《Pregnant By The School's Player.》Update - New Book: The Boy Next Door.
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/43540322-the-boy-next-door
Chapter 1:
Xaviera's POV: (pronounced zay-vee-air-ah.)
I rub my sleepy eyes and yawn. My head spins and I feel a piercing pain go through it. Stupid hangovers, I didn't even want to drink last night, let alone get drunk. I don't know what overcame me to drink, I can't remember anything. A groan escapes my lips and I move to get up. I stop suddenly and immediately when I feel something brush off my foot. What the fuck is that beside me...? I ever so slowly turn around to face whatever is there and when I see him, I almost scream with shock. The whole of last night's events come back to me. You fucking idiot, Xaviera, why did you do that?!
*Flashback to the previous day.*
"Hey, guys," I greet, giving my friends a smile. Ofelia, my twin sister, sits on my right, my friend Calla sits on the left of me and my other friends Heather, Winter sit opposite me.
"Hey, Zavy," they reply with smiles. Zavy is my nickname my friends call me and it's pronounced zay-vee. I continue to read my book, like I did every lunch, I'm a really big bookworm. The others get out their lunch and start eating it. Ofelia gets a text and starts texting back straight away. My sister is very girly, I'm girly too but she's definitely more. Ofelia startles us by squealing with excitement and turns to face us.
"I totally forgot about the party tomorrow!" Ofelia says excitedly.
"How could you forget?" Calla asks, Ofelia never forgets when a popular party was on. One of the total players on the football team is having a big party for my swimming team winning The Senior Championships. I'm the school's best swimmer and the captain of the swimming team and Lane, who's in my year, is the second best swimmer and co-captain.
Lane is one of the hottest guys in school and I get to see him two days after school, sometimes three or four. I'm so lucky! I don't know him that much, we chat a bit and hug after winning competitions but from the amount I've talked to him, I've learned he's really sweet and kind. He has light brown hair with shaggy bangs and these light green eyes that make him to die for. His body is so fit, he has a six pack, huge biceps and he's quite tall. Luckily, I get to see that chest every Monday and Thursday!
We've never been to a party before but my sister and friends have been to lots. They've invited me to come all of the times but I didn't want to because I'm not the party person, I'm a loner. I don't get why parties are so important anyway, all people do is get drunk, dance, make out or worse and then have a massive hangover the next day.
I'm 17 and still haven't been to a party yet. I feel so lame, especially since I'm still a virgin. Even people two years younger than me have fucked at least once but me, nope. I've had boyfriends before, just never a serious relationship. I only want to have sex with someone I really love and care about, not just a one night stand with a person at a party, like most people do. I'm also scared to go to a party because I might get pissed out of my brains and some player will take advantage of me and then I'll regret it the next day. I've had alcohol before; I'm not that lame that I've never had a drink.
You see, I'm very shy and I'm not that outgoing. Hence why, I've never been to a party too. I like reading and swimming, they're really my only hobbies so I'm mostly indoors. I concentrate on my studies because I really want to succeed in life and get the college I want to get the degree I need for my perfect job. I get good grades and I never get in trouble. I really can't wait to finish school, this is my last year and then I can go to college! Not many people look forward to college but I do!
"I don't know how I forgot! I never forget big parties!" Ofelia exclaims.
"You've never forgotten any party, Lia!" Heather chuckles, using Ofelia's nickname which is Lia.
"Well now that I know, we're totally going," Ofelia states.
"I can't," I object softly.
"Yes you can, do you have anything planned?" Winter asks. Dammit, now they're going to make me.
"Well I was....ummm....going to finish my book," I explain nervously.
"Seriously, Zavy, you're going to turn down the biggest party this year for a lousy book?!" Heather questions with disappointment.
"Hey, it's not a lousy book, it's a great book," Calla disagrees. How did she know? "He's actually my favourite author." Oh my god, mine too!
I didn't know you read?" Winter asks with surprise.
"Of course I read, everyone does, some more than others. I love reading, I read every night but Xaviera here is totally hooked to books unlike you, guys. Maybe reading's more important to her than a party," Calla informs.
"Thank you, Calla," I smile and then stick my tongue out at the others, teasingly.
"But then again, you've never been to one before. So you're coming and you're going to have a wonderful night with us," Calla smirks.
"Thank you, Calla," Ofelia mimics sweetly, sticking her tongue at me, playfully.
"I don't know, guys," I sigh, "I'm not the party person."
"Look, just come for the first few minutes and if you don't like it, we can go back to mine and watch some movies," Winter suggests.
"But I don't want to go at all, I've told you all this millions of times," I whine.
"You won't know if you like it unless you go. Look, you'll love it, you might be nervous at the start since it's your first party but after a few minutes, you'll start to really enjoy it and we'll all have fun," Heather assures.
"How do I know you guys won't leave me on my own and then I'll be a loner like always?" I enquire.
"We promise that we won't walk off," Calla reassures, placing her hand on mine and squeezing it for reassurance.
"We're not going to leave you; we're going to want to dance all night long with you!" Ofelia promises.
"Okay, fine, I'll think about it," I tell them.
"You won't think about it because if we let you decide, you'll say no, so we're deciding and you're coming," Heather declares.
"Okay, I'll come but I'm going if I don't like it," I explain.
"Fine but you have to stay for the first 30 minutes and after that, you can decide if you want to leave," Calla proposes and I nod my head in agreement.
"Then if you do want to go, I'll drive us back to mine and we can have a night in," Winter adds.
"You should go to more parties, Zavy, because this is our last year of school and when you look back on our school days, you might regret not going," Ofelia comments.
"Yeah, you're right," I agree, "I'll ask Mum and Dad when I get back if I can go."
"I'm sure they will let you, you're a responsible adult now since you're almost 18 and out of all the people in the school, you're definitely the smartest, most responsible one. They can rely on you to be good," Ofelia admits. Yeah, I'm a goody-goody, probably one of the biggest goody goodies in the whole school. I'm very smart and always get good grades which make my parents very proud of me and they trust me a lot.
Just as I'm about to say I'm looking forward to it, I remember who's hosting the party. My next door neighbour and ex best friend, Hayden. Hayden lives just next door to me, our windows are exactly opposite each other about a feet and a half apart and they're so close to each other that we're able to walk in one window and go through the other's window to their room. We used to be as close to each other as our windows are. We spent every day together, all day, in school and out. We knew each other since we were four and became best friends straight away. He was closer to me than my own sister was. My sister used to hang around with Calla, Winter and Heather, whereas I would spend my days with Hayden. They were friends to me too but not best friends like Hayden was at the time.
Unfortunately, that all changed when we got into secondary school. Everyone thought he was really hot and cool and because of that, he got really popular and everyone else who was popular wanted to be his friend. He ditched me for those popular people and would stop hanging around with me because they thought I was a nerd since I'm shy and prefer reading, studying and swimming instead of going to parties and being a slut like most girls. Since I lost my best friend, I had to hang around with my sister and her best friends and now it's been four years since that incident and they're my best friends too. I never talk to Hayden because he never apologised for his behaviour and I have a slight hate for him because of that. He obviously wasn't a true friend if he wanted to leave me for others.
Now I'm really not looking forward to going to it in case I bump into Hayden because anytime I see him, it just puts my whole mood down. He's the captain of the football team and so, he's the most popular guy at school and definitely the hottest. It was really unfair when he left me for the popular kids because I was 13 and at that age you start getting crushes and he was my first crush. I was heartbroken when he left me, I liked him so much because he was so kind, funny, sweet and the best friend you could ask for. Now all he does is use girls, he's become a totally different person from the Hayden I knew growing up.
Players on the football team are the most popular guys at school, since Hayden is the captain, he is the most popular. Popular guys are mostly jerks and womanisers. No wonder they become football players, sluts are like the balls and the players kick the ball/slut around and eventually pass the ball/slut onto the next player.
My friends and I are not sluts; we are the lesser people in the popular scale. My sister is your classic girly girl, Calla is your classic punk-rock chick, Heather is your classic sporty girl who plays multiple sports, Winter is your classic musical girl who plays multiple instruments and then there's me, who is your classic nerd who enjoys books and studying. All of us have a common interest though and that is swimming, we are all on the swim team.
After school and getting confirmation from my parents to go to the party with my sister and friends, my sister follows me to my bedroom because she wants to help me pick something out since I know nothing about parties and what to wear.
In my family, there are six of us: my parents, my sister and I and my two brothers. Ofelia and I are twins, except she's ten minutes older than me. We're both 17, almost 18. When you think of twins, you think identical but we're not, in fact we look very different. I have long, dark black hair with a side fringe and piercing crystal blue eyes. My skin is really pale since I don't leave the house much, I'm tall for a girl and I'm very skinny since I have to keep healthy for my training. Ofelia, on the other hand, is tall too but not as tall as me, slim, tanned; she has dark grey eyes and medium, chestnut brown hair. Not only are our appearances different but so are our hobbies and personalities, she prefers going out to parties and being girly and I like staying inside to read a book or study. My brother's names are Andrew and Seth, Andrew is 15 and Seth is 6. I love all my family members and we get on great with each other.
"Now let's go upstairs and make you even more beautiful!" Ofelia exclaims, taking me upstairs to my room by my arms. Andrew laughs at her eagerness and my groaning.
"Have fun!" Andrew chuckles. Ofelia better not pick something too short or I'll kill her. She sits me on my bed after she drags me up the stairs.
"Now, let's see what you have in this wardrobe!" she says, opening up the wardrobe doors, revealing some of my clothes. "Damn, that's pretty!" Ofelia pulls one of my skirts off the hangers. "I've never seen you wear this! Can I borrow it sometime?"
"Of course you can. I don't ever wear it, I think I've only worn it once for someone's birthday," I note. She hangs it back up and examines my clothes.
"Okay, so this, this, this or this should be great for tonight," she decides, taking out four of my dresses and studying them. All of them were my short dresses, no surprise there. I knew Ofelia was going to pick something short and these were quite short, it would show my ass if I bent over! She puts the dresses up against my body, seeing which would look better. "Okay, it's between these two!" She throws the two shortest dresses on the bed and hangs the other two up. Oh my god, Ofelia, people are almost going to see my ass in those! They were short and fitted to show off my body structure.
"Ofelia, I don't know," I murmur softly, looking at the dresses and their lengths.
"Zavy, you'll look amazing in both. Now shh, you wanted me to help you and I'm helping you."
"I kind of regret that now," I mumble, making her stick her tongue out at me.
"Which do you prefer, the red or dark purple?" she asks, looking at the two deeply, taking in every detail.
"I don't know and I honestly don't care."
"I think the red looks really sexy but the purple would go really amazing with your hair. I don't know, they're both as hot and sexy as each other. Pick one!"
"Um...I pick one of my longer dresses in my wardrobe."
"No, one of these two."
"But these two are so short! Everyone will see my ass in that!"
"That's the point," she winks as she smirks at me.
"I don't want people thinking I'm a slut though."
"What?! They won't think that! You're nothing like those girls, everyone knows that. You have an amazing body, Zavy. Everyone knows you're beautiful, everyone compliments you on your beauty and lots of guys have asked you out because of your wonderful looks and personality. You've the body and facial beauty of a model, so why not show that body off to everyone, it's just a party. People won't change their opinions of you, I promise," she swears. Since I'm really shy, I've a very bad lack of confidence in myself even though everyone always comments on how beautiful I am. I wish I was able to believe them, I've just bad self-esteem.
"Fine," I mutter, "I'll wear the purple."
"Yay!" She hangs up the red one and hands me the purple one.
"I don't even know where I got those short dresses," I say, trying to think who I got them from.
"Well, whoever gave them to you, they have extremely good taste! Now we'll decide on shoes and underwear."
"Underwear?! I'm just going to be wearing normal underwear, right? What's the difference tonight?" I ask with surprise.
"Uh, no. You really have been to no parties. Look, tonight when you're in that dress, all the guys will be over you. I'm not kidding; they're like a pack of wolves when they see someone sexy. So, maybe you'll hook up with one of them later."
"What the hell, no! I don't know like any of these guys! Okay, I know most of them but they're all just friends! I'm not going to go making out with them and doing things!"
"You never know, lots of stuff happens at parties. People get drunk and do things they regret."
"I'm not like that," I explain.
"I know but we'll give you something lacy and sexy just in case you really like someone and get carried away a bit," she grins. That would NEVER happen, I'm not going to be let someone feel me up or sleep with me, no matter how drunk I am. I'm a very sensible person and plus I'm shy; I don't get involved with guys.
"Okay, you're the boss," I grumble. She goes to my underwear drawer and takes out my black, lacy, strapless bra and matching lacy, black underwear. Oh god, I remember the day Calla and Ofelia got me those, it was so embarrassing.
"Okay, now shoes." She looks at the bottom of wardrobe and takes out my black high heels. "So that dress, that sexy bra and underwear and these shoes! It's perfect!" I'll definitely look like a slut, I bet. She tells me to have a shower while she gets out the makeup and straightener for my hair. I have a quick shower and make sure I'm all hairless. I come out of my bathroom after brushing my teeth with my dressing gown on and my hair in a towel. "Hello there, sexy," she smirks.
"Ha, ha, very funny," I utter sarcastically, rolling my eyes while grinning.
"Let's do your hair and make-up, then you can get dressed while I get ready and then we'll be all set to go!" I nod and I sit on the chair in front of my dresser mirror. She first dries my hair with the hair dryer which leaves my hair in pretty natural waves. When it's all dry, she straightens my side fringe to finish off my look for tonight. "There, you look beautiful!" she smiles, turning the chair around so we're facing. "Now makeup!" I put foundation on first, some lip gloss and then black eyeliner, mascara and grey smoky eye shadow. "I'll get ready while you get dressed."
She leaves the room and I put my underwear on and then get into my tight, dark purple dress that fitted my body perfectly. It was a strapless dress and if I may say so myself, it looked pretty damn sexy on me. I put my shoes on then twirl around as I admire myself in the mirror. I was right; you can almost see my ass. I leave my room and knock on Ofelia's door. She gives me permission to enter and when we both see each other, we gasp. "Zavy, you look so beautiful!" She looks me up and down and then gives me a tight hug.
"Thanks and also thanks for helping me, Lia. I really appreciate you doing this for me. You look just as beautiful!" She's wearing a short, black dress with red high heels, red lipstick and amazing, dark eye makeup.
"No problem, Zavy. I'm happy I could help. All the guys are going to be so jealous!"
"I doubt it," I laugh.
"No, seriously, they will!"
"Thanks," I smile. "It's almost 9, we better get going." We walk down the stairs carefully in the heels as I'm not used to heels much and my parents and brother, Andrew, stare at me with shock. I hope that isn't a bad stare...
"Wow, you look amazing," Andrew compliments.
"More than amazing! You look so beautiful! You're all so grown up now, I still can't believe it! Aw, my beautiful girls," Mum says.
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