《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 18. Watching Silently


I spin around once more to see where Dylan was but I only make eye contact with Alexander who was staring at me with wide eyes. My heart starts thumping uncontrollably while he downs the rest of his wine and hands it to a servant who was passing him. Does Dylan know about the Prophecy? He starts to walk over to me and grabs me by my arm, tugging me away from the party and into a dark room. He flicks on the lights and I look around, realizing that we are in a large bathroom.

"Stay here." He demands and I nod, licking my lips in anxiety. Alexander vanishes than I hear him coming back with another person. The door opens and Xavier comes in a bit annoyed with Alexander.

"Why the hell are we in a bathroom!" He shouts while Alexander tells him to shut up.

"Do you remember Dylan?" He asks Xavier and his eyes connect with mine than to Alexander's.

"Yeah, we haven't talked in years but I did just see him."

"Well, he goes to school with Diana and he just told her that he knows that she's the human and that she just created an enemy... and that there's more."

"And why are you telling me this?" Xavier asks him and Alexander sighs annoyed.

"Because you are suppose to take care of her and because of the Pro-"

"Don't!" He snaps back.

"Than do what I say!"

"Tell mother and father!" He screams louder and I take a step back in fright. It runs silent in the room and Xavier narrows his eyes to me. "Did you tell him anything about the Prophecy?"

"No, I didn't."

"Than how does he know."

"I don't know!" I scream, my heart thumping hard against my ribs. My voice shakes with fear and both brothers look at me.

"Okay, now my party is ruined." Xavier admits and Alexander nods his head no.

"Everything looks pretty normal now."

"Yeah, now. If you want Diana to be protected, bring her up in her room." Alexander walks by my side and leans his elbow on my shoulder for support.

"No, the safest place is Diana staying at the party. It's crowded with people and if we leave her in her room, anyone can go after here."


"Why don't be just tell mother and father?" Xavier's face becomes red with anger and I look up at him.

"Later. We don't want them to worry now and end the party which will make everything look suspicious. Where is Dylan?" Alexander asks and Xavier shrugs.

"I don't know, when you took me, I didn't see him at all in the crowd."

"He must have left after telling me that I just created an enemy." I butt in the conversation while the brothers agree with me.

"Okay, lets just go back inside and not look suspicious." Alexander says while we all walk towards the door and I hear Xavier grumble under his breath.

We all head out and I casually walk towards the food that was placed on a table for anyone hungry to get. I grab a plate and I start slopping chicken and sides on my plate. I sit at an empty table and I start eating, realizing that I didn't eat since the morning so my stomach was growling. While chewing like a cow and looking like a wild animal, Royals would stop and stare at me. I realized that no one is really eating, only drinking from wine glasses that's full with... Blood.

I gag at the thought of it and nauseous sweeps over me as I place my fork on my plate and I push it away from me. I lick my lips, trying not to wipe them so my lipstick won't fade. Suddenly I felt a breath on the back of my neck and I jump in my seat, snapping my head to the side to see Xavier's famous friend, Devon.

"You look.... mhm, tonight." He says, flashing his fangs at me while I roll my eyes. "You don't miss me?"

"Not even a chance."

"So you can know, I did." He whispers, moving away from me and sitting down at a seat besides me. I look up because a shadow covered my view and it was Mason and Jackson. Mason didn't look pretty fond of being near me but Jackson was pushing him towards my attention.

"Ugh, he-hey, Diana." Mason says to me, trying not to make eye contact.

"What do you want?" I ask and he doesn't say anything until Jackson smacks him at the top of his head, ruining his gelled hair.


"Oh my god, fine! I want to say sorry about you know... the pool time when I fed on you."

"It's fine." I say and he just kept on going.

"-I don't know why but your blood tasted so damn good. I couldn't stop and I didn't want to stop- OUCH!" He shouts when Jackson smacks him again so he can stop. I stared at him with wide eyes, trying to comprehend what he just said to me. Wow.

"So that's all, Diana. Will you accept his sorry?" Jackson asks from behind and I look at all three of them. And damn did they all look fancy in their tuxedos. Honestly, vampires are the most attractive creatures in the world. I don't know why, don't ask me.

"Fine, at least I didn't die, everything is good." I say and they all start to laugh at my comment. I grin in silence than I clear my throat. "Will you all excuse me, I need to go." I say, getting up and leaving them alone at the table. I don't know if I can trust anyone now in this room. The small orchestra is still playing slow music and while walking away, someone grabs me and pulls me into them. I gasp, slamming into the person's chest and when I look up, it's the famous Xavier Dagger.

"Care for a dance?" He asks and I say no but I lose in defeat when he grabs my wrist and places my hand on his shoulder. My heart races rapidly while feel his large hand run down to my waist and leaves it there, his fingers tightening his grip. He cups his other hand around mine, I realize that he doesn't intertwine his fingers with mine. I guess that means a whole new different level. We slowly dance in circles, I'm trying my best not to step on his shiny black shoes. With heels on, I'm close to his height, I can see eye level with him. I look around and other couples are dancing quietly like us... even the King and Queen.

"You like?" He whispers in my ear, leaning his head down and brushing his fangs along my neck. My face and body become incredibly hot from his presence so close to me.

"The dancing yeah, the fangs on my neck... eh not so much." I admit and he gives me back a chuckle as I furrow my eyebrows. "Why are you doing this?" I mutter to him so no one can really hear.

"Doing what?" Xavier asks while a sexy smirk as I roll my eyes.

"This, first we made a deal that we need to show that we hate each other as you threaten me, then save me from Mr. Walsh than you show that you hate me and now this..." I pause from talking while he stares into my brown eyes. "We're dancing like we love each other." I get a scoff from him in return.

"Really? I can't dance with you and when I do, you already jump in the thought that we love each other?" He shakes his head. "You're out of your mind."

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm wrong." I say, embarrassment flushing along my body.

"I'm just dancing with you so I can see if anyone is watching us suspiciously." He replies back and I look around but he tells me to just stare at him. I turn back and I stare at his blue eyes which roam around the room.

"Everyone is watching so they all look suspicious. I guess they have never seen a vampire dance with a human."

"A Royal vampire dancing with a human." He corrects while looking around again. "And Dylan is nowhere to be seen except his parents but it looks like they don't know anything. They are just drinking and talking with other people."

"Then let's just leave it alone." I say and his eyes narrow to mine.

"No, we can't just leave it, you can be in danger and my family." He responds back while twirling me around and grabbing me back at our own positions. I eventually stop, taking at step away from him while he looks at me with confusion written all over his face.

"Than what are we going to do?"

"I have something in mind."


"Tomorrow, we are going to go back to your town and to your school. That's where Dylan will be so I can talk to him." Xavier explains go me and I sigh, running my face with my hands in exhaustion.

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