《She's dead》Chapter 8


Phoenixes POV -

I woke up this morning to a constant fucking beeping, slamming my hand down on the alarm I lazily open my eyes to see the time. Fuck I'm late. Eh what's it matter if I'm a bit late. Hurriedly getting ready I slip on a random outfit, adding a few accessories to finish it off. Hot.

Calling out that I'm leaving to my pa I hop in my car and speed to school.

Eh not that late only 20 minutes. Roughly pushing the door open to my class not even glancing at the teacher nor her I, my eyes narrow in on the girl sitting in my seat. She must be new, everyone knows not to sit in my seat and she's about to learn.

Glaring at her figure as I advanced to the back of the class, I slip 2 fingers and roughly tilt her head up to mine but not enough to hurt her but as soon as I touched her, her hand tightly wrapped around my wrist prying my hand away. I scowl and pull my hand from her grip. Lifting her head to look at me on her own her face screams annoyance. Locking eyes with her moon like silver ones, my scowl immediately softens and my breaths hitches. She's the most beautiful woman Ive ever seen in my entire life. Her brown hair, tanned smooth skin, plump pink lips that I feel like kissing right here and now. Wtf i don't even know her name yet. Snapping out of my daze from a cough I realised I might look like a goddamn creep staring at her.

"This is my fucking seat sweetheart" I snarl.

"I don't see your fucking name on it stronzo" she reply's nonchalantly with a barely noticeable blush to her cheeks, looking me straight in the eyes with a eyebrow raised. Chuckling i plop myself onto the desk next to her before scooting closer as if a natural reaction. People all around the class look at me and this girl in shock. Yh Yh I don't let anyone get away with sitting in my seat and I definitely don't ever chuckle. Who the fuck is this girl. "So what's your name sweetheart" I whisper in her ear.


Sapphires POV -

Fuck I don't ever blush and I don't give nicknames to people I've just met. What is he doing to me, I've only just fucking met him and he's messing me up. I really need to do something tonight kill, fight, race I don't care. Snapping out of my daze I feel him scoot closer to my desk but I keep my eyes trained to the front of the class. Not that I need to learn any of this.

"So what's your name sweetheart" he whispers in my ear. An involuntary shiver runs down my spine, the good kind though. Turning my attention back to him, I know he's seen it by the smirk growing on his face. "Sapphire raine." I reply not yet wanting to give out my last name. "Yours?" I question back to the Greek god infront of me with a willed bored expression.

"Phoenix. Phoenix Lorenzo" he copies, also denying knowledge of his last name. But what he doesn't know is that I know who his was from the first time I looked at him. Phoenix Lorenzo Knight. Don of the American mafia.

Throwing his arm round the back of my chair, he smiles innocently at my slight scolding look but I know he's anything but innocent. We continue small talk throughout the lesson like I learnt his favourite colour was Black. No surprise there. His favourite animal a panther and it's just him and his dad now as his mom died when he was little. I sent and apologetic expression but he waved me off saying it's fine which made me go back to my emotionless one.

Anyways, hearing the bell ring I grab my stuff and make my way out of class. "Wait up" I hear him call from close behind me. "Sit with me at lunch" he says as he traps me against the lockers.

"And if I don't want to" I question seriously as I look at him.

"It wasn't a question raine. It was an order. Now stop being a stubborn ass and sit with me" he says as he has one hand on my hip and the other against the locker next my head. Rolling my eyes I reply with a simple fine before easily getting out of his hold and making my way to my art lesson.


Walking into the canteen, I look for Phoenix to find him sitting next to my Kota. Internally squealing I make my way towards them both before slapping Kota on the back of the head to make myself known. "What the fuck" he mutters before turning to meet my eyes, I watch as his brighten before he standing pulling me straight into a hug.

"What the fuck is this" I hear Nix say as he tugs me back to his chest wrapping his arms round me possessively. I look up to see his angry features settles glaring at Kota. Aw he's getting all possessive and jealous already. This boy.

"Back the fuck of D. She's mine"

"Hold up there mister" I say moving from his hold to beside Kota, a scowl making it's way into my face. "One. Kota here is my goddamn best friend so calm your tits. Two. I'm not no property you can be claiming or passing round. Three. When did I become yours, I met you not even 3 hours ago asshole" a scowl on my lips but eyes dead not portraying any other emotions.

"Fuck" he exclaims running his hands through his hair before gently taking my hand and pulling me towards the door of the cafeteria. Looking back I see not only Kota but also my brothers other than Blaze throwing me worried looks, most likely thinking of Phoenixs reputation. Sending them a reassuring nod I turn on my heals following Nix out. We keep walking till he abruptly tugs me into an empty classroom, locking the door and pinning me against the wall.

"The fuck Enzo. Why did you bring me in here"

"To explain baby. Fuck. That's not what I meant to imply and I'm sorry for being a jealous asshole Without knowing the whole story. I know We only met today but from the moment our eyes me I knew I was yours and only yours and that I had to make you mine. Fuck Im acting like a complete pussy. Look I know that was the wrong way to go about it and it's really early but I can't be the only one that feels the connection between. Please. Tell me you feel it too dolcezza" he tells me. I can clearly hear the sincerity in his voice and his eyes show no signs of any lying.

"I won't deny myself saying I don't feel the connection enzo because I do. But I'm a very complicated person was lots of heavy baggage trailing behind me. There is so much shit going on in my life that you don't even know and that's not the kind of thing you deserve" I say softy letting my mask fall for him, shocking not only him but myself as it felt so natural, so relaxing to show him my true emotions. To show him the sincerity, the pain, the fear that settles in my eyes.

"I don't care about "baggage" as you call it. I want get to know you, rain. I want to start as friends and see where we go from there. I want to learn everything you let me. And I want you to learn to trust me, with time, to let me in, let me take care of you and bare some of weight you carry daily. I may have only met you today, I may not know much about you or be an important part of your life. But I know I want to in the future."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement and I didn't bother to hide it. Kota was the only person who every showed me care and compassion after I was sent away. Yh I'm back with my family now. Yh I can see they love me even Blaze. I know Elias has shown me his love, that he's taken care of me and listened to a small bit of my past. But no one had said anything like this. No one has ever been so passionate about getting to know me. The real me. The me that resides behind the emotionless mask I carry.

"Thank you Enzo I want that too. " I smiled a genuine smile before kissing his cheek softly and making my way out the classroom. Leaving him with a massive grin on his face that I didn't have the chance to see.

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