《F I N》17. FIN


Her sleep was short but she felt refreshed. Fin stretched, letting out a hearty yawn and got up from her bed.

She looked at the time and saw that it was ten o'clock in the morning. It was the perfect time to go to the hospital.

She looked at her clothes in the mirror and cringed. It was very messy and rumpled, not the best thing to wear to see kids.

She went to her closet and decided to wear high-waisted black jeans and a long-sleeved crop top. Her brothers still didn't know about her tattoos and she didn't want to show them yet.

Her tattoos had a personal meaning and Josephine didn't want to get into that conversation with them right now.

Josephine ensured she brought money and her cheque book.

She walked downstairs after getting everything she needed to carry. When she got to the living room, she saw some of her brothers, Hayes, Harrison and Thorne, watching a movie.

'Action movie,' she thought as she looked at the star fighting a group of guys.

Fin huffed sadly. They didn't bother to call her to watch with them.

She shook off her feelings. They don't have to and maybe they were going to but saw she was sleeping.

That thought lifted her spirits a bit and she smiled.

She walked quietly to the front door so she won't disturb them. Just as she was about to open the door, a voice stopped her.

"Where do you think you are going?" Hayes grumbled.

"I'm going to look around," she replied, "I already asked Vesper and he said to be back before six."

Fin doesn't get why he cares all of a sudden.

"Okay," he glared at her and went back to the living room.

She rolled her eyes and left.


She took one of Vesper's cars and drove to the hospital. 

When she arrived, Fin went to the receptionist. "Good morning. My name is Josephine and I saw the article where parents are asking for donations?"

The receptionist's eyes lit up, "Oh yes. Do you want to donate? Forgive me if this sounds rude or anything but... aren't you a little young?"

"I get that a lot and yes I am young but I want to help where I can." Fin replied.

The receptionist, whose tag read Rita, nodded and smiled. "Do you want to meet the kids? Some can't leave bed but the others are in the playroom and I can get you a pass?"

"Yes thank you and I would also like to speak to some parents? If that is alright," Fin requested.

"Of course. Right this way please," Rita said as she gave Josephine the visitor's pass. "Some parents aren't here right now but I'll call them soon."

They walked up to a white door covered in stickers. "Some of the kids are very shy and they're not used to new people."

Rita opened the door slowly, not wanting to scare or startle any of them.

Fin's heart warmed as she looked at the children playing but frowned when she saw one child sitting in a corner alone.

"Who is that?" She asked Rita, pointing to the little boy who looks around ten.

"That's Sean. He's an orphan. His foster parents just dumped him here and left. CPS hasn't been able to get a hold of them since," Rita muttered, eyeing the boy with pity.

It was sad and unfair. He is just a child and doesn't deserve what has happened.

"Okay, but why is he alone?" 


Rita replied, "He is mute and no one here knows sign language. That's why he's here, they are hoping to do a surgery on him to get him to speak."

Fin hummed in response and started to walk up to him.

She was pulled back by Rita, "Don't even try. He won't even acknowledge you." She warned.

Fin shrugged off Rita's hand from her shoulder and crouched in front of Sean.

He looked at her. She waved 'hello' at him and then signed, 'My name is Josephine but you can call me Joe.'

Sean looked at her amazed. He had never met another person who knew sign language besides his teacher.

He grinned and signed back, 'My name is Sean.'

Rita watched them in awe as they signed to each other back and forth.

She had never seen Sean act so animated with anyone before. He was very conservative.

She smiled to herself and left the room.

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