《Cookies & Cuffs》XXXVII| "You joined a gang!"


"Melody, what the hell? You joined a gang!" Cayden yells, taking a hold of my arm and inspecting the 'tattoo' on my upper arm.

"Since you won't let me join yours, I went ahead joined another one," I joke, giving Cayden an innocent smile who was just staring at me like I was crazy, oh I am.

He sighs, "what did you do Melody?"

"Well, see what happened was,"

It's not every day that you serve a group of gang members some cookies and cupcake;

"So that's 10 cookies and 15 cupcakes," I confirm, staring up at the big bulky man in leather jacket, my eyes darting outside to the group of guys surrounded around motorbikes and a car m.

I think I should get myself checked out, maybe I have like a gang radar on me because that's all my life seems to revolve around.

The guy nods with a smile, okay but why does he look so soft...? God, I need help.

I grab a box to put all the cookies in and grabbing another box to put the mix of cupcakes in, "your total comes to...$60, please."

The guy nods again, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a wad of cash and dropping it in front of me. Excuse me...?

I stared up at him confused, "erm, it's just $60,"

"Yes there's $60 there with tip included," he pointed to the money.

I smiled up at him and sigh, picking the money up and pulling out $60, then handing the rest back, "it's okay, there's like $500 there,"

But instead, the guy looks confused, "but boss said-" he cuts himself off and scratches the back of his head,

"Boss?" I asked, also praying it's not who I think it is.


He nodded, "he said you're friends and we should keep an eye on you, keep you safe," ok now I'm scared.

"Who's your boss?" I questioned, the same time the door is opened and walks in another scary-looking guy,

"What's taking so long?" He asked, glaring at the man.

I quickly spoke up, not wanting any trouble, "oh sorry, it's ready, I was just giving the change back,"

The guy turned to me, his glare gone and replaced with a softer look as he nods, "it's okay, thank you," he says before walking back out. What is going on...?

I placed the cash on top of the boxes and push it towards the man, who quickly reaches forward to grab them, but I could still see his uncertainty about the money.

But he still turned around to walked out, not before saying "Thank you," pausing once he gets to the door, "oh and Boss says hi," he holds the boxes with one hand and one pulls the door open,

"Thank you...?" I said confused and staring at the scene outside, the guys help him with the boxes but once they notice the cash, one of them grabs it and hits the guy on the head with it, seeming a little pissed.

A younger-looking one grabs the cash and runs back inside, oh no!

He walked up to the counter, holding the money out, "boss said to keep it," no.

"I'm sorry but, who is your boss," I asked again, hopefully getting a proper answer this time.

"Mr Romero," he answered, what?!

I gasped and a big smile makes way onto my face, "no way! Is he out already,"

"No, but he will be in 2 weeks time," the boy answered.


"How is he?" I asked.

And that's how, the next I know I was hanging out with these bunch of scary-looking gang members, who were all scattered around the bakery, passing around treats, acting as if they don't kill for fun. I mean maybe they don't...

"No way! That's so cool, I want one!" I stared in awe at their tattoos, which happened to be a panda but the face was covered in tribal art, kinda cool, "so what's your group thing called?"

"Don't laugh," one of them, Akamai, warns before saying, "Pandas," No...

Okay I tried, l burst out laughing, "no-no! Did you name yourselves that?" I quickly recovered, remembering who exactly I'm laughing at here.

Akamai frowns and glares at me but it seemed more playful, "not really, the names are usually given by a rival gang, then it just ends up sticking and then it's too late to change it because everyone just knows you as 'pandas' now,"

"It's cute," I commented, looking at the tattoo on his arm.

"Do you want one?" He asked, taking me by surprise, I look up at him confused.


One of them rolled his eyes at me, "obviously not real, be right back," he says, running back to their car.

What am I getting myself into...

He ran back with something in his hand, "a sticker," he smirks, holding out a template of the tattoo.

I gaped at them, "wha-how? That's so cool! Wait, will it hurt?"

Akamai shrugged, "might pull some hair, other than that it's pretty harmless,"

"Why do you even have that?" I asked as he takes the sticker of the other guy and steps forward.

"Not all of us are brave enough to get tattoos," he laughs, side-eyeing a man in the corner who looked like he could squash me with his pinky, the guy looked up at the statement and glares at Akamai.

"It hurts," the guy grumbles,

Akamai shrugged him off, looking at me, "so, where do you want it?"

"Melody! You can't just go around befriending random gangs," he cries out but I could still see him trying to holding back a laugh.

"I'm a panda now!" I cheer, looking proudly down at my tattoo sticker.

Cayden finally laughs and shakes his head at me, "no you're not," I frown at him, he continues, "oh god, what am I supposed to do with you,"

I jump towards him, wrapping my arms around him, "love me!"

He laughs, "definitely,"

God, I'm doomed!


Yes this was a filler chapter, I'm sorry 😂

Thank you and love you all!

Stay safe guys💕

(S4 is confirmed, but it's without my faves☹️)

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