
I just stood there staring like a creep not even hearing him when he asked me what my name was for the second time. I just couldnt look away, he was just so god like.

Someone said something that freed me from the little trance he had me in.

¨ Thats Gianna, thats who me and Harry were telling you about¨ Alicia said with excitment very clear in her voice. WAIT they told him about me? why? what did they say?

He hummed in acknowledgment still looking down at me with that sexy smirk on his face.

¨She´s alot smaller then I´d imagined¨ He said his smirk widening. He thought about about me? Wait did he just call me short? Asshole.

I shook my head slightly clearing my head of these thoughts and backed away from him and closer to Ginger who let out a small giggle at my antics.

¨Don´t be shy now Little G, he wont bite¨ Ginger whispered in my ear causing me to turn my head and look up at her glaring which made her giggle at my attempt to look


¨I´m Kingston it´s nice to finally meet you¨ He said smiling and putting his hand out for me to shake. I slowly brung me hand up and shook it.

¨Likewise¨ I said pulling my hand away and looking down at the floor suddenly finding my shoes very interesting.

¨She´s really shy isn't she¨ Kingston said looking up at Harry and smirking, Harry chuckled in response while Alicia and Ginger giggled at Kingston's statement.

¨VERY¨ Harry said causing everyone to laugh. Its´s not that I´m shy, I´m just not very social theres a difference.

¨Well anway let´s go outside Hailey still needs to see you Gia¨ Alicia said grabbing Harry´s hand and pulling him out of the kitchen towards the backdoor. I nodded and started walking, following them to the backyard, Ginger beside me and Kingston behind me. I felt like someone was staring at my ass but i didn't turn to look and see who it was i knew it was big so i just let them look.


We walked outside to the backyard and Alicia said that Hailey was probably somewhere with Nathan her boyfriend, knowing those two they were probably somewhere fucking, I swear those two would do it all day and night if they could. After a few minutes of looking Ginger pointed towards the door and we all turned to look, Hailey and Nathan were coming out. Hailey was buttoning her shirt and fixing her ponytail while Nathan was buttoning up his jeans and fixing his belt. Yep they were definitely fucking.

Hailey looked up Looking up at Alicia with a grin on her face causing Alicia to laugh, Harry looked disgusted and Ginger just rolled her eyes at the scene before her. She couldnt see me because I again was hiding behind someone, this time it was Ginger and Kingston, They were standing side by side and I was behind them, Kingston was looking down at me with a questionable look on his face, I just gave him a small smile before looking down at my shoes. Hailey and Nathan walked towards us and I guess she seen me hiding because the next thing I know she´s yelling my name.

¨GIANNA CAMERON MARIE BENNET¨ oh my god im going to die.

¨ Haha the full name, Little G your in big trouble¨ Ginger said stepping to the side so Hailey could see me fully, I looked up at her glaring, Traitor.

¨WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN,I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN GOD KNOWS HOW FUCKING LONG, DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS, I THOUGHT SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU AND I SWEAR IF YOU SAY YOU´VE BEEN BUSY IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU¨ She screamed all the attention was pretty much on us Harry, Alicia, and Ginger were all laughing while Nathan rolled his eyes at girlfriend. I didnt even wanna know what Kingston was doing i would´ve really died if i had looked up at him.

¨Um I´m sorry¨ I said but it was more of a question than an answer. And I swear I could see the smoke coming out of her ears, Her face was red and she had her fists balled


up by her side.

¨your sorry...your sorry... YOUR SORRY¨ She said walking towards me, I slowly very slowly moved back every step she took towards me.

¨STOP.¨ I stopped dead in my tracks looking at her as she stomped her way towards me, once infront me I prepared myself for whatever was about to happen, closing my eyes and leaning back slightly but when nothing happened I slowly opened my eyes and look up at her. She wasnt as tall as Ginger but she was taller then Alicia she stood at 5´6 and Nathan was 6´4. She looked so sad? why is she sad?

¨ I missed you Gia, I´m sorry for yelling at you but you know I worry about you, I mean look at you, your so small like a chubby little baby¨ She said grabbing me and pulling me into a tight hug.

¨ C-cant b-breathe¨ I said trying to find some kind of oxygen but it was impossile with the tight grip she had on me.

¨I´m sorry¨ She said pulling away and sniffling. Was she gonna cry? god i hope not i can´t handle that.

¨OMG you look so hot, Look at that ass in those jeans¨ She said grabbing my wrist and spinning me around so she could get a better look at my ass. It amazes me how fast

her moods change. I pulled away from her turning around and I´m telling you if had a lighter skin compexion I would be red as a tomato.

¨Baby I just want you to know that if I ever cheat on you it was with Gia¨ She said looking back at Nathan with a smirk on her face before looking back at me and looking

me up and down licking her lips.

¨I wouldn´t be mad if you did¨ He said smirking at me and winking. I giggled as Hailey went behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist and started kissing my

cheek. Everyone started laughing at her little attempt to tease me including Kingston, I looked up at him and we made eye contact, He smirked before winking at me.

I looked down before I started laughing due to Hailey kissing my neck.

¨Alright thats enough Nathan looks like he feels left out¨ Alicia said giggling as she did. Hailey stopped kissing my neck and looked up at Nathan with a smirk on her

face, before finally letting me go and walking back over to Nathan and kissing him on the cheek whispering something in his ear causing him to smirk. Knowing them

they´d disappear again very shortly.

¨Uh we´ll be back in a little while¨ Hailey said grabbing Nathan´s wrist and pulling him back into the house quickly. we all know its gonna be a while till we see them again.

¨They´re definitely fucking¨ Ginger said laughing.

¨Yep¨ I said smiling up at her.

¨ Well were going to get drinks Ging you wanna come¨ Alicia asked smirking at Ginger as she did, At first Ginger looked confused before she looked down at me and then up at Kingston and turned back towards Alicia smiling.

¨Of course I do¨ She said only to look down at me and wink before walking towards the house.

¨Gia why don´t you keep Kingston company while we go get some drinks¨ Alicia said grabbing Harry and walking towards the house before I could even argue with her.

Shit I thought, They just left me with a greek god who wont stop staring at me like he wants to fuck me. I swear the next time I see them I´m gonna kill them because if

I was correct they were definitely NOT coming back anytime soon.

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