《Heroes Of 21st century !》Chapter 8:A Midnight Thearpy?


"You idotic idot!" she finaly stopped with the kicking and settled herself on one of the swings,

"what the hell were you even thinking going out there?"she said while sittting on the swing cross legged holding her head,

"I was just...."I was trying to stand up while she shouted,

"Trying to get yourself killed!,do you even watch a news chanel?"I decided it will take a bit more time for me to stand so i just lay down on ground,she didn't hold back her punches....or kicks!

"The terrorist Butcher you were playing hero with has killed so manny that.....he almost got you too if weren't for that creepy girl you would have not only gotten yourself killed but those hostages too!" she made sure her voice wasnt that loud,

"What was I suppose to do?it had been an hour since those guys had been at that bank and none of those "HEROES" came too so I....",

"All this time I kept asking you what the hell was going on with you,I even stopped talking to you but you didn't budged then that roof incedent happned,everyone said you attempted sucide "her eyes began tearing "I went to your place but you said you didnt wanted to talk to me,I actually thought maybe I could have been the reson." I stood up and sat on the swing next to hers as she went silent for few mins trying to stop her tears......she is usually not a crying type.

"BUT!" she finally pulled her tears back and was once again sounding full of rage "But then you went ahead and jumped off the roof for a second time!" she said in a very scary tone while starring at me,


"you see tha....",

"That too on my birthday!",


"Right at the momment I opned the door to the roof",

I just gave up after that.Had to say that timing was really somehting,I thought it could only happen in those movies and dramas.

"I screamed at you to stop" she said while holding her head again "I had to attend therapy too as they tried to convince me that your fall didn't stop middair" she looked up with a jerk and shouted "I told them again and again that when I looked down you were laying on some thing yellow middair while screaming in pain,looked up at me and then fell down straight to the ground",

"You do know that it was kind of your fault too...?" I regreted it soon as I said it,

"Are you jokeing with me?,everyone thought I had gone crazy while I was beggning to think you were part of some occult!" she said then finally cooled down and smiled a little,

"What?,are you that glad at least it wasn't an occult?" I said to which she took off her glasses and pulled out a hanky and started cleaning them,

"Ohh I would have been glad if thats what you were into.....well maybe not" she said while putting on her glasses,

"I am really sorry but I couldm't tell you at that time as....." as I began to speak she just kept looking at me with a wierd smile,

"Is everything ok?" I asked to which she simply replied "It was my mother wasn't it?",

there was complete silence for few seconds as I was trying to think what to answer.

"Simmon"She said in a extremly calm voice,


"I am going to ask you some questions and you are going to answer in etheir yes or no.I hear anyhting else and I will hit you" as I was about to say somehting I looked ather face,it was extremely [email protected]#ly calm.she was looking more scary than Butcher in a completely diffrent way,the only person who could make such a face is her mother a.k.a my therapist.


"The person cause of whom you could not tell me anything was my mom?",


"She simply asked you to not tell me?",




"She threatened you.....let me guss she said she would tell everyone of your powers?",




"She has really done it this time...."She finally stoped starring at me and looked away while I took a deep breath, her mother had that same smile when she told me that she would tell everyone that I was affected by that meteor and what could be the consequences.She told what worst possible outcomes I may have to face regarding some of them I still have nightmares.She told be the worst possible outcomes if she told everyone about my secrect while I was 12 year old.....she had that same smile at that momment.

"I am really sorry Cerys",

"I know",

"I am really sorry for all those times",

"I know you are" she said while getting up.It had been so long since we talked like this.....there were many times I wanted to walk up to her and tell about what actualy happned when I jumped off the roof...the first time,about the time I finally managed to controll a proper barrier...at the time of her birthday,when she had a accident,at my birthday,at first day of high school,when I leanred to fly!.There were many times and many things I wanted to talk about with her.

"Well I came to your house to make sure you were ok" she started walking towards the gate,

We had been friends since we learned to talk but since her mother warned me and that second jump inccedent I started ignoring her at all times.I didm't only runied her birthday but she had to take a week off school for therapy as she kept insesting on what she had seen.

"I will take my leave then.?",

"Wait....can't we stay for a bit more?",

"Have you taken a look at your watch?",

"I hav....ohh!" it was already past 10.

"Lets go home already!",

"Yea we can catch up tommrow right?",

"Simmon" she said with a smile.....her worryfree non scary pleasent smile,


"I thought after all this time you would have stopped being a crybaby?"she stood there waiting for me as I wiped off my tears.

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