foot and make my way to the observation deck.


The hall ends at a door that opens to a yellow metal staircase. After climbing, I'm standing on grated floors, holding onto the railing. Looking down on what appears to be a giant coil. The end of the line for the zombies. One stands there slouched over smoke raising from its head. after a moment it shuffles off out of sight and the next one steps up.

Grabbing onto the coil with both hands. Sparks fly, smoke rises, the lights flicker. What little hair this zombie has, stands on ends. Then he lets go, and wonders off too the right. The next one quickly stepping up to take it's place.

I'm not going to risk following the recharged zombies to see where they're going. Instead opting to go back to the office and referencing the map once again. The only door to the right of the main generator room is "Emergency Exit Hallway" which leads straight outside to the fenced in area of the parking lot.

Those ones weren't trying to get it. They've already recharged. I suspect the ones all in front that chased my truck had probably recharged too. And found a way out of the fenced area. The dozen or so that were outside when I came in have probably grown tenfold by now. If not more. It won't take them long to get out of the fenced area.

I left Germaine sitting on top of the hill. Defenceless. They're going to the opposite side of the building but it wouldn't be hard for one to find her. And she'd be easy to catch when they do.

Thankful for my trail of bloody footprints I weave and turn through the hallways that brought me to this office and burst out the back door. Hitting a zombie with the door as he was about to enter. Another right behind him lunges as me as I bolt past.

I waste no time engaging with them as I run up the hill, trying to find Germaine.

She's not there.

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