《Pregnant By The School's Player.》Wedding Bells.


Chapter 37:

Avril's POV:

"Are you capable to call people or do you want me to do it when we get to the hospital?" Liam asks, casting a quick eye of worry to examine me as he drives the car.

"I'm able to, I haven't gotten another contraction yet," I answer with relief.

"If you get another contraction, you tell me because I need to start timing all this and I'll need to pull over, so you can squeeze my hand," he tells with fret. "You tell me, okay? Also, can you text my parents for me, we won't have time to call everyone."

I nod with agreement and I get out my phone to call my mum, brother and Sophia. I don't know whether or not to call my dad because I've only known him for two weeks but during that fortnight, I did meet him a lot of times and I like him a lot and know quite a lot about him. Ryder and I get on with him great, we've a lot in common with him, Mum's just the only one who doesn't get on because she leaves the room when he calls over. I don't want to make it awkward on my mum if I call him to come, but I also want him to be there because he's really looking forward to it and I classify him as good friend now, he is my dad after all. I'll call Mum first and ask her if she minds, then I'll know to call him or not.

"Avril, is something wrong?" she asks instantly when she answers the call.

"No, everything's fine. My waters have broken though and I'm on the way to the hospital because the contractions are-" I drop the phone in pain and Liam puts the indicator on to park as he grasps my hand and tells me to breathe. "Don't stop, Liam, I'm fine, just keep going, please."

"Okay, if you're sure..." He gives me a quick look over and continues on. "Please keep squeezing my hand though. Take deep breaths, baby, copy me." He begins demonstrating and I copy him which made me feel a little better. After the pain had fully passed, I get the phone and hear my mum frantically asking if I was all right.

"Sorry, Mum, I got a contraction. They're getting really close together, so can you try to meet us there? I really want you there," I confide in a soft, frightened voice.

"Oh, Avril, of course I'll be there. I was going to come anyway, you're my daughter, I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world. Give me about fifteen minutes; I'll be there as soon as possible. I love you so much; I'll call your brother for you. You just relax and do the breathing exercises you were taught!"

"I will, thank you so much, Mum, I love you too. See you soon." We say goodbye and I call Sophia next. 10...15...20...25 seconds and she's still not answering. Usually she'd answer under 10 seconds. Is everything okay? She's probably busy with the twins or left her phone upstairs or in the car. Just as I'm about to hang up, the call answers and I hear James' voice greet me.

"Sorry, Avs, she's upstairs trying to go back to sleep with Jake. Do you want me to get her? She won't mind if I put her on the phone to you," he offers.

"No, no, it's fine, thanks, she's really tired and so I wouldn't like to disrupt her sleep. Can you just tell her when she wakes up that I'm on the way to the hospital and in labour?" I request.


"Oh my God, Avril, that's great news! You'll get to see him soon and the twins will have their little play buddy. I'll tell Sophia right now, she's not going to want to miss being there for you. I know how much she wants to help you through it. How are the contractions?"

"Pretty painful and quite close together but as Soph said, it's all worth it. When you tell her, tell her she doesn't need to come straight away, she can sleep for a few more hours, I won't mind. I've to go now, James, thanks so much!"

"You're welcome, I'm sure she'll come over straight away anyway. Good luck and congrats!" he wishes and I smile as I hang up. My baby boy is going to be here soon. I can't wait. I wish I could just get this over and have him right now. I get another painful contraction and moan in pain. I take that back.... I don't want more painful pain.... I want him to stay in me for a few more days.

"Breathe for me, Avril, slow, deep breaths. We're almost there. They're so close together, at least you won't have to deal with them much longer," Liam reminds.

"That's what I'm afraid of," I sigh with worry.

"You can get through the birth, Avril, I believe in you and so does he", he places his hand on my belly and gives it a loving stroke, "do it for him."

"I will," I promise, getting teary eyed as I place my hand on his. He smiles at me reassuringly, brings my hand to his lips and kisses it tenderly.

Sophia's POV:

"Faster, Jake," I command. I moan loudly as he thrusts into me quicker, picking up the pace. I feel myself almost reaching my climax when there's a loud bang on the door. Jake stops immediately and pulls out of me.

"Soph, wake up! It's important!" James shouts through the other side of the door. Has something happened to the twins?!

"That's the second time we got interrupted, it's like god doesn't want us to have fun," Jake sighs, getting off of me and helping me off the bed as we race to the door. "Shit, wait, take this!" Jake frets as he notices we're naked, passing me his shirt. I pull it over my head and it covers past my ass and he puts on his underwear and jeans. I unlock the door quickly and James looks us up and down, taking the sight of us panting in. Our breathing was ragged and Jake was doing everything he could to conceal his evident boner.

"Sleep my ass, you horny fuckers!" James accuses as he figures it out instantly and we all chuckle.

"I'm sorry but we needed alone time, you know that we haven't gotten any in ages with the twins since we never get people to babysit. So, yeah, we need it..." I explain, going crimson with embarrassment. Sex lives are things siblings should never know about, it's just so embarrassing and awkward.

"You two are the horniest people I have ever encountered... I don't even brush my teeth as frequent as you both fuck! Do you both ever stop?" James laughs and Jake and I look at each other and shake our heads as we burst out laughing too. "Well, at least be safe or you could have another pair of twins on the way again."

"Aw, how cute would that be, baby?" Jake grins, coming up behind my waist and placing his hands on my belly and his head on my shoulder.


"That's not happening for a very long time, remember?" I remind, slapping his hands away. "I'm not having more than two kids by the age eighteen, mister."

"Good or that time I actually would have beaten him up for knocking you up again so soon," James warns.

"Thanks for ruining the dream, guys. Anyway, what was so important to interrupt us?" Jake demands.

"Avril called and she's in labour," James announces.

"Oh my god, I was actually going to visit her today and bring the twins, how weird is that? I better get dressed and meet her there. Is she okay? Is she already there?" I ask.

"She's in a lot of pain because they're quite close together and no, she was on the way when she called about five minutes ago. You better hurry because I have a feeling it won't be long till he's born," James assumes.

"Thanks for telling me! I'm sorry, baby, we'll have to resume this later," I apologise, kissing Jake quickly and hurrying to my wardrobe to pick something out. Jake sighs and James chuckles at him.

"Don't worry, dude, I'll look after them when she's home again, so you can get your "alone time". I know how important that is for couples, especially when you're animals like you guys," James chortles.

"Okay, that's enough sex talk to last a lifetime, out!" I order as I giggle involuntarily.

"Okay, okay! I'm gone! Just remember there's no time for a quickie!" James notes, laughing his ass off with Jake.

"Out!" I tell him as I push him out the door and he laughs louder. I do manage to stifle my smile though. Jake gets back into bed and watches me dress and just as I'm turning around and about to say goodbye to him, I get the shock of my life looking at him. He was sitting on his side with his elbow on the bed, looking like a sex god with his sexy smirk.

"You sure you don't have time for a quickie?" he questions as he removes the covers from his waist, revealing his manhood to me. That body is the hardest thing to resist, although, it wasn't as hard as his... SOPHIA, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT, you've to be there for Avril like you promised. I decline my craving for his body and lean over the bed and kiss him passionately.

"Tonight," I promise. He gives me his puppy dog expression and I move my hand down to his member and rub it as it begins to throb and kiss him one more time quickly, dashing to the bedroom door. "I love you! See you then!"

"Soph, you can't seriously leave me after doing that! You're the biggest tease ever! That was cruel!" he complains, pouting at me. I wink as I open the door and when I'm just closing it, he quickly says, "Don't forget to tell Avril I wish her luck and give them both my congratulations and text me when I can come down to see them!"

"I will!" I shout, loud enough for him to hear. I run down the stairs and shout a thanks to James one more time and a quick goodbye to everyone. As soon as I get to the front desk of the hospital, I'm greeted by Ryder and his mother who just made it a minute before me. We find Avril's room and I give her a huge hug and kiss on the cheek.

"I told James he didn't have to tell you for a while!" she sighs. "You didn't need to rush!"

"Yes I do! I've to be here for you during all of this!" I disclose.

"Thank you, Soph, thank you so much for being here," she smiles with gratitude, taking my hand and I squeeze it.

"Oh, sweetie, thank god that we made it on time. I was worried we'd miss it from the sounds of how quickly you were getting contractions," her mum worries. "How are they now?"

"They're not too-" She gets cut off from a painful contraction and whines in pain. We all tell her to breathe through it as she grips mine and Liam's hands tight. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to," she pants as she recovers from the pain, referring to the squeezing of our hands.

"It's not a problem, baby, keep doing it, it's good," Liam assures.

"He's right, don't worry, do it as hard as you can, we won't mind at all," I reassure. She smiles her thanks at us and then looks to her mum and brother.

"I know that I've only known Dad a while now but do you think I should call him to come here? I don't want it to be awkward for you, Mum, if he does, so please tell me what you would prefer?" Avril enquires.

"Avril, I do not mind at all, I'll be happy with any decision you make. I only want what you want and if having your dad here for you during this important event in your life is what you want, then I'm happy," her mum replies honestly, squeezing her daughter's hand supportively.

"Okay, if you're sure, thank you, Mum, I love you," Avril says, squeezing her hand back.

"110%," her mum assures. After getting approval from her mother, she gets her phone out and calls her dad. He arrives within fifteen minutes and we all cheer Avril on and encourage her. Not long after her father turns up, she gets to ten centimetres and is ready to give birth.

"This is totally unfair; you were in labour for less than an hour and I was in it for over thirteen and I had to push two out but you only get to push one," I pout with annoyance after the midwife announces the news.

"You know what's unfair?" Avril begins and we look at her with curiosity to finish. "Guys not having to do a single thing when a baby is conceived except for look at our fat asses and bodies."

"Avril, I will not tell you again, you're not fat at all! At least now you won't have the bump anymore and be able to call yourself fat! You're beautiful and you always will be," Liam assures and kisses the top of her head.

"Who's staying for the delivery?" the midwife asks. Avril looks to all of us because she wants us all.

"Who wants to stay?" Avril questions and we all put our hands up. "Even you, Dad and Ryder?!"

"Of course, I've been through this all with you since the beginning, so I want to there till the end!" Ryder admits.

"And I know that I haven't been there for you for a long time in your life but I really want to make it up to you by being here for my grandson and you during this major life event," her dad informs.

"Thank you both but I don't know if two men want to be in the room with a screaming girl pushing a baby out of her," Avril mentions with disgust.

"We do not care how much screaming you do as long as we are there for you, okay?" Ryder tells her.

"Thank you all," Avril smiles brightly with gratitude. Her mum rubs her knee and Avril positions herself like the doctor asks. After ten minutes of pushing and panting, she pushes one more time with all her might and a baby boy's screaming fills the air. All us girls start crying when we see the baby and all the men smile with tears in their eyes.

"He's absolutely beautiful," I gasp.

"He looks so much like you, Liam," Ryder comments. It was actually true which is a good thing because that means he probably is Liam's and not Gavin's.

"I'm so proud of you, honey," her mum weeps.

"We all are," her dad concurs, taking her mother's hand and they share a smile. I know it will take her parents a while to reconcile but I hope this is the start of it. The possibility of them getting back together may be minuscule but maybe one day they can get back together and if they can't, hopefully they can be friends for not only Avril's sake but now her son's too.

The midwife places him softly into her arms and she cries more. I'm reminded of when I first held my babies, it was one of the momentous moments of my life, probably the most momentous and I will never ever forget that day for as long as I should live or the feelings I felt when I first laid my eyes on them. The whole pain of childbirth and fright of motherhood left me and I was overcome with joy. Avril probably feels the exact same way right now. I'm so glad I could be here for her during this time because she was a really big help to me and has been a great friend during the past few months.

"I have no idea how you did that twice in a row, I would die from the pain," Avril remarks and we all chortle.

"I told you it would be worth it though, didn't I?" I remind her.

"And you were so right," she answers, grinning at me and then her gorgeous baby.

"Do we have a name for him?" the midwife asks, giving her a big smile. Liam looks at Avril to answer and she nods with excitement.

"His name is Hunter," Liam announces and we all squeal with delight.

"Aw, what a beautiful a name, it suits him so well," I observe, stroking his little cheek.

"Let's get baby Hunter cleaned up and Avril can have a bit of a clean-up and rest too," the midwife proposes and Avril sighs with sadness as she passes her baby back. We all wait outside as Avril goes to the recovery ward and I text Jake to meet me here. Liam spots someone at the front desk of the maternity ward and he marches over to him with anger. I spot his face and notice it's Gavin. What in the name of hell is he doing here? Ryder jogs after Liam to pull him back because it didn't look like he was going over to hug him...

"What did I say about leaving us alone?" Liam demands with a harsh, aggressive tone.

"I am not leaving that baby alone until I know it isn't mine. I've already missed the birth, you are not making me miss any more of his life," Gavin snaps.

"Gavin, go, the baby looks exactly like Liam, there's no way it's yours," I dispute.

"Shut up, slut, I don't care who he looks like until the paternity test is done," Gavin objects.

"How dare you fucking call her that, she is the total opposite, take that back right this instance," Ryder insists. I give him a thankful smile and he smiles back.

"I'm not apologising for the truth. Now, where do we find out about paternity tests?" Gavin asks. Liam apologises for his behaviour and he walks off with Gavin to find out where to get blood tests. About 20 minutes later, Jake arrives with a big, fluffy teddy bear and blue balloons.

"Aw, thanks for bringing them, baby, I never had time to get any," I thank. He gives me a big kiss and rubs the teddy's nose against mine in a nuzzle. I giggle and ruffle his hair up before planting a big kiss on his lips. We're allowed back in to see Avril and her face lights up when she sees the gifts Jake has brought.

"Aw, thank you so much, Jake, that's so sweet and cute," Avril beams. "Hunter is going to love his first ever teddy."

"Aw, that's such a cute name, Hunter, Mason and Arabella, the three best friends," Jake declares. All three of us share a big smile while thinking of the future and we spend the rest of the day doting about Hunter and how cute he is. After our long day, we're greeted by the sounds of our excited babies' gurgles to see us. Jake takes Arabella from Zach and tickles her belly and she bursts out laughing.

"How were Avril and the new baby?" Zach asks.

"She's good and Hunter is so cute! Want to see him?" I ask. Everyone accepts and I show them all the pictures I took of the baby. Everyone oohs and awes at him and I remember what Jake said about all our children being best friends. I hope that comes true because how cute would that be! Mason and Hunter can be best friends and tease and take care of Arabella. They'd probably both be like brothers to her with the amount of play dates we'll arrange with him. Mason rubs his eyes and yawns in James arms.

"Is someone tired?" I ask him, bending my knees a bit and caressing his cheek. He gurgles at me and I automatically smile. "Let's put you both to bed then."

"Night, guys, thanks so much for minding them today, I really appreciate it," Jake says.

"Anytime," James offers. They all give the twins a quick on peck the lips and we share our goodnights. Jake places Arabella on the bed and changes her. Before putting on her bedtime bodysuit, he rubs his nose on her bare belly in a nuzzle and she bursts out laughing with excitement. Jake chuckles at her and blows air on it which makes her laugh louder and more.

"She's never going to fall asleep now," I note but can't help chuckling at how happy she is.

"Don't worry, she will, she's exhausted. Where's my baby boy?" Jake coos at Mason in my arms. He takes him from me and throws him slightly in the air and gently catches him. "Hello, big man. Let's get you ready for bed too." I remove my clothes and leave on my bra and underwear. When I come back out to the bedroom after brushing my teeth, Jake is kissing them both on their bellies and tackling their lips and cheeks with kisses.

"Well, don't you both have the best father?" I ask rhetorically and they just gurgle at me. I sometimes like to think that they understand me and their gurgles are real answers, I know that sounds weird but it feels like they are really answering me.

"And the best mother," Jake adds, coming over to kiss me. He puts his hands on my waist and deepens the kiss. "I was thinking they can sleep in their nursery tonight while we finish that deal we made," he purrs in his seductive, husky voice. I put on a thinking face to tease him and he makes a whining sound. "Aw, don't break your promise."

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