《Mr Possessive ✅》Chapter - 8


I was waiting for my father impatiently. The second bell rang, I was the first to open the door.

He is my father, he understood right away that I need his help for something.

We were at the dinner table. My brother was really studying while having dinner. My mother scolded him. My father looked at me and said "Say what you want. You didn't get into a fight. It was not even a week completed yet."

"No dad, it's something else, and I don't get into fights because I like it. I just don't like it when someone is billing others or misbehaving with others." I complained.

"Oh. So what it is that you need help with?" he asked. Before I could say anything my mother replied "He got a girlfriend" she chirped excitedly.

" I pity her." My brother intervened.

" Shut up cheese-ball. And mom, she is not my girlfriend." I said a little angry.

"So why are taking so much pain to ask to help her?" my father asked.

"Her uncle -aunt is the trouble of her life. She is suffering so much. She got hit too." I said.

My brother was in shock. I can feel my father's hatred towards her family.

"What is her uncle's name? It's okay. I'll find everything myself. Just tell me her name." my father demanded.

We finished our dinner. My father immediately gets on the work. He was talking to a man who is good at getting any type of information about anyone.

I slept happily. I will never let her get hurt again. She deserves all the happiness, but too innocent to fight for it. So from now on, I'll do the fighting for her. I can't let her know about it because I know she'll not like it.

What did he mean when he said he'll do something about my family.

I went home. My cousins stopped me as I entered.

"Make something for us. I'm very hungry. Hey sis, what do you want to eat?"

"I have lots of homework today. Please can you order today" I requested? My history teacher gave us a research assignment. Which I'll have to submit by tomorrow.

"We don't care. I'm hungry right now. The order will take time to come." they said.

"Okay." I had no other choice. I made the sandwiches. I haven't eaten anything since the morning so I made one for myself.

I finished washing dishes and went upstairs, in my room. The full evening I did the assignment. At night I ate some leftover pasta.

I remembered Xavier's words. He, again and again, asked me if I'm ok. It touched my heart. I never thought I could have such a friend. In the past, no one even tried to talk to me, but he talks to me too.

It feels awesome to come to school. It's getting exciting. Before I was always scared but now it's getting out of hand.


I was up early today, more than usual. It's 5 in the morning and I don't even have the assignment to complete. I completed it last night. So I decided to go on a walk. It's like ages ago I went for a walk in the morning. I have geared up for a walk in the park near our house.


It's so quiet outside. The cold breeze was blowing, the birds were chirping. It's very soothing and calmly walked on the pavement in the park.

After a long walk, I went to the home. I got ready and made breakfast for all of them. I took a bread piece and went to school. I know a bundle of energy is waiting for me there. I really look up to school time now.


I saw him waiting in front of the school gate. He was waving his hand like a mad man. He started shouting my name when he saw me.

"I was waiting for you," he said out of breath because of all the shouting he has done.

"Yeah, I know. Even the school knows too. The way you were calling my name who would not have guessed that you were waiting for me." I replied angrily. I started walking in.

"Today I have very important questions to ask you. You have to give me all the answers. Okay?" he asked.

"Maybe I'll but you have to promise me that you will behave properly in all classes and out of too. You are not going to fight with anyone today. Promise?" I asked.

"Okay, I promise I'll behave in all classes and I'll try my best to not get into any fight. Fine?" he promised.

I took a relieved breath. At least today will be in peace.

We were in the corridor when he asked his first question.

"What did your parents do?" I was a bit shocked. Why would he want to know about my parents?

"Why do you want to know?" I asked.

"I just want to know you better. We are friends now, so I should know about you and your family. I want you to feel comfortable with me." he replied sincerely.

I don't know why, but my heartbeats become irregular because of his words.

"They owned a designer clothing chain. We have our own brand also. Have you heard of 'Zosh', it's our brand." I replied smiling. I remember the time when I used to go to my parents' office, I have so many memories of that place.

"I remember this one time when my parents haven't come home for 2 days. You know what I did, I ran away from the house. When my parents found out they didn't go anywhere, you know why? They know exactly where I was. In the candy shop owned by my mom's friend. It was very near to our house" I was laughing remembering my own stupidity.

"It's the first time I saw you laughing." He holds my hand and pulled me towards him hard. I literally slammed into him.

"You look beautiful when you smile. I'll make sure that you keep on being this beautiful. My work with you is increasing day by day. I need to know all about you. I have to do something so that these people don't bother you and now I have to keep making you smile." he said in a serious voice like he was really planning to do all of this.

He was so close to me. My one hand was behind my back because he was holding it to keep me close. My other hand was on his chest to keep some distance between us.


Again... Again. Why my heart is getting so worked up. We are friends. But which friends do this. Did he not know the limitations of friends?

"Friends don't do this kind of stuff for the other. Am I the only friend you have?" I asked distancing us.

"No. I have my whole gang. But you the only one of them, who is a girl. You can understand, girls usually don't want to be my friends only. Only you are one." he ruffled my hairs.

We entered our first class. I submitted my work and we sat in our seats. He didn't get to submit his work because he is new but even if that was not the case, he would not have submitted it.

As he promised he didn't disturb me in the whole class. But as soon as we exit he asked his second question.

"So who is running your company?" he asked.

"It's not mine. My aunt told me that father made a contact to make her and her husband the new owners. My aunt asked if she should hand me over the company, but why would I take it, if my parents wanted to give it to them. Right." I said not interested.

Xavier stopped at his place. He looked at me in shock.

Did I say something wrong?

Then he shook his head like getting himself out of some thoughts.

"Did you see that contract with your eyes?" he asked very seriously. He is scaring me now. Why is he so interested in this.

"Why do I need it? My uncle-aunt won't lie to me. Why are you asking these questions? How will you find more about me by these questions?" I asked confused.

He suddenly took me in his arms. I come under his chin, so he put his chin on my head and said "It is helpful. It made me understand that you are stupider than I thought. How can you be so innocent that you don't understand what is going on around you." he said calmly. Like he comes to a conclusion.

I was so enjoying his perfume that I didn't notice that we were standing in the middle of the corridor. Everyone was looking at us. The second I realized, I hid my face in his jacket. I can guarantee that my face is as red as cherry.

"Xavier, everyone is looking at us," I said, looking up from his jacket.

He chuckled and moved his face near my ear "Let them, princess. I don't care." his breath hit my neck which made me shivered. Then he kissed the side of my head and put his arm on my shoulder. We started to move towards our next class.

"Today we are having lunch in the garden behind the school," Xavier said.

"How do you know about that place? You stick to me for a whole day, then how can you find all these places?" I asked.

"I don't come with you when you go to the girls-room and you don't come with me when I go to. At that time," he replied.

"Hmmm. Right." Then we get back to study again, he didn't say anything. It was almost time for lunch. He went to the toilet again.

I was packing both's bags when I heard the noises from the outside. Everyone ran out to see. I heard that some students are fighting. I didn't pay attention until I heard one of them was Xavier. I ran fast out of the class. It was so crowded outside. I had to literally push students to get into the center of this zoo.

He was beating the shit out of three boys. one of them was lying on the floor, holding his nose. one of them was against the wall, Xavier had his collar in his hand. One of them was about to hit him from behind but the teachers came on time.

I was waiting out of the principal office for Xavier. There was a girl who came and went into the office directly. After some time the girl came out and with her was Xavier. I ran up to him.

I hold his hand. His hand was scraped. I took him to the school nurse. I was so angry with him. I wanted to slap him but I can't right now. Still, I'm not going to let it go. How can he do this when he promised me.

The nurse said it's nothing serious his hand is perfect then she left. The girl was still standing behind me. She asked him "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine....." I didn't let him finish his.

"Obviously he'll be fine. He was not the one who got beaten up. Xavier, you promised me. This is how you keep your promises?" I was burning with anger.

"It's not like that...."

"Then how it is?"

"He didn't do..."

"No. Don't be scared. He is like this. What did he do to you?" as I said this, he stood up and went from there. He looked hurt. But he was in the wrong then why he is acting like this?

"He did this to save me. Those guys always bully me. No one ever cared but he did. He was not going to fight. He tried to stop them but one of them throw a punch at him first. He was still going to avoid it but they were so obstinate for fighting him. He didn't do anything on purpose" she said worriedly.

Oh shit. I made a huge mistake. It's obvious he was so hurt. I want to hit myself for this.

I ran after him but he was nowhere. Then I remembered he said that we'll have our lunch in the garden. So in the hope, I went there.

I saw him there. Sitting on a rock bench. He was looking at the small lake in front of the garden. Our school is really in a beautiful place.

I walk to him quietly and sat beside him.

We were quiet for a long time then he said "It hurts when someone precious to you doesn't trust you." his voice was full of hurt. It made my heart clench with pain. I don't know why my eyes got wet.

I hugged him from behind and hold him tightly.

We stayed in that position for a long time. I said sorry many times.

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