《Bug Bytes》33. Hook Line And Sink Her


Turning the car around I speed up. Gaining speed quickly Germaine starts to panic.

"What are you doing!"

I line myself back up with the Zombie mass in front of the power station. And start to drive large circles around the group.

Blaring the horn, the zombies begin to turn their attention from the building on to us. Three minutes of circling and honking pass.

"No one is coming out, They aren't coming to save us!"

Germaine yells out, loud enough for me to hear her over the horn.

The zombies start rushing the car. Making it harder to dodge them. It becomes too much. I agree with Germaine that no one is coming out. And decide it's time for us too leave.

The zombies are following us. Realizing the opportunity I drive slowly. Keeping the pace just ahead of the zombies but slow enough they continue to trail. Peppering in occasional honks too keep them interested. I continue driving for another few minutes.

I want to draw them far away from the power station. But don't want to risk driving so far that they lose interest and turn around.

Waiting until the power station is just out of sight. It's time to make my move. With the shooting pain still travelling up my one remaining foot. And Germaine in the passenger seat. There won't be enough time to get her in the wheel chair. I need to find a way to ditch the car and run.

Hoping the zombies keep their attention on the car, I put it in cruise control. I look to Germaine and say.

"I'm sorry."

As I reach over and open her door. Pushing her out of the car and onto the cement. She begins screaming, I beat the horn again, in the hopes of drowning out the screams. Keeping the horn held down for as long as I can. I shimmy over to her seat. I let go of the horn and dive out of the car.


Landing in a snow bank. I'm about ten metres away from Germaine. She is Soon to be swept up by the zombie crowd chasing the car. Taking no time to process if I'm injured or not. I scramble towards her. The car was going slow enough. Neither of us should be hurt, beyond a bit of soreness and maybe some bruising.

As I get to her, a zombie a is closing in. It drops down on to her. No time to fight, I grab Germaine's leg and pull her right out from underneath the zombie.

Her leg still in my hand, dragging her behind me. I'm slipping on the snow, as I pull us both up over a snow bank and into the forest that lines the road.

The zombie gets up and continues to follow us. It's near black in the forest so its hard to be certain, but it seems the others all stayed locked onto the truck.

Germaine reaches into her jacket and pulls out the hook and chain. Bashing at its knees as it trails us. It gets a bit slower with each hit. Finally it falls.


Germaine instructs me.

I drop her leg and turn around to see her working herself up into a sitting position. waiting until the zombie crawls within range. And bashing it's head in with the hook. The silver slime oozes out and pools around the mess that once was a head.

"You didn't need to do that. He was down, we could have escaped."

"I had to do it. I've felt like a burden for years. Now for once I feel useful. Like I can actually take care of myself."

"But what if he could have be fixed?"

"And what if he can't? We don't know if Choren's plan is going to work or not. I hope it does. But if it doesn't, we'll have to start bashing heads."


I don't argue the point any further. I certainly can't say anything with the numbers I've needlessly taken out. Purely for the sport of it.

Grabbing her leg once more, I continue dragging Germaine into the wooded area. I don't stop until we're far enough from the streets that we can no longer see their lights.

"I think we're safe to stop. Sorry for pushing you out of the car earlier."

I said.

"No need to explain. I understand entirely. I'm just glad I grabbed the hook while you were speeding around and honking."

She paused for a moment before continuing.

"So, now what do we do?"

"I can't carry you all the way back. I'm too weak, and it would be too slow. We need to make it back before the zombies do. Whatever initially attracted them to the power station, will draw them back again. I need to get through the gate as quickly as possible."

"You're just going to leave me here!"

"No, no, I not leaving you here."

I lay my jacket out on the ground. Leather side down.

"Give me your belt."

Germaine does so, I take mine off as well. Grabbing a nearby fallen branch, it seems sturdy enough for my purposes. I ask for the hook and chain as well. Putting the hook through the last link, making it a loop as well.

I lay Germaine down on the jacket. I put the chain around my chest. sitting under my arms. I hoop the two belts through the chain and move them to my back. I then put the stick over Germaine chest. Her arms sitting over top the stick. I put the two belt loops over the ends of the stick and begin walking.

Dragging Germaine behind. It's not comfortable for either of us, but at least its better than being dragged my the leg.

We travel like this for about an hour. Both freezing and wishing we had dry clothes. We had both been convinced we are hopelessly lost. When finally we see the glow of the power station. A sole red light blinking on top of a tower guiding the way.

The forest come out on a hill overlooking the power station. Looking down from there, the parking lot still has about a dozen zombies in it. All on the inside of the fence. There must be a hole in the fence somewhere.

"Levi, Leave me here."

"What, no, I can't do that."

"You have to. We're so close, but trying to get us both through the door is suicide. Go look for a side entrance. Once you're inside you can tell them I'm out here."


I say.

We look into each others eyes for a few moments after that. She closes her eyes and starts to lean forward. I think she's looking for a kiss, but I'm not ready for that yet.

I start heading down the hill.

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