《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 28. Awake With Hatred


Adrenaline rushes through my body which sparks me awake. I sit up quickly and I come to face with a young women. Dizziness washes over me and she moves away from me as I slam back onto the pillow.

"What happen?" I mostly ask myself but the women lets out a sigh.

"You passed out, honey."

"Where am I?" I finally realize that I'm in a dull white room with medical products that you'd see in the hospital. I see that needles are stuck in my skin, taped down and attached to a monitor.

"You are in the left wing of the mansion which is the medical center." She pauses and faces me again, her brown eyes glowing with excitement. "I'm Doctor Amber."

"Oh, I've heard of you." I grunt while she pulls out the needles that are in my skin.

"Now that you are okay and you won't have a fatal heartbeat like earlier... there are things you need to know." I sit up again and suddenly a blur memory runs through my head about Xavier coughing and gagging up blood.

"Is Xavier okay?" My voice shakes and the door slowly opens, cocking my head to the left.

"Diana." The King calls my name as he walks closer to me. I swing my legs off of the bed and I get up, my feet touching the cold marble ground.


"I'm going to check on Xavier." Doctor Amber mumbles while walking out of the room.

"What happen to him?" His eyes connect with mine and I see that his eyes are red. He must have been crying. "You've been crying?"

"I knew this was going to happen anytime soon. Diana, what happen before you two fainted?" I look down while trying to attach everything.


"Xavier, he-he told me that he loved me and had feelings for me and kissed me." I felt a bit awkward saying that but he nods like he knew that happened.

"There is something you have to know. While you were out this whole time... Xavier was having seizures-" The door swings open and we look towards it while Alexander is facing us, sad expression on his face.

"He's awake."

We leave the room and next to the one I was staying in was the room Xavier was staying in. The Queen was sitting next to Xavier on a chair with Juliet kneeling next to her. Doctor Amber was in the corner watching Alexander, the King and I walk in. I was happy to see Xavier awake and his eyes roaming the room until he found me. He didn't smile like I did so I wiped it off because I knew it wasn't the time to be happy.

"Can someone now explain what is happening?" He lazily say but his voice was soft and low. I stood at the foot of his bed with the King next to me and Alexander at Xavier's side. I watch Alexander take out handcuffs and cuff Xavier's wrist to the side of the bed.

"Just so you don't go in a riot." Alexander says full with guilt while Xavier takes a deep breath. He rests his cuffed arm by his side because there was no way of escaping.

"Okay, there was something in the Prophecy you didn't know about, Xavier." The King finally starts to talk while Xavier furrows his eyebrows in confusion. He looked paler than usual and black bags were until his faded blue eyes. "Of course you do know that vampires age differently than humans, vampires aging is way slower... Anyways, because you are a vampire and Diana is a human, you both can't grow together and have a family because the aging will be off."


Now the only thing I'm thinking is that I have to become a vampire? No way I am becoming one, if I grow old and Xavier is still eighteen years old, we don't have to be together. I'd rather die alone and happy as a human.

"For the Prophecy, the curse for the vampire was that you will age like a human. Because you told Diana that you loved her, the Prophecy is real and that triggered it and your body repulsed." I feel so relieved about my problem for not becoming a vampire but for Xavier...? He doesn't seem pleased.


"So you both can have a family-"


"You two can live happily and this shows that both kinds can live together-"

"SHUT UP!" Xavier screams at the top of his lungs that veins from his neck popped out. Silence runs in the room and I see that tears are streaming down the Queen's eyes. The King doesn't respond back but shuts his mouth just like how his son told him to. "How long have you known this?" He ask, his voice loud.

"Since the Prophecy was made. Your mother and I only knew, Florence told us but if we told you, you wouldn't approve. I'm sorry, Xavier." Xavier nods his head no back and forth, his jaw clenching then releasing.

"No, this cannot happen to me! Why me!"

"Xavier just understand this is the best for all of us."

"It isn't! I hate all of you! Look what you all did to me..." He pauses and snaps his head to me. Hurt is filled in his eyes. "Especially you."

"Diana did nothing."

"It's all her fault!" He sits up but his cuffed arm tugs him back down while the Queen holds his other arm down so he doesn't go all crazy. It's quiet again and he's breathing deeply, his face crumbling like he's going to cry. Actually, he is. Tears are streaming down his face as he takes a deep breath. "Get out." He whispers to me.

"What?" I finally say and he narrows his eyes to me.

"Leave, I hate you! I never loved you or had feelings for you! I wish I killed you when I bit you or didn't catch you! You pathetic human, stubborn bitch!"


"I don't want to touch you, be near you, see your face, hear you, or hear your fucking name! Get out!"


"Leave or help me God I will hurt you." Tears swell in my eyes and he's breathing deeply from talking. He brings his head back to rest on his pillow while closing his eyes. He closes them and more tears drag down his cheeks. "Please... leave." I clench my stomach in disgust and sickness.

I turn my heel and I run out of the room and down the hall.

Xavier is still a vampire but he now ages like a human so he can grow old with Diana and have a family with her. Part of the Prophecy

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