《Bug Bytes》4. Reading by candle fright


Last time I snuck over to Susanna's, I was fortunate she had a candle lit. And told myself next time I'd need to bring something in case Her room was completely dark this time. But what? And how? I look at the lantern hanging by the door but don't want to raise suspicion, or draw attention to myself. I decide it's best to just leave it behind, go and hope for the best. I should be able to make out shapes well enough to tell if shes lying in her bed of not. Besides, they probably wouldn't have her in complete darkness if she still needs tending too. On the off chance there's no light in her room, and I can't make out any shapes. I'll figure something out. Maybe try and assess how her mother is reacting. If she seems calm it would be a safe assumption Susanna that is still alive.

Entering the forest behind the barn, I make way towards Susanna's. Again keeping out of sight on the off chance anyone is still awake and happens to spot me. Once emerged from the forest, I see the branch I broke is still there, laying on the ground. I guess with all the commotion no one has stopped to clean it up. I guess that I should have been that someone. As I get closer I can tell there is no light coming from Susanna's room. My heart immediately sinks. She may really be dead.

I climb up, the branch no longer in my face. Making the fall slightly worth it. Though I would prefer having all my ribs in one piece. I can't see a thing. There is a very slight glow in the room. Probably a candle burning low, but it does not help to make things any clearer. Very faintly I make out the sound of heavy breathing. I was sure she was past this phase, unless it comes back. Relived She is still alive. I wait and listen some more. It sounds different. It sounds like two people breathing heavy.

I look over to the next window. Glowing bright, it's her parents room. I decide to risk making my way to another branch that reaches out in that direction. I look in to see her Mother. Breathing heavy, her Father is too. Though not as much. Like he may be nearly done the phase. Both propped up like all the others. Eyes open staring straight forward. Looking dead at me. I Find myself praying they won't have any memory of this when they get better. I lied to Dad about going out, though its not a strong excuse, telling him he dreamt me going out should hold up. I can't do that now. No way would both of them have dreamt me staring into their window. There no way out of this one. I feel terrible for hoping they don't get better.


Figuring at this point I'm screwed if they recover, and desperate for answers. I decide I'm going in. I descend the tree carefully and head for the back door. Most people here leave their doors unlocked, especially the back doors. though I more so choose the back door so no one sees me going in. Even if they were the type to lock it, I have my doubts that in their condition they'd have even thought to do so, or we capable of it.

Not surprisingly it swung right open, I enter gently closing the door behind me. Dark and unfamiliar, I move slow. Not wanting to risk bumping into anything, triggering another scream like last night. If that scream were at all triggered by my noise and not merely a coincidence. Either way, I don't want to find out, and avoid any unnecessary noise.

Creeping up the stairs there are a few creaks, but overall they were fairly quite. Feeling confident that no one heard anything. Not that it's likely they'd be able to react if they had. I head straight to Susanna's room. easing the door open slowly, heart pounding. I immediately see the source of the glow. Discovering it's not a low burning candle at all. Instead finding a pool of vomit, glowing on the floor right by the door. She must have tried to leave her room but only made it this far.

The smell is strong and I don't want to spend any longer here than I have to. I head quickly over to her bed. Throwing caution to the wind, I grab her arm to check for a pulse. If I trigger another scream I'll run, I'd be gone long before anyone could investigate. Just like Dad there is something moving around in her veins.

"Susanna" My emotions get in the way of any logic.

"Susanna please" Her arm raises a bit

"Le..." The arm drops.

"Susanna!" I squeeze her hand, hoping for some kind of reaction. For her to squeeze back or pull away, anything. But nothing happens. Just open eyes staring forward. Her skin is cold and firm. At least I know she's alive.

Relieved I look closer at this glowing mess on the floor. I was so caught up in making sure she wasn't dead, I barely registered how odd this is. Crouching down to get a better look, There is no longer any doubt about the colour. That is silver. And moving. Not sliding along the floor away from me moving. More a silver mass of beads inside a clear gel flowing around in every direction and swirling in spots. I'm sure this silver is what I've been feeling in their veins. It must be what's making people sick. This does not look natural at all. there is no way this is


"God's work"

Disgusted and confused I rise to leave. Heading down the stairs I hear the front door start to open. In panic I run back into Susanna's room. Leaving her door wide open and hiding behind it. Between the door and the wall I watch through the crack. Listening as the footsteps get closer and begin coming up the stairs. Whoever it is, there making no attempt at trying to remain silent. I consider heading for the window. Make a jump from the window. They'd hear the window opening, even if I got out in time, they'd catch me climbing down the tree. Assuming the branch didn't just break. If I were able to land on it at all. Realizing there's no good way out I wait.

Through the crack in the door frame, I see the man reach the top of the stairs. It's Father Yoder, wearing gloves and holding a jar. Unscrewing the lid, he steps into Susanna's doorway. bending down to the vomit he scoops some into the jar. Seals it and places it in his coat pocket. Removing a measuring tape from the other pocket, he takes the distance from where the pool sits too her bed. Standing over her he says

"Susanna" Sternly, as if he were mad at her. Roughly grabbing her arm and tugging it towards himself. He checks her pulse. With a grunt he drops the arm and walks out of the room.

Relieved he didn't notice me I continue to watch through the crack. He turns to the right and goes to her parents room. His opening of the door triggered something and her Father begins to scream. Just like she had the night before. Seeing this as my only opportunity I run down the stairs. Yoder may have heard me, I made no attempts to be quiet, but it's hard to imagine you could hear anything over a scream like that.

I'm out the front door no longer taking the precaution to use the back in hopes of not being spotted. Instead choosing the fastest option. Any questions raised about someone being seen exiting their house in the middle of the night can easily be explained by Yoder's presence. And assuming he didn't hear my leaving there would be no need for any further questions. I look up at the parents window. Candles still burning strong Yoder's shadow can be seen on the wall. Holding out a cross while chanting Prayer, the screaming continues.

I stand for a moment watching. I can't just stand here in the middle of the night staring at their house. I know full well I should be discreetly heading back to the barn and counting myself lucky to have not been caught. Instead I look at the tree and wonder. I tell myself I simply came here to see if Susanna was alive and she is. My business here is done. I should not push my luck any further. It would be wrong of me to climb back up and invade others privacy. But who am I kidding, I was climbing the tree while telling myself all that, and am already shimmying over towards their window. Not getting as close as last time, to stay out of sight. I can see both parents, but Yoder is still out of view. The Prayer chants continue and I quietly join in, figuring they could use all the help they can get at this point.

Yoder steps into view and lights a few more candles. The screams suddenly stop. A few seconds later the vomiting starts. Exactly as Yoder had described, Thick, sludgy, slowly, one large glob hanging there. Coming out and inching its way down to the bed. Just as Dad's had. Though this one too is silver. Yoder returns the cross to his pocket. And calmly walks over to the window. Holding my breath I'm paralyzed with fear. He opens the window but is looking down while he does so. Pulling the measuring tape out. One glance up and no question he would see me. Instead he waste no time in measuring the distance from the window to where the vomit will be landing. Before abruptly leaving the room and forcefully closing the door behind him.

It's now that I notice I left the front door open. I quickly move to the middle of the tree, Being the most well covered spot I wait. Several minutes pass before Yoder leaves. I wish I had any idea what he was doing in that time. I can barely see him through the branches but can make out his shape. He only pauses momentarily when exiting to look at the front door. Hopefully assuming he had forgotten to close it behind himself upon entry. I see him leave, walking away towards his home. Waiting several minutes to be sure he's well gone before climbing down and heading back to the barn. Hopefully now I'll be able to sleep. Though there isn't much time left to do so.

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