《The Tutor》Chapter 27.1


Rafe said all the swear words he knew out loud. In both languages. The ref was a moron. That was obviously a foul. He placed his hand on his ribs. That would bloom into a giant bruise tomorrow for sure. The player from the other team smiled to patronise Rafe, and it worked. Had this happened in the beginning of the year, he'd dive head on to start a fight. Now he had more restraint over his anger. He'll get his chance to get back at him, but it should be on the field according to the rules, not his fists.

They had two goals so far, and the opposing team one. Thirty more minutes and the victory would be theirs.

His eyes back to search for Norah again. She probably saw that accident and was sitting there fiddling with her buttons or sleeves in worry.

But she wasn't.

William Manuel sat close and was whispering something in her ear. Something that made her smile from ear to ear and she whispered something back. Rafe's blood boiled again. She came to watch him play, not to play Chinese whispers with that pretentious ass. Sure, William was a nice guy,, but he was beginning get on Rafe's nerves. Why the sudden interest in her? Before he'd come into the picture, those two barely spoke a word to each other.

"Hey, you okay mate?" Luke said slightly breathless. "Can't believe the ref didn't give that jackass a red card."

"Yeah," Rafe said, flexing his hand. He could still play.

"What are you staring at?" Luke said and in confusing looked at the crowd of spectators.

"Nothing I just— where the fuck are they going?" Rafe couldn't help but burst out. It took Luke two seconds to lock onto Norah, who was being led through the crowd by William holding hands.

"Mate, forget about them for now. We still have a game to win," Luke said with a groan.

"I know that," Rafe snapped, "fucking unbelievable. My last game and they're off somewhere. To do what?"

Luke stood, unable to answer. No matter what he said, it would not calm Rafe down. He'd be angry, but at least he could take it out on the opposing players.

"I'm fucking done with this," Rafe growled, kicking a piece of dirt on the ground and went back to his position. The whistle blew. He had a game to win. And then he'd be finally out of this shithole.

As Rafe kicked the ball, it flew straight into the corner of the goalpost and the roar of the crowd confirmed their win. The whistle blew, showing the end of the game. Before he could even acknowledge what was happening, his teammate jumped on his back, followed by three others until Rafe could no longer stand and was squashed onto the wet muddy ground. The headmaster came up to Rafe, shaking his hand vigorously and clapping him the back once he scrambled back up, ignoring the fact that he looked like a pile a shit.


"Well done boys, well done!" he said to the team of mud streaked, messy boys who were grinning from ear to ear.

Luke had jumped onto Rafe and tackled him on the ground, followed by another five guys again. Victory was sweet. For a moment Rafe had forgotten what he was angry about and was cheering with the rest of the team. He searched for Norah in the crowd to give her a bone-crushing hug, but remembered that she left with Will. And hadn't been back since.

A dark cloud dampened his sunny mood and he couldn't help but get angry all over again. Were they together? Did she make a fool out of him on purpose? Why couldn't she just tell him instead of leading him on and getting his hopes up? Did they get together as soon as William broke up with his girlfriend? So much for a long distance relationship...

They headed over to the lockers, chanting football songs. Rafe headed for the shower and changed, all the while his head was abuzz with his victory along with nagging thoughts of Norah.

Luke clapped Rafe on the shoulder when they got dressed. "Mate, come on, don't get so upset over Norah. There's plenty of girls out there."

"I'm fine," Rafe muttered throwing his dirty uniform into a bag.

Behind them, the usual locker banter began. The topics covered the players, the match and of course, girls. There was hooting and whistling and talk of the girls from the opposing school who came to watch the game too.

The conversation steered towards university applications and the acceptance letters, which they were supposed to receive today. It made Rafe anxious and all the taste of sweet victory had gone out and was replaced by worry.

Jack laughed at something the other teammate, Gary, said. "Rafe has nothing to worry about. He got his little hired girl to do everything for him, lucky bastard."

Gary laughed. "Rafe the king. Captain of the team and the conquerer of girls. Can't believe you even got the nerdiest girl in school," he added with admiration. Rafe made a face of disgust but chose to ignore the comments, but too angry with Norah to refute the comments.

"I knew that girl was secretly begging for a good shag but I'd never thought she'd do it for money. Too bad I couldn't afford her," Jack said with a vicious grin.

"Maybe she'll give your ugly face a discount," Alex chimed in the whole locker room burst into laughter.

Rafe's face darkened and as he was about to say something, Luke stopped him. "Let it go mate. Not worth it. You know they always talk shit about everyone," he said in a hushed tone.

"Shut the hell up Jack," he belted out for good measure but it made the boys laugh harder.


"I don't care. I'm done thinking about her. But someone needs to shut Jack up. For good," Rafe muttered. The boys went on to make more lewd jokes about Norah.

Luke shook his head. "It shouldn't be you. And not today after we won a game. We're still a team. Remember, you've made up with your dad. You can't risk trouble now. It's not worth it. We're getting results today, and you can leave soon. Maybe it should be Will's problem now," Luke said, angering Rafe more. But his friend had a point.

"I just need to get out of here," he said with a deflated sigh and made his way out.

Rafe realised Luke was right. Just a couple of more months and he'll be free from this town.

He pushed the door open to get out of the stuffy changing room before he did something he'd regret. The laughter and the hooting of the boys muffled behind the door, but he stopped dead in his tracks.

Norah had been waiting for him outside. He did not expect to see her. He assumed she was with William somewhere. His heart froze as he saw hurt and tears in her eyes. She looked at him like he'd stabbed her in the back.

His mind raced as he realised just how loud Jack and the boys were talking. He could still hear their voices even though he was well outside the locker room. Was she here the whole time? Did she hear everything?

The heartbroken look on Norah's face said everything.

He licked his lips. "Norah. What are you—"

She looked dazed. "Is this what people have been saying about us? About me?...."

Rafe tried to take her hands, but she flinched away.

"No. Of course not. This was just stupid locker room talk. Norah, you know Jack is a fucking moron. He always talks bullshit. No one listen's to what he says. Everyone knows it's not true. It's just stupid lad talk," he said desperately before she started crying and realised he sounded like a jackass. He should've told Jack to shut up. But he was so caught up in his own anger.

Her face scrunched into hurt. "Congratulations," she said in a hoarse voice, "I stood here like an idiot waiting to tell you first that you got into UBL. William snuck me to the principal's office. I saw the letter of offer. You're in."

Rafe would've jumped for joy if Norah hadn't had tears streaming down her eyes. Suddenly university, his father and this school became so insignificant compared to the hurt he caused Norah. "Norah, bella, I beg you please don't cry," he said taking a hesitant step forward. They made her cry. He made her cry.

He winced and tried to grab her by her hands.

"Don't touch me Rafe," she snapped, backing away. The look of hurt being slowly replaced by ire. "You let them talk about me this way?" She asked, her voice breaking. He stood frozen in his place. Guilt and embarrassment chocking him. Why didn't say something? Why was she here out of all the places? "I thought you were my friend. I thought you were the good guy, Rafe. You're actually a pathetic coward," she said, her tears falling on the floor. "You're no better than the rest of them."

She let out a small sob and pushed him away as he tried to come nearer.

"You don't mean that," he breathed. His mind wishing and wishing that he could rewind back the time. Just change that last 5 minutes of the situation, wishing desperately she hadn't heard what just took place in the locker room. Why did she have to be here out of all times?

He wanted to embrace her. He reached out again, only to have his hand slapped away. She shakily breathed in. "Congratulation. You got what you wanted. Never come near me again," she said and spun on her heel.

He grabbed her. "Wait, Norah, please. You're right I should've stood up for you I just- I was caught up in my own anger-"

"Let go of me," she said through gritted teeth and yanked her arm back. He had never seen her so angry. His mind has been in denial. This was all his fault. He has fallen low. Very low in her eyes. She came to this school to escape bullying and now because of him, he'd put her on a map and made it easy to be a target. And he didn't even stand up for her .

How could he change back the time? He never hated himself more than he did now. There was a part of him that knew Luke was right too. Rafe had worked his ass off all year. Let Jack talk all the shit he wants. He didn't want any trouble. He was so close to getting everything he set out to achieve.

Had he known Norah would be out there listening, things would've probably ended differently.

He helplessly watched her walk away, her face in her hands.

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