《Even in the afterlife, I still hate mondays ...》End of the first arc - On the first day, god found his engineer ...


“You are definitely going to regret this” Said the spymaster to the baldy.

“We shall see, but I refuse to stand here and watch Fate bite us in the ass” Responded the baldy, snorting. “I’m calling a council of elder”

The spy master grumbled “Fine, do as you wish … just remember that I warned you !”


Dazed, the second lieutenant silently watched one of his jeep speed away. Not completely realising what was happening … his brain only getting back into working order once the other soldiers joined him.

“Everyone in the jeep, we need to pursue them. We cannot afford to lose valuable equipment !”

The four soldier immediately rushed for the jeep, the second lieutenant climbing in the driver seat. He turned the key, expecting to hear the engine starting.

There was no such sound …

“Damnit !” Screamed the driver. “Check the engine ! If we lose them, it’s over !”

Two of the soldier jumped off instantly, only the doctor staying seated with the driver. A quick check revealed what was wrong.

“They removed the batteries chief ! We need five minutes to change them !”

The driver grumbled, that was too long.


“So, now that we are all here ... ” Began old Ji “Would you tell us why we have been assembled ?”

“Shouldn’t we wait for the spymaster ?” Asked general Battlemore.

“She refuses to attend …” Said the baldy, producing a nod from Old Ji “We will start without her !”

The man cleared his throat, gathering the attention of the five other figure seated around the table.

“Today, I called a council of elder to announce grave news. Whatever word will be spoken here must not leave these walls. Is that clear ?”

The five figures nodded. A voice interrupting the bald man before he could continue.

“Before you begin father, are you sure I should even be here ?” Asked Hana from the side.

The baldy didn’t even have time to answer, the MRO manager responding before him.

“Yes, most certainly, the council of elder is by no means based on authority, seniority or responsibilities.


It reunite the most powerful gods of our plane !” Said the MRO manager.

“Your place among us is well earned” Continued a nodding Battlemore.

Hana smiled hearing those words, and the bald figure of her father raised a hand, calling for the attention of the council. In a solemn voice, he spoke the following words “Fate has once again taken it’s course ...”

And instantly the whole table froze. Old Ji broke the silence “Are you sure, this is no slight threat you are implying...”

“Yes, the spymaster confirmed it.” Confirmed their leader, making a few scowls appear on the face of the people assembled. “About fifty years ago, a foreign entity entered the main plane, a being of Fate.”

Battlemore thought aloud “Outrageous … So soon ...”

A little girly voice was once more raised. “I’m sorry but what are we talking about” Asked Hana “Are we talking about fate, the concept, or something else ?”

The bald figure sighed. ”Hana, two hundred years ago when you earned your place among us, I gave you a stack of document to read.

Did you even read them ?”

“Not really ...” She responded, a bit embarrassed that she couldn’t even remember receiving those documents.

A few figure at the table sighed, a bit disappointed by their new addition. Before a young looking figure started to explain.

“Fate is a powerful organisation. We know not of it’s origins and, sadly, little of it’s goals, but they are not to be taken lightly. Their action have guided the universe multiple time in the past, and they always made short work of whoever stood in their way.”

“Are they really so frightening ?” Asked Hana, doubtful.

“Yes” Continued the young figure “Much more than you can imagine … I suppose you have already heard of the primordial ones ?”

“Yes” nodded the red haired girl “They were the first specie to be granted a soul and enter the afterlife realms. They rapidly took control of the whole universe, showing great kindness to all other species. Only to disappear mysteriously ...”

Old Ji snorted “Their disappearance had nothing mysterious. They were wiped out in an instant ! It was the very first time Fate appeared”


Hana’s eyes opened wide. Really ? A whole race that spanned the whole universe, annihilated in an instant ? What kind of power would be needed to realise such a thing.

“I don’t understand, If they have such power, what prevents them from taking full control ? Why do they need to be so sneaky that it took us fifty years to detect their appearance in our own domain ?”

The bald figure answered “Nothing, it simply isn’t the way Fate work. Fate works surreptitiously, hiding it’s goal and means through layers and layers of lies. By the time you realise Fate was at work, their goal are already achieved …”

Silence slowly descended on the table. Once more broken by a girly voice …

“What do we do then ?”

The bald leader shook his head “I have called upon a meeting with all the leaders of our alliance, we need to ready ourselves if we wish to escape this calamity. As for what WE should do, here in these humanoid realms, I do not know. It is to ask this very same question, that I assembled you today … In the face of this potential doom, I refuse to stay motionless. Even if it means opposing Fate, I shall remain the master of my destiny !”

Old Ji raised his voice, addressing their leader in a scoffing tone “This is foolish !”

Every other figure nodded, only Hana and her father disagreeing.

“Do we know who or what entered the plane ? ” Asked Hana

“We know neither how to recognize the foreign being, nor of its position. We only know it hasn’t left for now !” Responded the bald figure

Hana rose from the table “Then I will lead my regiment to investigate. I refuse to believe this being hasn’t left any kind of trail, any strange happenings that could be pieced back to him …”

Not waiting for anyone the answer, she hurriedly left the room.

Old Ji snorted ”Young ones are so impulsive … but I guess she isn’t completely wrong … I too will investigate, prudently of course. If anything strange happens on any planet under my custody, I will immediately report back to this council !”

Old Ji then stood up, leaving the room calmly. The general and the MRO manager then promised to do much the same in their respective organisation, before leaving too.

The young figure however, remained motionless in his seat.

“Will you not help us, Great elder ?” Asked the bald figure

“No baldy, I will not ! During my very long existence, I have seen countless souls struggle in the grasp of Fate. Whatever you are trying here is meaningless, you will achieve nothing but to gain it’s ire.”

The bald man grumbled “You sound like the spymaster ...”

The young figure smiled “That is but the voice of reason, baldy. The only advice I can give you, is to remember you cannot oppose Fate.

It is a mistake you would forever rue doing !”

The child then rose from his seat, skipping toward the exit. Leaving the baldy to his scheming ...

As he left the room, a dark expression appeared on the face of the skipping youth ...

“So master has finally started moving, not informing this lowly one … This may prove to be very interesting !” He said, grinning happily “I shall await our following gathering with great expectation, master, but first, let us meet this individual that was granted your blessing !”

Licking his lips, the boy continued

“I am sure he will prove to be most entertaining !”


“So, is it here ?” Asked George, talking to the stone hidden in his protective suit.

He was carrying one child in each arm, both in their own much too large protective suit.

“Yes, it’s here.” Responded the little stone “You need to break the front door open, the hatch to the basement is behind the second door on the right.”

The little stone sighed to itself. How nostalgic, if not for the roof which had been blown off, the broken windows, and the slight burn marks on the brick walls, this place hadn’t changed …

Shaking his head, Cyndric escaped the nostalgia.

Memories would have to wait, they had a world to save !

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