《Mr Possessive ✅》Chapter 7


I was frustrated and angry at her family. Even if they are her uncle and aunt, but still how could they hurt her.

She's such a sweet little thing. She is the only girl that I ever met who doesn't annoy me. I can clearly feel this warm feeling when I was around her. Today I was not going to talk to her, but I can't help it. When I saw her staring at me. I got the chance to tease her about it.

She said something about getting hit, at first I thought that she was exaggerating it. Maybe her parents are strict, but after seeing what I saw and hearing what I heard, I don't have any doubt that I have to do something about her family members.

How could her cousins say something that nasty stuff about her and her aunt even believed it? I, who didn't know her that long can tell that it was a lie how could her aunt believed in that bullshit.

I hit the brakes suddenly, then I realized that I reached home already. I entered and greeted my mom. She was in the kitchen. She loves cooking, I mean more than others. She runs a restaurant, she takes a break to come and make some lunch for me and my little brother. Sometimes if she couldn't come then we both go to her restaurant.

"Hey, mum," I said. I was angry and she could tell right away.

"What happened? Did you fight with someone again? You have just transferred here. I thought you liked it here." she asked so many questions altogether.

"Mom, quite. I didn't fight with anyone. I just don't know what to do. My friend is in a problem and I don't know how to help her." I replied truthfully. It's not like I share everything with my mom, but sometimes I ask for her advice, and for today I really need it.


"You already made a friend? And that is too, a girl. Wow, this is new. You always try to run away from the girls. She must be special." She seems so excited about it.

"Mum, control. Please. I'm serious and she is just a friend and nothing like the other girls who only follow me for looks or money. She doesn't give a damn about any of this. That's why she is special." I unconsciously smiled, talking about her.

"I can see that on your face. You are so in love darling. I want to meet her too." she is going crazy again.

"Mom, please. It's rubbish. We are just friends, now can you please focus on the issue. As I told you that she has some situation in her home, but I can't help her. What should I do?"

"Xav, I can't allow you to enter into her personal matter. It's their family matter you can't do anything about it. Still, if you want to help her then give her moral support and tell her that the family fights bit they love you anyway."

"She doesn't have parents. She lives with her uncle and aunt. Her aunt hit her yesterday. I saw the wound with my own eyes. Her cousins bully her." I said simply because I don't want to tell my mom that she is thinking about the whole situation in a different light.

"Oh my, that poor child. How can anyone be this uncaring to a child? They have children too, they should understand her feelings too. Can't she go to some other relatives?"

"I asked, but on one is there."

"Orphanage or childcare association will be too much for her. If she reports then it will just make her homeless. That poor girl. I don't know what we can do for her." she got so upset. I can see that on her face. "You can ask your dad about it, maybe he can give you some idea."


"Ok. I'll ask at dinner." with that I was going towards my room, but mom shouted"Bring her to our restaurant someday soon. Okay?"

"Okay, I'll ask her, but she doesn't like me that much, so the chances are few," I replied.

My parents are cool. It's just I'm a trouble maker in our house. My younger brother is good at studies and very sincere. I have some anger issues. I can't control it if someone is messing with me or even the others. I can't handle the ill-mannered people. So that's why I got into so many fights. But in this school, I didn't feel the need to beat the shit out of someone. It's just Anna's family that I want to make them pay for what they did to her ever.

Seeing her hurt today. It was like someone hit me. I don't know how to explain this feeling. When she was crying, my heart was literally aching. I wanted it to just hug her tightly so that even her heart can feel that I'm here for her.

Today I'll ask my dad for help. I'm sure he will give me some good advice. He is a big shot in the business market of our city. He has so much influence, so I'm waiting for the evening.


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