《Claimed By The Devil》Chapter 25


Sebestian Knight

I woke up only to be greeted with the perfect face, which was of my wife. She was still in deep sleep and probably tired from all events of the previous night. Last night was amazing, every night with Padgett is. Sex or not, her presence itself is enough to make my day perfect. But last night was a bit different, she didn't resist me but she didn't give in either. Maybe I'll have to take that as a progress in making Padgett mine. Willingly.

My obsession and love for her were just growing each day. So much that I think that day is not far when I'll be completely crazy for her. Not that I'm not right now, but way more than I already am. I look at her, caressing her cheeks with one of my hand while caressing her bare waist by the other. Her body was irresistible, I can't keep my hands off her whenever I'm with her, it's making me feel powerless knowing that this petite figure infront of me was making me crazy for her and I was not able to control it. Her body was one of the most perfect creation after her existence. She looked so peaceful while sleeping that it made me question if she was real or not. She was the most innocent thing I've noticed so far. She was different from the many other girls I've met or slept with, she didn't run after me, she resisted me, she drove me crazy and she wasn't aware of the affect she had on me.


I was in my company right now. I was doing hell lot of work to take my mind off Padgett and some other things. I didn't want to think of Padgett. If I kept thinking of her, I would not be able to stay here anymore, I will have to go to her and fuck her hard. Only imagining the things I will be doing with her made me hard already, but I did a great a great job controlling myself. I was doing a lot of work, intentionally because it's the time of year I hate the most, my birhday and my mother's death anniversary. I'm glad I'm not having those nightmares yet and can actually sleep, all thanks to Padgett.


I got a call from my secretary, she said Alan and Brad were here. I let them in and within no time my door flung open with Brad entering, cheerful and dorky as usual with Alan who was quietly following with a worried expression, he has something important to tell me.

"Learn to knock or else I'm going to chop these fingers off." I said to Brad who just made himself comfortable himself on the couch. I didn't mind.

"These fingers are something girls are begging to have inside them." He said showing me his fingers.

"Yeah, because they can't satisfy themselves with your small dick. I bet you fingers are bigger than your dick." I said back, still looking at these papers.

"Mr. Knight there's something you might want to see." Alan said handing me his tablet.

I opened the mails and all I saw was red from then. I went through each one of them with all the patience I had, at the end I couldn't control it anymore. I threw it on the table and held my head in my hands.

I'm never going to let that happen. Not again. My mother was unfortunate enough to go through that not Padgett, I won't let them repeat that with my wife, not her. Never. I can't go through the same pain again, I'll not let anything happen to Padgett.

"When did you recieve them?" I asked Alan, while Brad was carefully going through each mail his reaction was pure shock.

"2 days ago, but first it was just empty threats so we ignored it, but then it was with some pictures which turned the matter serious." He said looking at the floor.

"You are fucking recieving threats regarding MY WIFE. And you decide to tell me now?" I yelled causing him to flinch a bit.

"I apologise, Mr. Knight " he said.

"I don't want your fucking apology, I want the person who is betraying us while staying in my mansion, by the next 2 hours or else I'll give you a painful and slow death." I said furiously.


After Alan was gone Brad was still there reading those damn mails.

I knew Padgett will face danger, but I was not aware that this early and this big. No matter how much I believe in Alan finding the person behind this, I couldn't stop worrying for Padgett. I confirmed her safety by calling the guards I assigned for her. She was safe.

"Come on, Sebestian. Isn't it obvious who's behind this?" Brad interrupted.

"It is but this time he's not alone" I replied because I was sure of it.

"You knew these things will occur if you dragged her into you life." Brad continued.

That's true. I knew it will. But I was and I still am sure that I can protect her. I was selfish for dragging her into my life but my egoistic self and my beast wasn't ready to see her with someone else. I want her for myself. She's mine and I never share.

Two hours were going to end and by then I was already discussing things with Brad when my door knocked and Alan came in. He hurriedly came over to me, and handed me a file.

"Mr. Knight we found it out." He said showing me a few pictures of one of my staff clicking a picture of Padgett and the other one was him meeting with Scarlett in an alley.

Ughh..... How could I forget this bitch?

"Apparently, Miss Rose had sent a spy in the masion to keep her updated. The spy, as we found, Jose was one of Antonio's men." Alan said handing me the file about Jose. This fucker has been keeping an eye and I couldn't find it out.

"Antonio has been a friend of you father since...." Alan said a bit hesitant to continue.

"What is it?" I asked him, not sure of his behaviour.

"He has been a friend of your father for the past 16 years." He said making me a bit shock and angry.

"Does he lead a mob?" I asked.

"No, he does not exactly lead a mob, but he trains assassins and spy and sends them if required. He himself is a trained assasian." He said. I nodded him to continue. Saving Padgett was my first priority right now, I will deal with the past later.

"On tracing his movements and hacking his phone we got to know that this whole plan is being initiated by Your father and Miss. Rose but we think it's just not them, someone else is also involved." He continued.

It was not a shock to know that my father was involved in this. I was aware of this and so was Brad. I needed to get rid of my father soon, now that he is a threat to my wife. I won't let him repeat what he did to me 16 years ago. 16 years of torture, though is a less time of punishment for him, I need to get rid of him now.

"What about Jose, where is he now?" I asked and Alan was going to answer but was interrupted when his phone started to ring, I just nodded in response so he could pick it up.

After a few seconds of recieving a call, Alan had a slight smile on his face. He hung up and looked at me with a slight smile before saying.

"Caught. In the warehouse."

These words were enough to bring a smirk on my face.

"Hey, but you need to be in Paris." Brad said, reminding me of the meeting.

"We'll postpone it. Anyways I'm not leaving Padgett alone."

"Take her with you. You can't postpone it, it's damn important." Bradley said affer thinking a bit.

"I'll deal with that bastard." He continued.

I didn't mind his plan, knowing Bradley and Alan well, I can trust them.

"Make sure everything goes well." I said, leaving my office.

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