《The Tutor》Chapter 23.1


Norah pushed past the bodies gyrating from all sides. Her playful mood was dampened by the unexpected arrival of Rafe's ex girlfriend. The music no longer seemed to lift her spirits up, but assault her ears. She needed to splash cold water on her warm face. Maybe, she thought, it would wake her up to reality. As she climbed up the stairs to the ladies' bathroom, she couldn't help but look their way. Rafe's tall frame and messy hair stood out from the crowd as he looked down at Maria with a pained look on his face. She was saying something to him, whilst adjusting the button of his black shirt. They looked so perfect together.

Norah wished he'd look up. Push her hands away and come after her.

Trying to bury her feelings, she headed for the bathroom, which thankfully didn't have an endless queue of women because the whole second floor belonged to Rafe's party for the night. As she opened the door, she froze as she heard a shriek from inside the bathroom.

"I said leave me alone! Get off of me!" The girl's voice- unmistakably Hazel's- rang out. Norah was about to spin on her heel and leave. She had no patience for whatever scene Hazel was causing now.

There was a gruff laugh. "Fine. You're always such a fucking tease." Norah's blood ran cold as she heard Jack's voice. Going further inside, she saw Hazel's tear-streaked face, her mascara running. Jack's enormous hand wrapped around her tiny arm, towering over her tiny frame. He reached out to touch Hazel's cheek. A gesture she flinched from.

"Leave her alone," Norah said, her voice panicked. "This is the ladies' toilet. You shouldn't even be here."

"Oh fuck, it's Rafe's sidekick. Ha! He must be too busy to come and get you himself this time," he said to Hazel. He turned to look back at Norah. "Get the fuck out and mind your own business."


Hazel looked at her, distressed and embarrassed. "Leave," she croaked. "I'm fine."

Norah opened entrance door wide and crossed her arms in defiance. She could feel her heart hammering. There was always something nasty about Jack, and it made her feel sick with disgust and fear.

"Get out now. Or I will call security."

Jack's eyes darkened, and he let go of Hazel before coming up to Norah. She could feel her palms sweating. He can't do anything to you, she told herself, and yet the fear was there.

"Are you threatening me? This ain't the school Jap, " He said in a low, dangerous voice. His breath reeked of vodka and cigarettes.

"I-" Norah began.

"Hey. Is everything okay? What's going on?"

Much to Norah's relief, William had been walking by and interfered.

Jack slowly peeled his eyes off of Norah and looked at Will with a smirk. "Just catching up with the girls. I'm going for a fag," he said nonchalantly and left, but not before shoving his shoulder against Norah's.

William frowned and was about to say something to Jack when Norah stopped him by tugging on his arm. "Don't," she said breathlessly. "He's just very drunk."

"Are you okay? Did he say anything to you?" He asked, looking at her ashen face.

"No, I'm fine. But someone in there isn't," she said, pointing inside the bathroom. She asked for the small unopened bottle of Evian that William was holding and went inside to find Hazel. She was looking at her reflection and rubbing the ruined make-up with tissue.

"Here," Norah said. Hazel shakily and wordlessly took the water and downed in a couple of gulps.

"Thanks," she muttered, avoiding her eyes and going back washing her face. Norah took this as her cue to leave. She found William hanging outside the bathroom with a concerned face. She was glad that William was around when he was needed the most. The only person in the whole school, probably, who didn't drink alcohol. He was the caretaker of everyone in the party because of it. After most parties, he gave lifts to friends too. He was too good for this bunch.


* * *

Rafe's head throbbed from arguing with Maria. The girl was stubborn. She was hellbent on getting back together and if he wasn't so damn tired and pissed off, he would've been very flattered. After making it clear to Maria that there was no way they would get back together, Maria huffed and announced that she would get wasted and headed to the bar with his friends. Rafe headed upstairs to find Norah.

He spotted her outside the cloakroom talking to William. As he approached, he noticed she looked slightly shaken and wondered had happened. When he asked however, he noticed the lightest shake of her head at William and his former teammate who was already getting on his nerves, pissed him off further by not telling him anything.

"Seriously, you look like you saw a ghost," Rafe tried again.

"I'm fine. Honestly. I'm just tired. I'm heading home," she said, thanking the lady who handed her the coat. Rafe couldn't keep the disappointment off his face.

"Already? It's only..." he said, looking at his clock. "It's barely midnight!"

She gave him a tight smile. "Sorry. I'm tired. I really am."

"Please stay."

"My carriage will turn into a pumpkin," she tried to joke her way out.

She looked at him apologetically. She thanked him for the party whilst getting dressed to go outside.

It was frustrating that he's only been gone for ten minutes tops, and Norah went back to being reclusive. And neither of them would tell him what the hell happened. Did something happen between her and William? The thought of it made him nauseous. She was having fun before Maria barged in. Was she leaving because of her?

"I'll take you home," he said.

"No, there's no need. You must stay it's your party. I'm going back with Benny. He said he'll meet me outside," she said. After a couple more coaxing and debating, defeated Rafe led Norah out of the club.

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