《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 29. Going Home


I'm tossing important clothing that I wear all the time in my duffle bag. I can't think except cry while moving around my bedroom. No one ran after me when I left the medical center.

Stubborn bitch

Pathetic human

Agony is in my chest as I clench it and left out a painful moan. Did Xavier really mean what he said? I can't comprehend anything and I feel so angry. I want to punch something but the only thing I do is grab my things and toss them in my bag.

And now Xavier is going to grow old like humans do? It takes years for a vampire to grow to another age but now every damn year is going to be important to him. He is going to grow like me. I feel terribly bad and something is telling me that it's my fault I did this. I made him fall in love with me, if he didn't, he would have still grown like a vampire, I could have went home and the Prophecy didn't have to happen at all.

The door suddenly swings open and it's Juliet stopping in the middle of the room. She watches while I pack in silence and confusion is written all over her face.

"Where are you going?"

"Home." I quickly snap back at her with my stuffy nose and wet face from my tears.

"What are you talking about?" I get annoyed so I chuck a pair of jeans in my bag as she jumps in fright.

"I'm going home, leaving this place. Do you not understand!" I shout to her and she walks up to me.

"You can't leave, the Prophecy needs to work. The Prophecy is the only important thing in this world!" I turn to grab something else from the closet but I hear a ruffling noise near my bag. I spin my heel and she is taking my clothes out.

"Stop, what are you doing! I'm leaving!" I run up to her and I grab the clothes that are thrown on my bed back in my bag but Juliet looked like she wasn't losing in defeat.

"The Prophecy needs to work!" She screams back and I get so pissed, I grab her shoulders and I push her away. So hard that she stumbles back and looks at me with wide eyes. Honestly, Juliet is a vampire and she can snap my neck in seconds but she doesn't. She's so weak and girly.


"Shut up with that bullshit! Weren't you in the room with me and how Xavier doesn't want to see me again! It's over Juliet! The Prophecy isn't going to work and we are going our own separate ways."

"Xavier says stupid stuff like that, he doesn't mean it!"

"He did threaten me that he will hurt me if I don't leave! So I am! Why doesn't your little pretty head of yours comprehend that! Oh wait you can't because you always act like a child, like a little five year old! Wake up Juliet this is the real world! I was forced to be in this, I didn't decide. It's not my fault your kind ruined everything and killed thousands and now you guys feel so bad that you want the Prophecy to work!" I pause because I'm so tired at yelling and her eyes are filling with tears.

"Why don't you bloodsuckers do something yourself to fix this Hell hole." I simply add and when I was done, it was silent. I don't say anything else except turn back to my bag and stuff everything back in it. I don't dare to look at Juliet but in vampire speed... she's out the door. Remorse runs through my veins and I start to cry again.

I slowly walk down the stairs and when I reach the front doors, Alexander is standing next to a servant. He is talking to the servant in whispers until the servant opened one of the doors and left. I bite my bottom lip and my eyes come to face Alexander's. When I look in his faded blue ones, I think of Xavier.

"The servant, Troy I was just talking to is going to drive you home." He softly says to me and I nod, dropping my duffle bag to the floor because it was too heavy on my shoulder.

"I guess this is a goodbye." I bow my head down while staring at the floor. Suddenly, a pair of large arms wrap around my body and it's Alexander hugging me.

"No it's not, I'll see you later." I feel something slip in my jeans back pocket while he pulls away. My fingers grab a hold of the object and when I look at it, it's my cell phone.

"Where did you get this?" I ask, turning it on and everything is in it from the last time I saw it.


"I had it the whole time since Xavier and I took you. Now that you are leaving, I decided to give it to you."

"Thank you, Alexander."

"Ugh just call me Alex."

"Nah, Alexander sounds much cooler." We both give each other soft smiles as he gestures at my phone with his hand.

"My cell number is in there if you ever need to contact me or for emergencies. I don't want you to leave but you are still in danger out there, the Prophecy still on or not." I nod, comprehending every word he's saying. I grab my duffle bag and I slang it over my shoulder again, giving Alexander a grin.

"Thank you again... tell Xavier I said sorry." I leave without him responding back and I go inside the car. I take one more look at the mansion before the gates close me out forever.

I make it home when the sun sets because of all the traffic on the highway. I thank the servant while getting out of the car. He tells me to have a good night and drives off, leaving me walking pass the gas the car left that's in the air. I walk up the driveway and it feels a bit weird like it's my first time coming in this house. The outside looks pretty normal and my parents car are parked next to each other on the driveway. I take the key that's under the mat and I unlock the door.

I drop the duffle bag in the hallway as I hear my parents voices in the kitchen. I follow the voices and I hear that they stop talking when they hear me. I reach the kitchen and everything looks normal, especially my parents.

"Diana?" My mother calls out to me and I nod, walking closer to them. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm done, I'm coming home."

"But the Pro-"

"It's not me." I lie to my father after I cut him off.

"We thought you weren't going to come back." Mom admits and I look around the kitchen.

"Well I'm not dead." I chuckle at my comment and they both follow me closer when I move around.

"Well, now that you are back home... We need to tell you something." Great, now something bad happen in my regular life too.

"I know that Madison is dead." I say because if that was it, I don't want to hear it again.

"No it's about our family." Dad says and I take out a glass from the cabinet because I was thirsty.

"What?" I reply back walking to the refrigerator but I stop. Pictures are hung up from when I was younger but that didn't make me freeze. There's monitor baby pictures. There black and white and I see a fetal baby in someone's stomach. I look closely at it and the top of it says my mothers name.

I'm in shock that I drop the glass and it shatters in pieces in the kitchen. Dad tries to call my name but I run up the stairs and up to my room. I open the door and everything looks normal just how I left it. I shut the door and my heart is racing. I go in my parents room but everything is normal as usual too. Confusion runs over my face while my parents call me from downstairs.

I was ready to go downstairs again but I stop when I see the other door mocking me. It's closed and I'm too scared to open it. It was suppose to be Lily's room before the accident happened. I swallow and I finally open it and it's not how we decorated Lily's room. Different baby things are in there as in she got replaced. Replaced because another baby is going to take her place.

"Diana, please come down here." My mom calls and I shut the door silently while going back down the stairs. I feel so numb and my body is being controlled by a robot. Mom and dad are standing next to each other in the living room.

"You're pregnant." I whisper low to mom and she nods, placing her hand on her belly. "For how long?"

"You've been gone for a month and half, your mother has been pregnant for eight weeks." Dad says while pausing. "We found out when you were gone." I'm so speechless, I can't talk. I am going to be a big sister... again? My throat becomes tight and I'm having trouble breathing. I leave the mansion to come home to this?

"I can't." I mutter while running off and out the door.

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