《F I N》16. FIN


Fin got up extra early Saturday morning for a reason she did not know.

She bathed, brushed her teeth and then went to the kitchen, where she saw her eldest brother drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Good morning," She chirped before sitting on the stool beside him.

Vesper raised his eyebrow. He had never seen her that happy since she got there.

"Morning," He replied.

Josephine looked at the newspaper he was reading and saw the headlines

She nudged her brother, "Can I see that?"

He shrugged and gave her the papers. She looked at the headlines again and saw that the full article was on page six.

Fin turned to the page and read all of the details. It said that some parents went to the News and requested that people try to donate money for their kids' treatment. Some kids, very young kids have cancer, however, their families can't afford their treatment.

Fin's heart felt heavy and she knew that she was going to pay for the kids' treatment. They don't deserve what has happened.

"So, why are you awake at five o'clock in the morning?" Vesper asked as he sipped his coffee.

"I don't know. I just woke up and saw no point in going back to sleep," She replied.

She stayed by late last night talking to Donatello, so it surprised her that she isn't even the slightest bit tired.

He is just so amazing and a gentleman, which she wouldn't ever believe if someone told her before she met him.

She heard footsteps coming into the kitchen and saw Harrison. "Morning," he grunted.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Well, aren't you a ray of bloody sunshine,"

She was surprised when she heard Vesper chuckle. Fin smiled.

'Maybe he is warming up to me.' she thought but sighed. Then remembered how cold they were and still are when she got there. 


Harrison glared at her before stomping out. She felt a pang in her heart and frowned. She was beginning to get attached and she barely even talks to them. What would happen if they start treating her as family? Would she stay or leaves as she originally planned?

She'll just have to wait to find out.

"Vesper, can I go out today?" Fin asked hopefully. Well, even if he says no, she would still go.

She wanted to go to the hospital to see the children and give them money.

He hummed and rubbed his chin. "Where are you going?"

"Just to look around and explore. I wouldn't be far from here," She replied.

That was true. The hospital was about twenty minutes away from where they live.

"Okay, but I want you to call or text me every half hour, when you leave, so I'd know that you are alright." He looked at her sternly. "Also, you can use one of my cars."

She smiled at the thought that he cares enough to ask her to do that and lend her his car. She nodded her head in agreement.

"Be safe and be home before six," He patted her shoulder and left.

Her phone pinged, alerting her of a message. She shook her head and saw a notification from her Telly. Fin grinned as she read his text.

'Morning beautiful,' It read.

She replied, 'Good morning handsome.'

He messaged again, 'What are you doing today, la mia vita?'

Josephine loves how he calls her his life. It made her feel special.

'I'm going to the hospital for a few hours but I don't know what I'm doing after,' She typed.

Immediately after he read the text, he called her.

"Why? What's wrong? Are you okay? Amore, speak to me," He rushed out frantically.


She giggled, "Everything is fine with me. I want to go to the hospital to visit the children. I read the headlines this morning and felt the need to see them."

Donatello sighed in relief. "Don't ever scare me like that ever again, Josephine," He said sternly.

His voice sent shivers down her body and she felt tingly at his dominance. 

"Okay," She breathed out softly.

"Unfortunately I have a few important meetings today, otherwise I would have loved to go with you," He said sadly.

Fin could just imagine an adorable pout on his lips and smiled.

"Don't worry, we'll see each other soon." She reassured him.

"Okay, amore. Talk to you later." She hung up after that.

She looked at the time on her phone and saw that it was only half six in the morning, too early to go to the hospital.

Fin decided to go take a short nap before she leaves to see the children.

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