《The Tutor》Chapter 28


The school was abuzz with the end of term anticipation. Leaver's Ball was on for next week. It was an annual tradition for graduates, a black-tie event hosted at the end of the term. Hazel and Amber were on their phones picking out their outfits. Once or twice they asked for Rafe's opinion on which was a better dress and he just shrugged. They called him boring and left him alone for a while. His friends realised how much he was sulking but couldn't find a way to lift his spirits.

"Hazel do you have a date for the Ball?" Alex asked across the table with hope.

"Yeah, David is taking me, from the year below."

Alex frowned. "Why?"

"Why not? He's fancied me for ages. I'm done with bad boy types," she said, her eyes quickly looking at Rafe and then back at her phone.

"Rafe, will you be my date to prom?" Alex asked with hope.

A week ago he was so sure that he would go with Norah to the event, with her as his girlfriend, or at least just a friend. Now they weren't even friends, and he wasn't sure he wanted to go at all.

Yet sitting all alone in his room whilst everyone celebrating the end of the school didn't sound like a good idea either.

"I thought you would never ask," he replied.

He watched Norah out of the corner of his eye go out of the cafeteria with Benny trailing behind her with his long legs. At least she wasn't glaring at him anymore, but every time he came up to make conversation she would leave.

Although he'd gotten what he wanted- an offer in LBU, his team winning the finals, his father releasing his savings and funds- the victory tasted bitter. The price was too steep to pay. He chose his freedom over Norah, a devoted friend who was there for him this entire year when no one else helped him. The guilt has been gnawing him from the inside.


"I'm going," he announced.

"It's still lunch time," Luke said.

"Not hungry. See you in class," Rafe said and left his gang. His friends were aware of the rift between himself and Norah. Luke even tried approaching Norah to justify Rafe and try to patch things up for them. He even tried to take the blame on himself.

"Honestly," she told Luke, "I don't really care anymore. I just want to move on and finish this year in peace."

Rafe walked out to the empty hall. He was about to turn towards the library to look for Norah. He had to try again. He sent her about a dozen bouquets of flowers and even stood outside her house when Joyce politely told him that Norah wasn't feeling well. He couldn't look into her grandmother's eyes, he was so ashamed. He wondered if she was aware of what happened. If she did, she didn't show it because she was just as warm and kind as the first day he met her.

Suddenly he heard Jack's vicious voice echo through the school's silent, empty corridor.

"Never get in my fucking way faggot."

There was a sound of lockers slamming and things being thrown on the ground. Rafe followed the source of the commotion to find Benny on the floor, his books and papers scattered. Norah wasn't around. Benny was holding his left shoulder in pain and pressed himself against the lockers, away from Jack's chilling threats.

He came up to Benny and offered his hand. He hoisted him up and helped him with his books.

"You okay?" Rafe asked. Benny couldn't look him in the eyes and just nodded.

Something inside Rafe snapped.

"Hey, this cocksucker is asking for-" before Jack could even finish the sentence, Rafe's fist collided with Jack's nose with a sickening, satisfying crunch. The hulking bully stumbled back. Confused at first, he grabbed his bleeding nose and scrunched his eyes in pain and anger.


"What the fuck is your problem?" He wheezed out, checking his nose for damage. "Don't tell me you're a faggot too Ferreira," he said nasally.

"Piece of shit. I'm going to fucking end you," Rafe growled, going in for another punch. Angered, Jack tackled Rafe. They both slammed into the lockers. Rafe took the opportunity to headlock Jack and ram his knee into his gut. The giant groaned in pain and tried to get out of the grip. Rafe decided to let him go to make a more interesting fight, but not before slamming Jack's face into the locker. With all the pent up anger Rafe was feeling and the violent nature of Jack, this was promising to be a good fight.

Good, Rafe thought, as he threw another a perfect right hook to Jack's face with satisfaction. Fuck the school and his grades and his father's expectations. If he was going down, he might as well take Jack with him. Enough was enough.

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