《She's dead》Chapter 22


Third person POV -

The plan was in action. Sapphire took out the knife she acquired earlier, one of which she was being tortured with and they stupidly didn't notice her take it, and unlocked the chains before helping Dakota. They both stumbled a bit as they made their way towards the door as They had not used their legs in a long time and were weak from torture. As they got to the door they found the tray that Brandon used when punishing them which held a bunch of weapons, including guns and knives, which they took for protection. After getting everything they needed they ventured the other side of the metal door.

The light blinded them for a second but they didn't have time to think as there were at least 4 guards In that hallway. Taking on 2 each they chose the quieter weapons, sapphire punched on in his temple point killing him instantly and slit the throat of another whereas Kota used his knife on both as he watched them bleed out. Saph looked at Kota and they both knew what was next. They both began to silently walk down the next corridor, hopefully finding a way out.


The Romano's were currently on their way to the location that sapphire was being kept with enzo while alex(Enzos dad) stayed back to watch the kids. Both mafia leaders had at least a hundred of their men following behind them, they weren't taking any chances.

"Ok so we all are gonna split up to find saph. Phoenix(enzo) go with Elias, blaze with river. Val with Matteo and zaidon your with me" Greyson said before they barged into the warehouse. As they made it through the door guns were on them and being fired, and they didn't waste any time in taking them down. Enzo and elias went left, blaze and river went forwards and through the first door, val and Matteo through the second and Zai and Greyson to the left.

Each of them and Zai and Enzos men shot down every guard they saw, all while looking for saph. Enzo and elias come across what looked like a cell or torture room that had dead guards laying outside. "This is where he has to be keeping her, come one" Elias said quietly to enzo who just nodded back before opening the door. They quickly entered, guns drawn but were met with nothing. Fuck, they thought. The chains were undone,


Plus the dead guards, she had to have done this. But who was in the second chains?, enzo thought. "She must have escaped with whoever that was" was all he said before they exited the room and followed the trail of bodies.

Everyone had checked their sections by now except Grayson and zaidon. They still had one room left, which everyone was running to. She had to be there, they all thought. Sapphire and Dakota had killed any guard they Came across but still hadn't found a way out, they heard faint sounds like gunshots coming from somewhere and thought of the possibility that their families had come for them, that made them smile.

Grayson opened the door, Zai following behind silently, to be met with at least 2o guards and the leader of the British mafia. "Brandon Smith(I don't know if I have Him a last name), where the fuck is my daughter!"

"Oh that whore. I don't know. Locked up somewhere. Be happy she's alive Romano, she was meant to die when our daughter did. I underestimated her skills and my men didn't make it out alive"he replied with a sneer.

'Our' is all that was running through their heads. This is the bastard that raped sapphire. With this new revelation both Romano's raised their guns at Brandon, causing Brandon's men to begin to shoot. At this point the others had met up in the room and began to help. Their men had been ordered to set bombs around the base and get out of their and treat their wounds.

When thinking they had killed all the guards except Brandon they all aimed their guns at him, as their were spread around the room but all in front of him. While This was happening sapphire and Dakota had silently entered the room as everyone was so caught up in Brandon that they had not noticed. Dakota was upset his family had not come for him still but was happy that saph family cared. Sapphire had a bright smile on her face, they came, she thought. This quickly faded as she sight of the gun. Being the closed to him and not having enough time to disarm the guard, she made a decision. As the gun was fired, making everyone turn around, sapphire was quick to block him, hugging him. The bullet pierced her skin as blaze took out his gun and shot both Brandon and the guards.


Sapphires POV -

"Noooooooooooo!" Everyone screamed. Where I was hit wasn't too deadly but I knew there was a great chance I could die from blood loss before they got me treated. I looked up from his chest and smiled at him.

"I love you dad. Thank you for everything. Please Look after them" I said before I collapsed to the floor, still in his arms. His tears dripped down his face onto mine as he cried. Everyone surrounded me as they too were silently crying.

"Why would you do that" my dad whimpered, brushing the hair out of my face.

"I couldn't protect her but I could protect you. I promised my daughter that I would protect everyone I could. And I for-filled that promise" I whispered weakly, reaching my hand up to brush away his tears before looking at everyone around me.

"Zaidon. Thank you for being like a second father to me and always looking after me. Do me a favour and try to show more emotion around family. I love you Zai" I said looking at him, he smiled with tears in his eyes, nodding yes. Dad began to pick me up as we quickly made our way to a van and piled in.

"Matteo. I loved knowing you care so much even if it did get annoying sometimes. Your favour is to spend more time with the family. I love you teo." The warehouse went up in flames behind us as we drove away.

"Val and river. Thank you for always being there to make me laugh. Yours is to keep on being you, don't let me bring down your spirit. I love you both so much." They laughed crying while kissing my hands and moving back.

"Blaze. No matter how mean you were to me, I always loved you. Thank you for being you. I ask of you to continue being how you were after I came back, show emotion, spent time with the family. I love you Zeze." His hands were fisted tight by his side but he still came and kissed my forehead and smiled at me weakly. We were nearly there now. I wasn't feeling to good and my speech was getting worse.

"Elias. My other half. Thank you for always being there for me and supporting my decisions. Promise me That you will be as loud and as outgoing to everyone else as you were to me. I love you Ellie. So much." I said coughing up blood.

"Kota. You've Been here for me forever and I could never thank you enough for it. I've been so lucky. You have been through a lot in the last month and I know it's affected you so much. But I promise you that my family will be their for you if your family falls short. I love you so much Kota" he silently cried as he held tightly onto my hand. "And Kota" I said making him look at me "we're safe now. You can speak" he smiled. The others had confusion swimming in their eyes but didn't question it.

"I love you fifi. Thank you" he said his voice rough from not speaking in ages.

I looked at enzo as tears pooled In my eyes. My heart was shattering at the look in his face. I made weak grabby hands towards him making him slightly chuckle through his tears as he gently pulled me onto his lap, hugging me like his life depends on it.

"Enzo. Thank you for being there for me. We may have had a weird beginning and moved to fast but I don't regret it because every moment I spend with you I fall deeper. I've loved every date, every second we've been together. The time with the kids and your father. I haven't said it before but I've known it for a long time. I love you Phoenix Lorenzo Knight. With all my heart. I want you to be the twins father. I want you to look after them for me if I dont make it and if I die, I want you to find love again. I want you to get married and give Ezekiel and emerald siblings." I was a stuttering mess by the end, barely even being able to form sentences as my eyes droop but I keep them open. I lean up as best I can before kissing him passionately one last time.

I feel the car come to a stop before my eyes flutter shut for the last time and I can't seem to open them again. "I love you all" Is all I whisper before I fall into darkness again.

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