《Nexus》Chapter 8


“Fine,” Cameron Andrews said, his voice stiff with emotion. “I’ll let Will stay in the Nexus.”

Both Will and Edward drew in a breath of relief, though Will failed to notice his Alpha’s change in reaction. But any fleeting moment of relief was hidden as Cameron reached out one hand and pulled Edward to his feet. Will had completely forgotten his father’s work history as general labor, but this surprising show of strength reminded him. Even Edward seemed taken aback as he found himself face to face with what he’d thought was an ordinary man.

“But make no mistake, Edward Ambrose,” Cameron continued, his voice suddenly cold. “There’s nothing I care about in this world more than my son. If he dies for you, I’ll kill you. It’s been done before, and I will find a way. Do you understand me?”

Both Will and Charlisa stepped forward, alarmed. The two parents ignored them, continuing to lock eyes. An eternity seemed to pass before Edward broke the silence. “I do not doubt that you will fulfill that promise. I promise that I will do everything in my power to stop you from having to take on such a momentous task.”

The next thing Will knew, his dad’s face was rearranged into a perfectly friendly expression. He released his grip on Edward’s collar, and the two stepped back from each other. Cameron smiled. “Well then. Let me welcome you officially to my home. I assume you’re here to pick up Will’s things?”

“Yes,” Will replied, still unsure of what exactly had just happened in front of him. He wasn’t sure if he needed to defend his dad from future attacks. Edward seemed perfectly calm, however, so he decided to move things along. If he pretended there wasn’t a problem, there might not be one. “I’ll just, uh, run up and grab my things then.”

“I’ll help you,” Charlisa said. Edward turned quickly to stare at her, his eyes slightly narrowed. “It’s fine. I don’t mind helping.”

Will was a little hesitant, but as both Charlisa and Edward waved him on, he finally broke away from the awkward air and headed to his bedroom upstairs. Charlisa followed him without a word, slipping the phone she’d been holding into her back pocket. Will couldn’t help but glanced back at her every few seconds as if checking to see she hadn’t disappeared. He racked his brain, trying to remember if he’d cleaned it. What if he hadn’t, and it was a total mess?

Thankfully, his room was as tidy as could be expected. The covers were a mess of course, as he never made the bed, but other than that it was normal. He heaved a quiet sigh of relief at the revelation and made for the closet, where his suitcase had been put after his trip. Glancing back again, he saw Charlisa staring at his book collection, her eyes looking uninterested. Of course, she wouldn’t be a nerd type like he was.

“I didn’t know you read so much,” she said, confirming his suspicions. “I thought you were a martial artist.”

“A person can be more than one thing,” he said automatically, then clamped his jaw shut. It was his typical response to the ‘but I thought you were a jock’ comment. “Sorry, I didn’t mean-”


“It’s fine,” She cut him off. She didn’t look offended by his lightning reply and offered him another smile. He was lost in the beauty of that simple expression for what felt like minutes, before returning his attention to the suitcase. He heard her laugh as he plopped it down on the bed and unzipped it.

“What?” He asked, a tad defensively.

“Oh, nothing. I just can’t believe I have a crush on such a nervous guy.”

“Well, that’s not your fault,” Will said, returning to his suitcase once more and reaching for nearby clothes to put into it. “We can’t help who we like.”

It was as he put a rolled pair of socks into the suitcase that what she’d said actually sank in. Even then, he was certain that he’d misheard the words. Turning back slowly, he asked, “Did you just say what I thought you-”

He got no further. She had moved closer to him now, dangerously close. Her cheeks were reddening even as she got closer, but she was still smiling that usual coy, sarcastic smile that he enjoyed so much. “Do you like me too, Will?”

What in the hell was happening? Will’s mind seemed to be moving at a tenth of its usual speed. All he could think of was how beautiful her eyes were this close, and how soft her lips looked. Get a hold of yourself! That voice, the reasonable, skeptical part, went quiet very quickly, and his brain was empty. Hadn’t she asked him a question? He should probably answer her, or she might get mad. He kicked himself mentally. Say something. Say anything!

“Oh,” his mouth, operating with complete independence from his brain, prattled away. “Yes, of course.”

Holy shit, he thought. She chuckled at that reply, staring at him with slightly narrowed eyes. He would have thought she was angry at him if she hadn’t taken a deep breath and closed the distance, kissing him lightly. Her lips were incredibly soft against his own, so soft that they wiped any intelligent thought from his mind. All that was left was an empty space and bliss. He could have died right there, and he wouldn’t have been any the wiser.

Eventually, he opened his eyes to see her staring at him, her eyes wide open and hopeful. “Sorry, I thought I’d just go for it. Was that, uhh, was that okay?”

Will opened his mouth to reply but found that no words came out. His brain moved sluggishly, waking up after the slumber it had just been forced into. Had that really happened? He couldn’t be sure. It had felt like a dream. But she was looking at him expectantly, waiting anxiously for his reaction. Now there was a tinge of doubt in her face, even of fear, as if she was afraid she’d just kissed someone who had no interest in her. He couldn’t let her walk away with that impression, he thought.

“I had no idea you liked me too,” he said, his voice croaky. “I mean, I’ve liked you since we started high school. Basically the second I saw you.”

The red spots on her cheeks grew, and she looked down at her feet. “Oh.”

“Wait,” he said. “When did you-”

“A-about a year ago,” she confessed, speaking so quietly he almost couldn’t hear her. “It was when the Kendo club did a demonstration. You beat the club president so quickly.”


“Oh yeah,” Will chuckled at the memory. He’d been Captain of the Kendo club for nearly two years, having swiftly replaced the previous Captain when he graduated. “You remembered that?”

She nodded, finally looking up to meet his eyes once more. “You seemed so cool. I thought for sure you were one of those brainless jocks like the football team.”

Will had quite a few friends who played for the football team, but he let the comment slide. “Thanks. I never thought you even noticed me, you know. You were the daughter of the Alpha of the Fire Nexus. I thought he’d kill me if I even said hello to you.”

That brought a louder laugh out of her. “He wouldn’t dare. He knows I make my own decisions. You know, in our culture, I came of age at sixteen.”

“I did know that,” Will said. “I learned that in Alaskan Studies.”

“You took Alaskan Studies?” She asked, taking a step back and tilting her head sideways. “But you were born here. You already know all about Alaska.”

“Exactly. That made it an easy A.”

She laughed again at that. Will enjoyed making her laugh. Without quite meaning to, he took a step closer towards her. Either this bit of confidence would cement the best thing that had ever happened in his life, or he’d have to answer some nasty questions from Edward. Either way, he’d never know unless he tried. Either way, he couldn’t let that dream be the only time, could he? She moved forward too, as if wanting to try again, and before he knew it, they were kissing once more.

Will put his arms around her waist, trying to keep her close. To his surprise and delight, he felt her arms wrap around his neck in reply, and she pulled him against her. Their kiss deepened, and Will felt Charlisa give a small sigh of happiness. The smell of her perfume filled his brain, once again wiping it blank with joy. That kiss lasted almost a whole minute, or it could have been several hours, or even several long, sunny days. All he was aware of was her finally pulling away, looking dizzy and breathless, but still drop-dead gorgeous.


“Got everything?”

It was roughly fifteen minutes later that Will and Charlisa came down the stairs, each holding a bag in their hands. In addition, Will had his sports bag slung over his back. Inside were his swords, both practice and otherwise, his most prized possessions. He didn’t know why he was bringing them, as he doubted they would find much use where he was going. Still, he’d earned them, and didn’t want them out of his sight long-term.

“We got most of it,” Will said, setting down the two bags he was carrying. “I can come back for the rest sometime later, Dad.”

His dad, who had been talking quietly with Edward just inside the living room, nodded his acceptance and moved forward, arms extended for a hug. Will returned the gesture enthusiastically, and they stood still for a moment, patting each other on the back. His dad’s chest rumbled as he spoke. “Make sure to come and visit often. If I don’t see you at least once a month I’m coming up the hill.”

Will laughed. “Of course, Dad. And you’re always welcome to come visit me, too. I’m sure Edward won’t mind you coming onto the hill.”

“Not at all,” Edward agreed. He stepped over and grabbed the bags that Will had set down, lifting them easily despite their weight. He looked at Charlisa for a moment, and the two of them seemed to pass a silent message. Then he slung one of the bags over his shoulder. “Well, we should be off if we want to beat the afternoon traffic.”

“There’s only traffic if we go down Airport Way,” Will put in. “We can easily take one of the side streets.”

Edward only shrugged in reply, taking the bags to the front door. As he opened it to step out, he turned back to Will. “I’ll be waiting outside.”

Charlisa followed her father, pausing only to hug Will’s dad. He seemed surprised by the gesture, but all too willing for another free hug. He was that type of person, Will thought with a smile. “You seem like a lovely girl. Please take good care of my son, will you? Make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble.”

Charlisa smiled again at that, a full smile that showed her white teeth. “I’ll do my best, Mr. Andrews. See you outside, Will.”

She closed the door behind her as she left, leaving both Will and his father in an awkward sort of silence. Cameron drew a long, deep breath, and looked around the living room as if hoping a subject for conversation would appear. They’d never had an awkward moment like this, Will reflected. Talking to his Dad was easy, like talking to a best friend. And they had lived like friends, outside of parental responsibilities, ever since his mother had passed away six years ago. She’d been the emotional one, who could freely discuss uncomfortable things. Without her, the Andrews family just brushed minor emotions aside, not willing to take on more burdens.

“So,” his father said, tapping one hand on his thigh. He didn’t seem to have anything to follow the word.

“So,” Will repeated, grinning uncomfortably. “I’m sorry again, Dad. I-”

His father waved a hand to dismiss the apology and hugged him one more time. “Don’t worry about it, Will. I know you’ve always been fascinated by the Nexus. I suppose I should have seen this coming. I’m glad you at least got your dream, especially with that girl. She’s cute.”

Will cringed internally. Had he been that obvious? He rather thought he’d been clever and subtle with his years-long infatuation with the beautiful native girl. He shook his head ruefully and patted his father on the back. Finally, they separated, and he moved towards the door. His last glimpse of his father before stepping out of the house was of Cameron, standing alone in the center of the living room, looking like he didn’t quite know where he was. Something wrenched painfully in his gut, and he closed the door behind him.

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