《The Tutor》Chapter 23


After a couple more exchanges about their school and the town with Emile, Norah went back to Benny's side to make sure he didn't feel out of place. He was talking to one of their schoolmates from History class. Luke and Amber approached them, holding hands. They assumed the mantle of the school's golden couple. Both greeted her a lot friendlier than they did in school. There was something interesting about seeing people outside school. The social boundaries seemed to loosen, and the alcohol lowered people's inhibitions. Or was it Rafe's presence in Norah's life that made her more socially significant than before?

"You look nice Norah," Luke said, looking at her slightly bewildered. Amber too paid her compliments, touching the fabric of her expensive dress. Norah felt a lot more relaxed. This wasn't as terrible as she had imagined. She was enjoying their company. Even Hazel said a dry hello and ogled her expensive accessories.

A handful of Rafe's 'boys' from London looked out of place and attracted the eyes of many girls.They were dressed in expensive clothing. They could've formed a boy band with their looks. Uninterested in Rafe's schoolmates and the girls in the club, they gathered around the bar, preferring to talk to Emile. The two groups of friends separated into the 'city boys of London' and 'townfolk of Berkshire'. Norah figured Rafe's closest friend was Dmitri, a handsome boy from Moscow. Rafe introduced them and told her they went to a posh summer camp every year together in Switzerland. It only now dawned on Norah just how glamorous and luxurious Rafe's life really is. How successful and beautiful his family and friends are. What his childhood memories and holidays were made of. It all screamed money. She'd be out of his life once he went back to London. She missed him already.

As the night went on, the club had swarmed with people. The alcohol hit the system and people ventured to the dance floor with newfound confidence. Some were making out, some were intimately standing together and talking. Norah took Benny by the hand and led him to the dance floor too. Swaying to the rhythm, Norah let herself enjoy the night. She felt the tension and the stress of schoolwork leave her mind for a blissful couple of hours. She felt like she was in a new dimension. She observed the people whom she saw every day in a new light. Out of their school uniforms and loosened tongues, they seemed to take new form in her eyes.


She felt a pair of hands on her hips and turned to see Rafe give her a cheeky grin as he swayed to the music with her. Benny had disappeared. She grinned back threw her hands in the air as the beat dropped.

"You're having fun?" He yelled into her ear through the music.

"As you can see," she replied, turning her body to face him.

"You look a little drunk," he said, pulling her close. She felt electricity run through her body. It was responding to Rafe's charming smile and his strong body that she felt as put her hands on his chest.

"I am a little drunk," she said with a satisfied smile and swayed with him in sync.

He leaned in, close enough to tickle her ear with his lips. "You look hot," he said in a husky voice. She shivered. She knew he did that on purpose and needed to make sure her knees didn't buckle from underneath her. Norah tried to act cool, but her flaming cheeks gave her away. She didn't remember the last time anyone referred to her as 'hot'. He made her feel hot. She briefly wondered how many drinks did he have to throw around compliments like that?

She looked into his warm brown eyes, which seemed to liquify from the drinks he's had. She'd seen his 'drunk eyes' before. They were half-lidded and sexy. He looked intently into her eyes, and his gaze travelled down to her lips. Out of habit, she bit her bottom lip. He was making her nervous. She knew he was leaning in for a kiss. She sucked in a deep breath, her heart hammering in her chest.

Someone's hand smacking Rafe on the arm ruined the moment and a shrill voice cut through the music. "Rafe! Baby! Surprise!"

Rafe had to do a double take to see who had rudely interrupted their moment. He looked aghast. "Maria?"

She gave him a 'ta da!' look and enveloped him in her hands. Norah wasn't sure if her heart could take in so much emotions at once. Excited, love-struck, horny, annoyed, confused, envious and downright pissed off. Who the hell was this super model?

"Did I surprise you?! The boys told me they're coming down here, so I thought I'd join! I've missed you," she added the last part with a pout.


Rafe's mouth opened and closed, still recovering from the shock of seeing this girl.

"It's nice to see you," Rafe said finally. "Maria, this is Norah. Norah— Maria."

"Hello," Norah said, trying to keep her tone neutral. "Another friend from London?"

"Actually, we used to date," she replied and Norah looked at Rafe, who was far from happy seeing his ex-girlfriend.

* * *

Out of all the times Maria could've visited... Out of all the things she could've ruined. It just had to be the one time he took a chance to kiss Norah. He tried to keep the disappointment off his face.

What surprised him was that seeing Maria here stirred nothing in him. Back when he first came to Berkshire, he had missed her ditzy company. How often he'd look at his screen and find his messages unanswered. How he wished she'd come visit. She was still gorgeous. Her hair shorter than he last remembered. She was wearing a tight, short playsuit and a fur collar. He looked at Norah for any signs of emotion. Was she angry? Curious? Upset?

Frustratingly, it was hard to read Norah as always. She gave a small polite smile to Maria.

"I've heard from the boys that Rafe has a sexy Asian tutor now! I had to come and see it for myself," His ex said with a giggle. "It's nice to meet you."

"Thanks...Likewise," Norah said awkwardly. Rafe began to panic as the carefree aura around Norah disappeared and began retreating back into the demeanour she usually wore in school. He could almost see her putting up her hair and whipping our her chunky glasses.

"You're much prettier than I imagined. You look more Korean than Japanese. Have you seen the girl bands in Korea? They are so adorable. Don't get me started on the boys. Who kind of look like girls too. Makes me question my own sexuality haha," Maria said. Mio dio. Please stop talking, Rafe thought desperately.

"Yes. Tell me about it," Norah replied, and Rafe couldn't miss that note of sarcasm.

"Sorry. I'm going to the ladies' room. You guys probably have some catching up to do," she said. She gave Rafe a cool look, nodded to Maria and pushed past the dancing crowd. Maria gave her a little wave and turned to Rafe with a smirk.

"Missed me?" She said shrilly, planting both of her hands on his shoulders. He gently brushed them away, and she frowned.

"What are you really doing here, Maria?"

She blinked and raised her brows. "I can't come and say happy birthday to you? Haven't you missed me? I know we broke up, but you're still my person," she said affectionately. The phase he used to find endearing now irked him. Did she still expect him to wait around for her? Or now that he only had a couple of months left to graduate, she conveniently realised that she wants him back?

He couldn't blame her for not wanting a long-distance relationship in the beginning. It wasn't her problem he got banished for another fight because he couldn't reign in his temper. But breaking things off when he already hit rock bottom was too cruel.

"Thanks for coming." Though I don't remember inviting you. "But whatever we had is over. It's been over for half a year now, Maria. And I know that you know that."

Her eyes saddened. "Don't you think we deserve another chance? I have half term break. We can do something this weekend together. Maybe explore another village. It's very cosy here."

Rafe laughed mirthlessly. "You don't know what I would've given to hear you say that when I first came here."

"Well I'm here now. I'm sorry it took me so long to realise what a terrible mistake it has been, breaking up with you. Let's give us another shot."

His eyes searched for Norah and saw her petite frame walking up the stairs to the bathrooms. If she had any feelings for him, Maria's presence at this moment would've hurt her. Hell, he can't stand William around Norah and they barely have any contact together.

He needed to shake off Maria and get Norah back on the dance floor and finish that kiss.

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