《She's dead》Chapter 23 - Epilogue


2 years later

Third person POV -

They stand in front of the grave in silence as one lets their tears fall. Ezekiel and emerald stand there as they remember all the stories they had been told about her. Enzo held the twins hands as he wished she could be with them while remembering the promise he made to her. It was often they went to visit her but it was usually planned unlike today. It was a cold afternoon and enzo didn't want the twins to get Sick so decide the three would go wait in the car until the other was ready to leave. "We'll wait in the car for you" he said. Enzo took one more look at the grave before they left.

The remaining person sat infront of the grave as the tears began to dry up slightly. "Hi baby. It's been a while huh. God I miss you. Why did you have to die so young. I wish I had more time with you, that we could make more memories. I wish you got to grow up with me, I wanted to see you walk down the aisle, get married. I wanted to see you happy with your husband. Or wife. and have kids of your own that I could spoil rotten but you were taken to soon and I'm so sorry i couldn't protect you. I miss you so much oceana" sapphire said as she looked at the stone in front of her. "The reason for this unexpected visit is because I wanted you to be the first to know. And although you can't talk back to me I wanted your approval in a way." She whispered as she smiled down at the slight bump on her stomach.

"I found out this morning. I've been throwing up for a couple weeks but kept telling Enzo It was just a stomach bug. I wanted you to know that although I'm having another baby, you will always be my first and I'll never love you any less, that I'll never forget you. I love you oceana and always will. Till next time baby" she said before kissing the headstone and walking back to her fiancé and children.


Sapphires POV -

It's been 2 years since that night. When I went unconscious we were right outside my families private hospital where they treated me and Kota. I was in a coma for 2 weeks before I woke up. No one was doing good. My dad was drowning in guilt and repeatedly apologised when I woke up even though he had nothing to apologise for. The rest of my brothers had been spending a lot of time at the hospital as well as Kota. Alex had been looking after the twins and had been visiting everyday with them. Enzo was the worst. He hadn't left my side the whole 2 weeks. Apparently he hadn't been eating or sleeping properly to which I slapped him saying his health was important.

About 2 months after I was released from the hospital enzo had asked me and the twins to move in with him. And although I was upset to be leaving the house with my brothers and father in, I was excited for the new adventure with enzo and my kids. We still see them every week and have family day on Sundays, including alex and Kota. About Kota, he now lives with my family and is basically my brother. He found out that his family had barely tried to look for him and hadn't told anyone because they didn't want to seem weak. He doesn't see them a lot but goes and visits sometimes to see his nephew- his brothers 1 year old son. And even though I didn't die, everyone still stuck to the favours I asked of them that night.

A year ago Enzo proposed to me and promised me a red and white wedding, he even brought me a dog. Today when I found out I was pregnant the first thing I did was go see oceana. Enzo was confused on the sudden visit but didn't question. Now here we are, cuddled up in bed


watching Harry Potter after we had put the twins to bed an hour ago.

"I'll be back" I say to enzo pausing the film. As I go into the bath room I take off my top, leaving my shorts on and pick up a pen.

"Enzo"I say walking back into the room.

"Yh" he says not looking up from his phone. When he finally does his eyes go wide and have tears in them. I was standing in front of him in my bra and shorts and on my small but visible baby bump I had written 'Hi Daddy' in black pen.

"Really"he says as his voice cracks. I nod with a big smile. He jumps off the bed and hugs me. He picks me up and twirls me, making sure not to hurt me. All while saying "I'm gonna be a daddy" and "my fiancé is pregnant", being mindful not to wake the twins up.

As he puts me down he kisses me passionately. Our lips mould together as I relax into the kiss. He licks my lip for entry but I decide to tease him and deny. His hands slide down to my ass before he roughly squeezing it causing me to moan into his mouth. He takes this opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth as we fight for dominance. He wins. He pulls me closer by my throat as I whimper while I grab his hair tightly making him let out a deep groan. Eventually we pull apart breathing heavily as he rests his forehead on mine. "I love you so much, soon to be mrs Knight" he whispers giving me one last peck.

———THE END———

Hi guys, thank you so much for reading my story. I'm sorry if it wasn't as good as you thought it would be, this is my first time trying to write a story. If anyone found any incorrect grammar or anything please leave a comment where it is and I'll get round to changing it. Anyways thanks again guys. Bye for now💗

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