《Heroes Of 21st century !》Chapter 9: The Fruitcake Knows Nothing!


"So that girl took you to their base?" Cerys asked me to which I simply nodded.We were walking down the streets to her home,

"Are you retarded!,you just saw her kill those terrorist and later simply followed her to some cave in some jungle?" she said hitting me at the back of my head,

"Ouch,I had two very dangerous criminals with me and I thought they may have a place to put them which they did",

"Which reminds me" she hit me at back of my head again,

"Ouch what the hell that was for?",

"What in the name of god were you thinking taking those terrorists off with you?Where were you gonna keep them in your basement?" to this question I just kept silent to which she looked at me in disbelief.

"You were actually going to...." this time when she took a swing I ducked,

"Enough with the hitting already!,we are not kids anymore.I can go where I want and do what I want.",

"Yeah right! like that time you were about to walk off with that con man in sixth grade?",

"That.......he told me he was from my fathers office",

"If it weren't for me calling out my brother who knows what may have happned!" she let out a chuckle.Every time somehting like happen she would covver her face with her hand while her eyes gave that 'thats so you' look which really pisses me off!,not as much that scary calm smile of hers she got from her mother but god dame its irritating.

"Sorry but admit it,if it weren't for me you would have gotten scamed every now and then" she said while covering that big grin on her face with those long sleves and looking at me through her glasses with that same irritating look,

"Well kepping aside the reasons I have been doing fine in these past 2 years haven't I?",

"Yeah going god knows where after school,returning to home late,giving your parents some vague excuses! you may happen to be slow but they aren't simmon."as we had reached her apartment she turned and said "They know.",


"Know what?",

"That you were that fool in the white today on T.V" for a momment there I just stood trying to process what she just said while the things about what could go wrong if they knew form my therapy were running through my mind.

"I don't know how they gonna react"she walked up the stairs to the door then turned"but from what I saw today in your home and plus from that ridiculous outfit they would truly be your parents if they didn't notice!" she said while unlocking the door "It is almost identical to that idotic one you were wearing that night!",

"Wait so are you sure the....",

"Well you will find out when you reach home.Tell me about it tommrow on our way school.",

"Yea lets....I will pick you up then we....see you tommrow" as I began to turn,

"Simmon" she called looking at me standing behinde the door,


"Seeing that you are just as slow as always,me knowing that you are sorry and accepting that sorry are two diffrent things.Think about it on your way home" she shut the door shut while I stood there as I knew what she meant but somehting tells me I didn't.

I hurried my way back still feeling a little funny talking with Cerys like old days after all this time.It wasn't until I was near my block that I started thinking about what if she was right and everyone at my home knows!.I guss being with her again after all this time I went back to the clueless,useless and really slow me from back then but that is somehting I can work with if it means things between us can go back to how they were.....unless what she said at last is not what I think it means.

As I rang the bell my mind was running wild on thoughts of what kind of reaction will my parents have if I just told them everything?.Somehow it sounded preety simple and you know logical but I keep hearing this voice in my head telling me"Don't you fu#$%ng dare!"....but I better leave that for the weekend therapy.


"Ah!,you are finally back" my little brother Brian was the one to open the door."Mom,he is home" he turned around and ran inside,

"Simmon,you are finally back!.You made walked Cerys home" Mom shouted from the kitchen,

"Yes" I walked in closeing the door behinde me,

"It seems you two are talking again" she came out of the kitchen holding a pot,

"Yes I was really shocked to see her here.....are we having a feast?" I asked as I looked at the dinning table,

"Well somehting close to that" Mom went straight back into the kitchen humming,

"What's the occasion?"I asked picking up one of the egg roll,

"What's the occasion?,Cerys came to our home and you are comming back with that stupid grin on your face and you ask me whats the occasi.....put that down and wash up " she said as she brought plates,

"Fine" I put it down and looked around,Anwen and Gracie were watching T.V,

"Is dad not home yet?",

"No,he called and said he will be out of town covering after that terrorist attack from the T.V" she said arranging the plates,

"He will be out of town?" I said with all the negative outcomes she had told me about running through my mind,

"Don't worry! he will be back tommrow morrning.Besides when I told him that Cerys visted he told me to tell you not to mess it up this time!" she stopped her work and looked at me in the eyes,

"I mean it Simmon",

"I know" she smiled at me then told me to go to my room and be ready for dinner soon.

When I went inside my room Brian was there sitting on my bed.

"What's going on?"he asked while glaring at me,

"Nothing,I just came in to....",

"When I came home Cerys and mom had been talking about somehting which they stoped seeing me,she didm't ask you about where you have been all this time only to get the same answer that your quack suggested to walk around or some made up shit like that and she did not even overreacted about dad telling her before leaving only at the last second" he smirked and countinued "Between the two of us only one is mentally challenged.So I ask again what is going on?",

Ever since the second roof incident he has been a little rough towards me but having a big brother who has jumped off the roof twice,attends therapy every week and is the odd one at the school.......well I know I can not blame him for it but if he dosen't get rid of that smirk off his face I will beat him up,

"Listen I am already tired so how about you play sherlock somewhere else ok"I said sitting down on a chair,

"Please don't tell me the reason you had been disappearing after school is somehow related to those terorist from T.V!",

"Brian I really love our brotherly chats such as this one but......actually I don't so get out already,GOD!" I went to the washroom as I heard him getting up and moveing towards the door,

"You know you are doing pretty good job at becoming a total fruitcake,don't drag Cerys into it again" as he left I had this funny urge to strangle somehting.

As I was about to leave my room for dinner after freshning up I heard a little beep sound from my bag.

This night keeps getting longer and longer!

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