《The Legacy of a Pirate》Chapter 21Fruit Craze


"Ugh..Finally.." I groaned as the boat finally stopped at the shore.

"...Warn us next time before you do something like that!" I hopped out just as Vivian was towing the boat onto land.

"Warn you for what?"Vivian tilted her head.

"Eh for going too fast?" Ellie said as I helped her out of the boat and back into her wheelchair.

"If we are talking concerning raw strength then Vivian just about matches with the captain!" Fay poked her little head out of Ellie's bag.

"Huh?" Ellie instantly became dumbfounded as she stared Vivian's splendid figure. "How come she isn't a hulking mass of muscle like the captain?!" She thought.

I started pushing Ellie across the grass after Vivian found a large bush to hide our boat.

Our journey through the Felaasi Forest began!

I was glad that Ellie's wheelchair was replaced with a more heavy duty one thanks to one of our crew members who was good with tools. It made it easier to push her through the forest.

"Oh~~" Ellie stared in awe as we got a closer look at the gigantic trees. The wood maintained an unusual purplish color to it, but the mature leaves were perfectly green.

"These types of trees only grow here in this country, and they grow to be at least 70 feet tall," Vivian said as we continued walking through the forest.

I had to admit that the trees were quite big, and because of the sheer number of them, the light of the sun wasn't able to travel inside that well. The rich forest possessed some kind of mystical effect as the sounds of various creatures going about their daily lives entered my ears. Vivian continued to talk about the forest, but I was too busy taking in the scenery.

"Huh?" I stopped suddenly to scan our surroundings carefully.

"What's wrong?" Ellie looked up at me.

"Are we there already?"Fay asked from within the bag.

"No...But It felt like someone was watching us, but now the feeling is gone."I furrowed my brows as I continued to look, but still, I couldn't sense it at all now.

"I think it's just your imagination. Let's keep moving! We have no time to waste!"Vivian shouted as she took the lead.


"Hmm... Ok then.." I slightly frowned before I continued to push Ellie.

Uzo slowly appeared from smoke once he noticed the four were farther away.

"The boy is getting stronger...In more ways than one. No one should be able to sense me..."Uzo pondered for a moment before he slowly disappears once and continued to follow the four silently.

The journey took us six hours of continuous walking to finally see a human-made pathway.

"Finally...I didn't think the forest was that big."I sighed as I started to slow my pace, leaning on Ellie's wheelchair a bit.

I suddenly felt a gentle breeze against my face and knew that it was Ellie's work.


"No problem!"

After several more minutes of walking down the well-worn path, I could finally see the gradual clearing of the forest.

"Faster! We are practically there!"Vivian snatched Ellie's wheelchair from me and pushed her through the clearing.

"Hey!" I rapidly moved my feet to keep up.

"Guh..." I suddenly stopped as I was forced to put my hand over my eyes from the sudden burst of light after exiting the clearing.

Once my eyes adequately adjusted, I could finally see a large grassy meadow that stretched several miles downward, and if I looked even further, I started to see a city.

The prosperous city looked as if it wasn't a part of the land. The surroundings gave off this all natural feeling, but it was ruined by the massive city. Bright lights of the city started to turn on as the sun finally sets in the horizon.

"Renhart..." I was taken aback from the scenery and wondered how thieves could thrive in a beautiful place like this.

"Ahhh!" The shriek of Ellie brought me out of my daze, and I continued running after the crazy woman.

"Vivian! Slow down!"I ran with all my might, but only managed to keep up with her heels.

Vivian glanced back at me, "No way! We are almost there! We have to get there before they sell out!"

"Sell out of what?!" I exclaimed.

"Renhart is known for its merchants, but it's more known for something else! The Chinmoy fruit!"Vivian answered.


"Eh?" I slowed down for just a moment as I thought about it.

"I'll explain it once we are there!" Vivian picked up her speed even more. She didn't stop for a single moment as she pushed Ellie across the several hills laid out in our path. The woman rapidly left me in her dust.

"PLEASE STOOOOOOP!"Ellie and Fay yelled at the top of their lungs.

The four of us finally made it to Renhart, and the city actually looked quite beautiful close-up despite not mixing in with the surroundings.

The city was just getting prepared for its nightlife, and local merchants could still be found outside their stores trying to sell their goods.

"These people are definitely dedicated..." I mumbled under my breath. I then noticed an extraordinarily towering building in the middle of the city that had even more dazzling lights shining from its windows.

"Here!" Before I could study it more, Vivian would hand me Ellie's wheelchair again. Ellie sighed in relief once she was free. That woman is shaving years off my life, she thought.

"Ugh...I don't think I can stay in that bag anymore..."Fay was quite dizzy from all of the movement earlier.

"Here...just fly in."I leaned over slightly over the bag as I cautiously opened my jacket, there was a pocket big enough for Fay to hide.

"Ah perfect!"

Once she flew into my pocket, I would look up to see Vivian gone from my sight.

"Where did she go?" I asked.

"Well..." Ellie pointed forward as I discover Vivian hysterically asking each store owner if they had any fruit left.

"I don't have any!"One merchant said.

"I'm all out sorry!"Another merchant replied.

"Please ask someone else!" A merchant rapidly closed down his stall and escaped.

Vivian was quickly losing her patience, and she promptly got into it with this one last merchant owner that denied her.

"No! I don't have any at all! I wouldn't sell them to you anyways!"

"I can clearly smell them coming from your store! You have to give me some! Please!"Vivian grabbed hold of the merchant's shirt, gripping it tightly as she pleaded.

"I-I don't have any! Now, go away before I call for the guards!"The merchant swatted her hands away before walking into his store. He would then slam the door behind him.

"Ahhhh!!!" Vivian screamed as the muscles in arms started to tense up. She naturally wanted to tear this store down and merely take what she wanted! However, Vivian rapidly calmed herself and slid down onto her bottom, huddling her knees close to her chest

"What's so special about this Chinmoy fruit?" Ellie asked wonderingly as I pushed her over to Vivian's side.

"It's a special fruit only found in this area. I had happened to come across it when my mother baked a pie with it. It was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted!"

Vivian had sighed before she continued talking, " I wanted to bake with it too and share it with everyone on the ship...If I knew where to obtain it, I could get it myself!" Vivian clenched her fist tightly.

"....But they wouldn't tell me that either..." Vivian hid her face underneath her arms.

"How come they aren't selling them to you?" I asked as I looked back to see all the merchants avoiding my gaze once they noticed I was associated with Vivian.

"I'm not so sure...But let's just find an inn to rest. We will shop for supplies in the morning..."Vivian slowly stood up on her feet and dusted herself off before walking down the street with her head slumped over.

"Hmm...I never saw Vivian this sad before."I slightly frowned as I became concerned about the woman. She had always been a headstrong and quite cheerful lady.

"I have..." Fay spoke up with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I'll talk once we are in an inn. I don't think this is the place to have a long talk."

Once we were settled down in an inn, Fay would tell us a story she heard from the captain about Vivian.

I could only stare at the little fairy in shock.

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