《Love & Business》Dreams from Reality


I placed my head into the palm of my hands. Dad and Mr. Lodge have been so controlling lately. Hunter and I barely spoke, we couldn't have a kid together in this state. I need to earn back his trust, starting from today. I walked out of his office but didn't see him.

"Where's Hunter?"

"He's in the conference room," Selena said.

I thanked her then headed there. When I opened the door he was sitting by himself looking out the window.

"Go away, I don't need any more headaches right now," he said with his back still turned to me. I ignored him and pulled a chair by him.

"Let's take the rest of the day off."


"Why not?"

"Because we can't just leave."

"That's the point of being your own boss. You can leave whenever you want."

He turned to me. "Even if I did want to leave, why would I do it with you?"

"Because I'm your wife and you love me?" I said with an innocent smile.

"Haha good one," he said as he got up and started walking.

"What so funny?" I asked following him.

"You might be my wife but I certainly do not love you."

I stayed quiet until we reached back his office. I shut the door and closed the blinds. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

"Hunter, how are we supposed to make this work if you keep hating me?"

"How I feel towards you is not up for debate."

"Take me to my house."


"I said 'take me to my house'."


"I think I should stay there for a few days."


He crossed his arms and watched me with a raised eyebrow.

"Just until we've sorted things out," I added.


"Why not?"

"I can't have people seeing you stay in one house and I stay in another. They'll suspect we're having problems in our marriage."

"Well, you can stay in my house too."

"I already said no."

"Well at least give it a look Hunter."

He stood up and picked up his keys. "Okay fine. Let's go."


"You don't want me to see the house again?"

"Yes of course but I didn't think you would want to go now."

"Well, we're basically done here for today and I'm busy for the rest of the week so let's go," he said then walked out. "Selena, I'm done for the day so lock up for me."

"Yes sir."


He drove into the yard and parked. This was the first time I'd been back since the wedding so the place looked foreign to us both. We got out of the car and he looked around the surroundings. My house wasn't as big as Hunter's mansion but it was still a big house. I bought it with my own money when I finished college. It was just the right size for me.

"Well, what do you think?" I asked from the outside.

He looked around with his hands in his pocket. "It's acceptable."

I rolled my eyes. I could never please him. I pushed my keys in the door and unlocked it. When I opened the door we were hit by the fresh scent of lavender. The cleaner must have been here today. All the entrance had was the staircase and a chandelier.

I showed him the living room, dining room, and kitchen. He stayed quiet as he looked around. We walked and headed to my room.


"This is our room," I said.

He looked at me but kept quiet. We walked to the other room.

"And this would be our baby's room," I said and he didn't object which was weird. "The other rooms are just the guest rooms and my office."

He nodded his head and started walking back to the stairs.

"So you aren't going to say anything?"

He stopped then turned back to me. "It's nice."

"Just nice?"

"I thought it would some ridiculous house with all the furniture and walls being pink or white but I thought wrong. So yes, it's nice but I still think you should sell it. You'll make a few million off of it."

"What why?"

"Because we won't be living in it."

"But you said it was 'nice'.

"I said it was nice but I didn't say I was going to live here. This house is for happily married couples who are in love and have a family. We will never be or have that so it's best to give it to someone who does. I'll be in the car." he said coldly then walked out.

I tried to keep any tears that had formed from falling because if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to stop. Hunter was being brutal. He was basically saying I'm going to be in a miserable marriage for the rest of my life.

I took one last look before I left. When I reached back to the car I stayed quiet. He had no right telling me to sell my house. He and I are probably going to be divorced soon anyway.

"You can't seriously be mad at me?" he asked as he drove. I ignored him by looking out my window. "I was just being realistic. This isn't some fairy tale that we are just going to magically fall in love and pop out children. This is why I don't date women like you. You can't differentiate dreams from reality. "

He was right but it was worth a try. He seemed to get the message because he didn't say anything else after that. We reached home pretty quick.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lodge, you're home early." Miss Turner said.

Hunter walked right past her without saying a word.

"I'm sorry Ms. Turner."

"Why are you apologizing? I'm used to this ever since he was a kid," she said with a laugh.

"Hunter is just mad at me because I want a child."

"Ah, I see. He didn't have his fair share of experiences when it came to parents so I understand."

"What do you mean by that?"

"His father was always at work and his mother, well that's not my story to tell. I should go and get started on supper," she said then walked in the direction of the kitchen.

I walked by Hunter's office but he wasn't in there. I wanted to see if he was okay but I didn't want him to think I was starting to care.

When it was time for dinner, he barely even looked at me, much less spoke. I was the one who was supposed to be mad not him, not the other way around. It always had to be his way or no way.

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