《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 19. Waiting For The Truth


A/N: SURPRISE! Bound By Blood reached #144 in Vampire! Thank you all so much and enjoy :)

The rest of the party went out pretty well. Royals spoke to me and asked who I was but they didn't ask why I was with the Royal family. Thank goodness. When it ended, I went back to my room and changed than slopped back on my bed. Without a thought turned, I went into my dreams.

I woke up the next morning and it was a chilly Monday. I jumped out of bed when a knock came at my door. When I opened it, it was both brothers, dressed casually.

"Are we leaving now?" I ask and they both nod at me.

"Meet us at the doors, I'm driving there." Alexander says to me and I sigh, shutting the door and dragging myself to the bathroom. I get ready, putting on jeans and a long sleeve shirt with a jacket and boots. I reach down the stairs and the boys see that I was following them so we all head out to the garage. Alexander takes out his car, the black one from when they took me for the first time.

"Does your parents know where we are going?" I ask and Xavier doesn't answer.

"No, we just said that we are going out." Alexander responds back, his eyes flickering back to me from the rear mirror.

We finally reach my town and I get excited because I will see Madison. I really can't see my parents because they will be working. At the same time I'm nervous because what if Dylan does know about the Prophecy? Does he hate me because if the Prophecy is real and that vampires and humans will make peace? Does Dylan not want peace? Does he still want vampires to be at the top of the chain?


"We're here." Xavier says after zoning out and Alexander pulls up in the parking lot.

"Wait, aren't you guys not allowed to be here?" I ask and they both turn around to face me.

"Honey, we're Royal, we can do anything we want." Xavier says with a smirk while Alexander rolls his eyes.

"No, I called today in the morning that we will be here and that everyone should stay in their classrooms if anything serious happens." I nod while we get out and walk up the stairs.

Eventually we are walking in the hallways after Alexander spoke to the stupid principle. It was third period so I stood in front of Madison's classroom. She looks up at the door and her mouth drops open while I wave at her.

"We'll get Dylan and you can see your friend." Alexander says while he walks off with Xavier. Madison asks her teacher if she can be excused and she runs out of the room, grabbing me into a hug.

"Where have you been!" She screams at me, letting go from the tight hug.

"I've been living with the Royal vampires."

"As in, the Dagger family?" She whispers with wide eyes.


"Oh my god, aren't the boys dreamy? Oh Alexander and Xavier." She flutters her eyes like she's dreaming.

"Yeah I guess." I say until I hear voices and someone slamming into the lockers. Madison jumps in fright and we turn around, Dylan on the floor.

"Now that wasn't that hard." Xavier says and grabbing Dylan again. "So we don't disturb anyone in class, let's just do this outside." He adds while dragging him out the doors and Alexander, Madison and I follow behind.

"Let go of me!" Dylan screams into the air and Xavier pushes him back onto the ground.


"Why did you tell Diana that she created an enemy?" Alexander asks him and Dylan gets back up. Madison is by my side, asking me what is going on but I ignore her.


"Because why!"

"Because she's for the Prophecy!"

"How do you know?" Alexander asks and my throat starts to burn. I see that Dylan's eyes flick to mine than stares at Madison. I turn to Madison while Xavier punches Dylan in the face.

"Madison, go back to class." I say to her while Dylan growls fiercely when Xavier punches him again.

"What is happening?"

"Just go! I'll explain later!" I shout and she turns back to the school, running off. I turn around to see a bloody face of Dylan's. Alexander pulls Xavier away so he can speak.

"Dylan, this would be easier if you just tell us. Who told you."

"I don't know."

"Stop lying."

"I'm not! I don't know why I can't! I'm bound not to say anything." He says and Alexander looks at Xavier.

"That's impossible. No vampire can do that or human!" Alexander grows mad so he grabs Dylan by the collar and lifts him off his feet. "Who is this person!" Suddenly, Dylan spits on his face, blood and saliva covering Alexander than kicks him. He let goes of him and without a trace, Dylan is gone.

"That bastard!" Xavier roars while heading back to the car.

"So what now? Were going home?" I ask, following him to the car while Alexander is wiping his face from the spit with his sleeve while cursing under his breath.

"We can't do anything else, he's gone. We'll just have to wait." Alexander butts in while we drive off. It wasn't even worth going to my town.

We stopped at a near diner and ate something fast before going on the road again. We didn't talk at all, not about the Prophecy... nothing. We reach home and I sigh, walking into the mansion and into my room. I change into sweatpants and a t-shirt while heading back out of my room. I felt a cold presence around me while I look around.

"Xavier?" I call out but there was no response. I hear a door shut and when I reach it, it was one of the living rooms. I call his name again while opening the door. I see a shadow in the middle and something floating in the air.

I cover my mouth to suppress a scream which my throat holds back. My body becomes weak from standing and my eyes become wide.

A human body is floating in the air, hanging from rope that's caught around it's neck which is tied on the chandelier. I can't see who it is because it's back is facing me. I gulp loudly and I don't know why but I couldn't speak. The only thing I could do was walk towards the body and grab it's shoe which looks oddly familiar. It's body was so hung up high that it's feet were near my head.

I lightly spin the body around and I come to face with a dead Madison.

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