《My Bodyguard.》Chapter 8- Not-date
Scarlette found a newfound security in Marshall. She was always by his side, usually holding his sleeve like a child. Marshall didn't want to admit it, but he loved it. He loved the fact that he protected her. He loved . But he was terrified of saying it. He feared what her reaction would be if she found out. She'd be scared of him, and tell her father, and he'll probably get beat into a bloody pulp. So, it was best for him to hide his true feelings...
Scarlette, was in context, thinking the same thing. He'd laugh and leave her all alone in hell. So, she decided to supress her feelings and try not to kiss him. But this didn't mean she could rely on him, did it? She really liked him. But she couldn't risk the friendship she had with this man. But on the other hand, she was a child. A baby.
'Marshall wants a woman. Not a childish little girl...' She thought to herself sadly. 'But... I can always hope. That maybe someday... I'd be good enough for him to like me the way I like him.'
She decided to try and be brave and she approached Marshall, who was sitting on the couch. "Hey, Marshall?" She asked, in a slightly higher pitch than usual. It shocked her. Her voice never sounded like that ever. "Can we go to a carnival or an amusement park or something?"
Marshall looked up and smiled. "Sure thing Scarlette. Should I wear the stupid uniform? Mae got cross when I didn't when we went to the mall."
She laughed girlishly, which made Marshall turn red. "Nonsense, silly!" She said, smiling. "Wear the uniform, and then change in the car! See? Problem solved!"
Marshall smiled, blushing an even brighter red. He loved her even more when she was this bubbly. She mostly looked like a sad kind of beautiful, but when she was happy, she looked so pretty and beautiful, you couldn't help but hug her tight.
"What's got you so bubbly, little flower?" He said, trying to sound poetic. After spending time with Scarlette, he found out that she loved artistic guys.
She giggled. "Nothing... Tiger." She bent over laughing. "I'm just really happy for once."
Marshall smiled and grabbed the tips of her fingers. "That's good! I'm happy you're happy." Scarlette started to blush.
"I'll go get ready for... This..."
"Not-date! Well, it's like a date, but we're not a couple so... A not-date?" Marshall offered. Scarlette giggled again.
"Yeah. Yeah, the not-date." She gently pulled away her fingers. "I'll go get ready for the not-date. Wear your uniform and bring some normal clothes."
She smiled again, and scurried up the grand staircase. As soon as she was in her room, Marshall leapt up from the couch and fist-pumped the air. He was going on a 'date' with the girl of his dreams. Even if it wasn't a real date, it was still a date to him. He bounded into his own quarters and threw on his uniform. It was how bodyguards are supposedly to look like. A black suit and tie, along with sunglasses that he was to wear at times.
He strutted out with confidence. He felt suave and sexy, also determined to make Scarlette happy. Her parents were due back in a few days, and he wanted to make the most of the last few days before he becomes an actual bodyguard. He ended up zoning out until he heard the familiar squeak of Converse. His head snapped toward the staircase to see Scarlette clad in a bubble-gum pop style of clothing. She wore a bright graphic T-shirt with teal colored leggings and blue denim shorts with mint converse. Her hair was in a messy updo, with a pencil stuck through it.
"Woah, Scarlette. You look..." He paused, completely speechless.
"Fabulous?" She laughed, walking towards him.
"Y-yes. Fabulous." He stuttered as she started to pull him by his tie. He gulped, eyes sweeping over her body, stopping at her rather large bosom. He let her pull her to the BMW.
"You got your clothes?" He nodded, holding up a bag. She smiled warmly. "Then let's go!"
As they were being driven to the amusement park, Marshall started to remove his tie and unbutton his shirt. Scarlette started to blush like mad.
"MARSHALL." She shrieked, looking away. "What are you doing?"
She heard the shuffling of clothes. "I'm changing. You said to change in the car right?" Scarlette looked over to see !arshall in nothing but pants. Her face reddened as she saw his washboard abs.
"M-Marshall! You could've told me!" She shrieked again, covering her eyes.
"I'm sorry!" He laughed, tapping her shoulder slightly. "Hey, I know you like what you see, it's okay, you could look at them." He said, referring to his abs.
"Y-you're so full of it Marshall!" She sqeaked, peeking a tiny bit from the gaps of her fingers before covering them again. She didn't want to admit it, but she did love staring at his mouth-watering abs.
Jesus holy fucking christ. I could lick those abs. She reddened at her own naughty thought.
"Okay!" He chuckled, throwing a shirt over himself.
She's so cute when she blushes. I wonder how she'd look like if I kissed her neck, lower into...
Marshall's dirty thought was cut short when Scarlette shook him. "Marshall!" She sqeaked. "We're here! C'mon!" She dashed out of the car. Marshall smiled.
'Tonight.' He thought. Tonight, he'd kiss her. 'I can't stand it anymore. She has to know."
He smiled as he hopped out of the car, and ran towards her. "Ey, Scarlette! Wait up!" He caught up to her.
"Where to first?"
She grinned. "THE ROLLERCOASTER!" She shouted.
Marshall laughed. "Are you sure you're ready for that, pipsqueak?"
She giggled and play-punched his arm. "Hell yeah! C'mon!" She shrieked, dragging him over to the lrgest rollercoaster in the park.
"Get ready to puke, Marshall." She giggled. He smirked and put her into a headlock and ruffled her hair.
"Sure thing, kiddo. I'll bring your barf bag."
They rode the rollercoaster in the same car, laughing and shouting. When they reached the highest point of the rollercoaster, they both looked at each other and Marshall found himself mesmerized with what he saw. Scarlette had a twinkle in her eyes, and for that brief moment that they made eye contact, they both felt a spark.
The speedy descent was a blur of scareaming and shouting, hands waveing in the air. When the ride ended, Scarlette was holding up Marshall.
"So much for having to bring me a barf bag." She snickered. Marshall lauged humorlessly.
"Oooohhhhh." He moaned. "My stomach." He suddenly bolted to the nearest trash can and proceeded to barf his insides out. Scarlette ran after him and started to rub circles on his back.
"Let it out Marshall. Let it out. Oh shit. I'm sorry Marshall." She said, rubbing his back.
He held up a thumbs-up sign, signalling that it was okay. He soon resurfaced and belched. "Ugh." He groaned out. "That was awful."
Scarlette laughed nervously. "Hehehe... Sorry." She mumbled.
"It's okay, Scarlette, really." He said, un-sticking his bangs from his sweaty forehead. "Let's just not ever ride the rollercoaster again, okay?"
She nodded in agreement. "Yes. No rollercosters."
They walked around with him following her like a lost puppy until they saw a basketball ring game stall.
Marshall smiled sweetly as a plan came to him.
"Scarlette." He said, gently grabbing her wrist. "Come on."
He payed a buck for three tries and he shot in all three. "Congratulations there young man, step up and pick your prize." The man at the stand said. Marshall looked around and saw the perfect prize for Scarlette.
"Scarlette, close your eyes." He instructed. She obliged. After a few seconds, she felt something fuzzy nudge her. She opened her eyes to see a huge stuffed dog.
"Aww!" She cooed, taking it. "Is this for me?"
He nodded. "Of course it's for you, Scarlette." She smiled and lunged for him.
"Oh! Thank you thank you thank you!" She squealed, hugging him. He smiled and pulled her to his chest.
"No problem Scarlette." He said, smiling sweetly.
The rest of the day, they ate and rode rides until the evening came.
"Hey Scarlette," Marshall said. "Can we ride the ferris wheel?"
She blushed a bfight pink. "Sure thing Marshall."
They rode the ferris wheel and when they reached the top, the ride stopped. Marshall smiled.
'This is the perfect opportunity to kiss her.' He thought, staring at the beautiful girl next to her, mesmerized by the dazzling city.
"New York is beautiful isn't it?" He asked, placing his hand on her knee. She looked at him, eyes sparkling with delight.
"Yes. It's so beautiful... I've never seen it like this. I'm usually stuck in the mansion." She said, looking back towards the city. "So this is how the city that never sleeps looks like at night..."
He smiled. "But it can't compare to your beauty." She looked at him, completely surprised.
"You think I'm beautiful?" She asked, noticing his hand on her knee. "Do you really think so?"
His hand went up further to cup her face. "Scarlette... You're the most beautiful girl to me." He said softly, leaning in.
Scarlette's eyelids fluttered shut as she felt his soft lips pressed against her own. She sat there, unsure what to do at first, but eventually she kissed back. There lips moved softly in sync as Marshall's hand wandered to her hair as the other went around her tiny waist. Scarlette, in her inexperience, simply placed her hands on his chiseled chest. The kiss, for both parties, was magical and sparks flew. Though the kiss ended all too soon as the ferris wheel started to move again. Reluctantly, the pair had to pull away.
"W-wow..." Scarlette whispered in amazement as they walked to the car. "T-that was... Amazing."
Marshall blushed. "I loved that kiss."
She hesitantly grabbed his hand. "But did I kiss good? For a first kiss?"
"Wait." He said. "That was your first kiss?" She looked away blushing.
"Wow I could've sworn you kissed like a pro." He said, intertwining her fingers. "But, you don't mind that I was your first kiss?"
She hugged the stuffed dog tighter and shook her head. "No, I don't mind. Even though you're my bodyguard, I'm happy it was you. Though, we have to keep... This a secret for now okay? I don't want to get caught and have you taken away from me."
Marshall's eyes watered as he stroked the back of her palm with his thumb. "Scarlette Reeves." He said, getting onto one knee. "I know we haven't known each other that long, but will you be my girlfriend?"
Tears went down her cheeks. "Oh my god Marshall... Yes, yes Marshall I'll be your girl."
He jumped up and hugged her tight. "Scarlette thank you! Scarlette I promise I'll treat you right and I'll never break your heart." He said, kissing her cheek over and over again.
She smiled, and wrapped her arms around him. "C'mon, let's go home. Mae will worry."
Marshall swept her up and carried her to the car, bridal style. "Scarlette, I am officially the happiest man on earth." He whispered, climbing into the car, with Scarlette in his lap. She giggled nestling her face into his chest.
"You make me happy too." She said, staring into his eyes. "You know, this is cool. My first boyfriend is my bodyguard that I've met only a three weeks ago"
He smirked. "I'm just that damned charming." He said flipping his fringe. She playfully smacked him.
"Whatever floats your boat, Marshall." She said. "Oh, and I think you'll have weapon training tomorrow." She added.
"Wait, wha? Weapon training?" He asked, slightly alarmed.
"Yeah. Now that the Reeves-Foresterr partnership is a thing now, may people would want to take the heirs and heiresses of both parties down. Me, the heiress to Reeves Exporting and Millard, heir to Foresterr Exports."
He gulped. "Millard?"
She looked up at him. "Yeah, Millard. He's twenty. Why?"
He relaxed when she said he was twenty. "N-nothing... I just thought that he had a chance of stealing you away from me, that's all." He said, blushing, embarrassed of his insecurity.
She giggled and kissed his cheek. "Awww, no one could ever steal me away from you." He smiled and kissed her nose.
"You know, you're so sweet." He said, kissing her temple.
She smiled sadly and lowered her eyes. "I know... But most people don't know that... I'm a girl with a lot of love to give... But no one's taking any."
He hugged her tiny frame. "Hey, don't be sad. Okay? I'm taking the love you're giving me, alright? I'm here." He cooed to her, burying his face into her shoulder.
She smiled. "Yeah. I'm glad you're here." The car came to a halt. "Marshall, let's go to bed now." She said sweetly. "You have weapon's training tomorrow, you need your rest." He smiled at her motherly concern.
"Yes babygirl."
She blushed. "Babygirl?" She asked as they entered the building.
He nodded proudly. "Or do you want to be called sweetheart?"
"Both! And hey, sleep in my room. It's cold there and I can lend you some pillows and a blanket. Sleep on the couch!" She said, wanting him to get a good night's rest.
"Yes sweetheart!" He said as they walked up to her room, hand in hand.
In her room, she gave him a soft pillow with a warm satin duvet. She then proceeded to unbutton her shorts and let them fall.
"W-woah Scarlette what's happening?!" He said panicking.
She looked at him with an amused expression. "I'm going to sleep in my leggings pervert!" He blushed.
"S-sorry Scarlette." He said sheepishly. She smiled and kissed his forehead and stroked his hair.
"It's okay. Honey, get to bed. You need rest." She said softly, pouncing into her own bed.
He obediently lay down on her couch. "Good night... My dear girlfriend." He said, happy that she was finally his.
"Goodnight Marshall!"
As soon as she said it, Marshall fell asleep.
Marshall was woken up by something shaking him. He shot up and was surprised to see Scarlette.
"Scarlette? What time is it?" He asked sleepily, holding her hand.
"Three A.M... Can you sleep in my bed? I had a nightmare." She said, sniffling.
He immediately grabbed her by her small waist and lifted her into his lap. She buried her face into his shoulder and she started to cry.
"Hey! Hey, hey... Don't cry." He cooed softly to her. "Scarlette baby, don't cry. It'll be alright. I'm here. What was the nightmare Scarlette?"
"It was about a psycho killer... He kidnapped both of us. And... And he started to hurt me, the he made you watch him lacerate me... Then he broke a bottle... And he started to beat you with it..." She sobbed. "It was so real... I really thought you were taken away from me."
His arms instinctively hugged her tighter. "Hey, babygirl, it'll be alright. It was just a dream okay?" He said, lifting her to the bed. "Scarlette, everything will be alright. No one will ever take me away from you okay? My love for you can conquer anything, even death."
As soon as he laid down on the bed, Scarlette wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled into his chest. "Baby, please keep me safe while I sleep." She whispered hoarsly. He kissed the top of her head.
"Of course I will. I'm your boyfriend now, remember?" He cooed, stroking her hair. "Hush now, sleep now baby. I'll be here when you wake up. I'll keep you safe from anything and everything" He added the last part to reassure the trembling love of his life.
Scarlette then pressed her lips to Marshall's. "Okay baby. I love you. And promise you won't leave? Even if my parents find out about us?" She asked quietly.
Marshall smiled in the dark. "I'll never leave. Even if they ship me off to Afghanistan, I'll find a way to be with you again."
After a few minutes of cooing to her and kissing her forehead, Scarlette finally fell asleep. Marshall kissed her head one more time.
"Scarlette, I love you." He whispered in her ear softly before he too fell asleep.
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