
I slowly turn aroun looking up at Kingston as I do, I give him a small smile which he returns.

¨Princess, How old are you¨ He asked smirking. Princess? really that´s what you came up with.

¨I just turned 21 a few weeks ago¨ I said shrugging my shoulders and looking around to see who was around while also looking for an escape.

¨You really are a child¨ He said chuckling and shaking his head causing his long curly hair to shake. I wish my hair was longer like. Wait did he just call me a child?

¨Well how old are you¨ I asked, putting my hands on my hips and tilting my head to the side.

¨32¨ He said smirking down at me, There was this look in his eyes as he looked down at me, He looked at my lips then back up at me, His smirk widening as he did so. Why is he staring at me like that?

I nodded in response before turning my body towards the barn. Behind the barn was this field and if you walked a little further there was some woods and if you follow the little trail, There was a small Lake surronded by tree´s and some giant rocks.

Alicia and Harry used to take me out there to swim when I came to stay the night with Alicia, We used to jump off the rocks and into the deeper side of the Lake. I kinda wanted to get away from the party but I didn't wanna be rude to Kingston by just leaving him here all by himself. So I asked him if he wanted to join me.

¨Do you wanna go somewhere with me¨ I asked looking and away from the trail and back up at Kingston who was looking down at me but he didnt have a smirk on his face this time he was genuinely smiling at me with an expression that looked like happiness.

¨Sure¨ He said.

I nodded and grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the trail. I thought he would ask me where were going but he didnt say anything. I looked back at him only to noticed he was already staring back at me.

I smiled and he looked down at my lips, His tongue darting out and gliding across his bottom lip. As I watched I couldn´t help but squirm at the heat forming between my legs.

It seems he caught noticed me rubbing my thighs together because he was smirking at me and he had this dark look in his eye. I decided that I would turn around and start walking again before he pushed me up against the barn and fucked me like a wild animal.

As we walked towards the lake I could feel him staring holes into me. Jesus take a picture it would last you longer. I rolled my eyes at my internal thoughts and pulled his arm harder trying to speed up the process. For someone with such long legs you´d think he was a little faster than this.

Finally after what felt like forever we made it to the lake. It looked so beautiful during the summer time. I let go of Jacksons arm and sat on a rock close to the edge of the


lake. Kingston sat beside me but not super close. With all the space between us I´m pretty sure you could fit another person in between us.

¨It´s beautiful¨ I whispered not really meaning for him to hear me.

¨Yea it is¨ He said, I looked up at him and he was staring back at me. Did he just call me beautiful? I gave him a small smile before turning and looking back at the water. We sat in silence for awhile before he asked if we could play 21 questions. I said yea and he asked me a few questions about my childhood, How I met Alicia and Harry, And about my hobbies. I asked the same questions and he told me a little about himself.

So far I know his Father´s name is Leonardo and his Mom´s names is Ohana. He has 2 little brothers named Matteo who is 26 and Dante who is also 26, Him and Matteo are twins. He has a 3 little sisters named Olivia, Lia, and Rosey. Olivia is 27, Lia is 22,Rosy is 9. He owns a company named Pierce Co. which was passed down to him by his father.

Matteo and Dante also work for the company under Kingstonn, He said theyre like his right hand men.

Olivia is a Nurse and she has a husband named Corey, He´s one of Jackson´s bestfriends. Lia is a designeer whose starting her own company. And little Rosy makes braclets.

The whole family is making bank, I cant believe a 9 year old probably makes more then me in a week. We just talked after awhile, just getting to know eachother. It got

dark out and was a little chilly. I was getting a little cold and started rubbing my arms to get warm. Kingston looked down at me and frowned.

¨Are you cold princess¨ He asked putting his hand on my back and rubbing in circular motions.

¨Yea a little but I´ĺl be fine don´t worry¨ I said not wanting him to worry it wasn´t that cold just a little. His frowned deepened and he mumbled something under his breath about me not bringing a jacket and something about a spanking, But I´m pretty sure I heard that last part wrong so I ignored it. He took of his Jacket and stood up infront of me.

He told me to put my arms out and for some reason I did what he said. I put my arms out and he put the jacket on me and zipped it up. He leaned down towards my ear and whispered in my ear.

¨Good girl¨ He said and then kissed me on my neck and stood up straight. Heat pooled in between my leags and I looked away and mumbled a small thank you. He aksed me if I was ready to head back to the party which was probably over by now and I nodded my head in response. He looked at me his eyes narrowed slightly before he put his hand out for me to grab.

I grabbed his hand and he interlocked out fingers and started walking back towards the party. It was silent but it was a comfortable silence. We finally got back to the house and seen Ginger heading towards her truck, She looked up and seen us and looked down at our hands and smirked before making her way towards us.


¨I´m heading out Little G¨ She said standing infront of me nodding at Kingston who did the same.

¨Ok¨ I said pulling my hand away from Kingston who looked down at me in dissaproval. I wrapped my arms around Gingers neck, She wrapped her arms around my waist and put her head on my neck and whispered in my ear.

¨I´ll see you soon yea¨ She said as she kissed my neck. I hummed and she pulled away not before kissing my cheek.

¨Night you two, see ya soon little one¨ She said tipping her hat and walking away to her truck, Getting in and driving off.

Kingston grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him, I looked up at him and he smiled at me, I rolled my eyes and pulled him inside the house. The house was mostly empty besides Nathan and Harry trying to get a very drunk Alicia and Hailey off the kitchen counter. I walked closer to the scene infront of me and giggled as Hailey slapped Alicia´s ass and Alicia moaned.

Harry and Nathan looked at me glaring which just caused me to giggle even more. Alicia had jumped off the counter and ran over to me and Kingston and starting asking questions but was slurring her words.

¨ DId YeW FuCK¨ She asked pointing between me and Kingston. I rolled my eyes and laughed, Harry came over and threw her over his shoulder.

¨I´m gonna get this one to bed before she starts a fire or somethin, You get home safe and text me as soon as ya get there understood¨ He asked pointing at me while adjusting Alicia on his shoulder.

¨Yes¨ I said rolling my eyes at his protectiveness. He nodded and leaned in and kissed my cheek and said goodnight before taking Alicia upstairs

Hailey had gotten of the counter and was running from Nathan, She ran over to me and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into her so my back was pressed against her front.

¨Come any closer and I´ll kiss her¨ She said tightening her grip on my waist. Nathan rolled his eyes and told her to let me go and say goodnight so he could put her in bed.

She gripped my hair and pulled my hair causing me to look up at her. Next thing I know she was trying to push her tongue down my throat. I tried pulling away but she just pulled my hair tighter and bit my lip causing me to open my mouth which aloud her to slip her tongue into mouth.

She started grinding up against me and was about to grab my breast. But Nathan grabbed me and pulled me into him, rolling his eyes at his girlfriend. She groaned and started stomping and throwing a fit like a child.

¨Give her back, I wasn´t done¨ She said reaching to grab me but before she could Kingston grabbed me and sat down on one of the barstools around the counter and pulled me in between his legs and wrapped his arms around my waist.

¨Sorry sweetheart but that´s King's girl and he don´t share¨ He said chuckling and grabbing Hailey and pulling her into him. She groaned and wrapped her arms around his neck and and threw her legs around his waist and whispered something in his ear.

¨No your drunk¨ He said before turning towards me and Kingston.

"Kingston you can stay here for the night, theres a spare room, 2nd on the left. And you go straight home, no stops, and dont text while driving and text me when you get home

got it¨ He said staring at me waiting for me to respond.

¨Got it¨ I said he nodded and said goodnight and walked off with Hailey fast asleep in his arms. Kingston turned me around to face him and kissed my forhead.

¨Come on let´s get you to your car¨ He said and stood up and grabbed my hand pulling out the front door towards my car. We walked all the way down toawrds the gate and he stopped and gripped my chin forcing me to look up at him.

¨You shouldn´t park so far, it´s dangerous¨ He said his voice sounded deeper than normal and he had this look in his eye. I mumbled a quick sorry and pulled away and took my key out to unlock my door. I opened it and before I got in he grabbed me and leaned down and whispered in my ear.

¨Be safe and don´t make any uneeded stops and lock your door as soon as you get home, do you understand¨ He said kissing my neck lightly.

¨Yes sir¨ I said not really knowing where that ¨Sir¨ part came from. I felt him smirking against my neck before he mumbled a ¨Good girl¨and pulled away and let me get in my car. He shut the door for me and waited for me to pull out of the driveway before leaving.I looked back in my rearview mirror and watched as he slowly disappeared.

I made it home in 15 minutes not making any stops like all of the men had asked me not too. I got out of the car and locked the door before running up the stairs and unlocking the door.

I Locked the door and turned and kicked my shoes off, Then I realised I still had Kingston's jacket on. I´ll give it back next time I see him I thought before pulling it off and putting on the chair across from me. I put my keys in the little bowl on the table next to the door and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I stripped down to my sports bra and spongebob boxers.

Dont judge me there comfortable. I got in bed, Sent a text to Nathan an Harry telling them I made it home, Plugged my phone in and got under the covers. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

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