《Sealed Hearts》Thirty
Stepping out of the cab, I teetered for a moment on my new high heels before closing the door behind me. I stepped further onto the sidewalk as the cab pulled off.
Hesitating, I stayed rooted to the spot, looking inside my intended location. Y'all could hear the music from all the way out here. And to say I wasn't in a partying mood was an understatement. Seeing Danny earlier today had sent me into a tailspin and the number of times I'd paced up and down my tiny apartment with my finger hovering over the call button to Adam wasn't worth thinking about.
My head told me to quit thinking about him. Move on. We weren't meant to be and to face the sad truth—Adam couldn't love me. But my heart was still lagging behind wishing things had turned out differently.
Stupid heart...
So here I was, inhaling a bracing breath and coaxing a smile.
Suck it up Riley Jo, and who knows, they might have cake!
The thought of cake was worth a smile. I smoothed down my dress. I could do this and if I played my cards right, I could sneak away and be back home snuggling up with a glass of wine and my new book.
I heard my name called. And that voice... I turned with a startled inhalation.
"Adam?" I choked out, giving my head a little wobble.
Adam was here? I couldn't blink nor move, sure if I did either he would vanish or worse this was a dream, and I would wake up any second.
My heart expanded either way and in my head one of those scenes from the movies... hell, in most books played out in my mind of me running up to him and jumping into his arms and kissing him stupid. But this was no movie or romance novel.
This was real life, where disappointment was my best friend.
"Riley," he repeated, taking three steps toward me and then stopped, uncertain. Probably because I was stood gawping, mouth open and not saying a single word.
I finally blinked. It was Adam looking so good it hurt and a hundred or maybe more crazy emotions combusted in my head and short-circuited my brain.
What was he doing here? It had been six weeks without a single word.
Don't run back into his arms just because he shows up.
I swallowed, and pressure built against my eyelids.
Oh shit, don't you dare cry, Riley Jo!
Too late.
"Jesus!" his voice was strained. "Please, don't cry Riley." It panicked him as he cleared the space between us. His large, warm hands ran up my arms, stopping just beneath my shoulders. "I don't want to upset you." His grip tightened. "I'll go."
Heat crept up my throat. "No, don't go." I begged and cursed myself for sounding needy. "Stupid hormones," I lied.
"Riley?" A different, deeper voice called my name and my head swung left to see Colt, his shrewd eyes on Adam. "Everything okay out here, Riley?" He tore his eyes from Adam and cast me a curious glance.
Colt's face dropped into a scowl when he saw me crying. "I think you need to step away, man," he issued a warning to Adam.
I lifted a hand to halt Colt from doing something crazy, not that I thought he actually would do something crazy. Adam's hands pulled away from me, leaving me standing there cold and alone. I wanted them back on me.
Speak Riley Jo!
Colt's heavy steps made their way toward me, and his hand rested on the base of my spine. "Riley, you good?" It filled his deep rumbled voice with concern and suspicion.
"Yes, yes. Sorry Colt. This is Adam." I turned toward Adam. "Adam. This is Colt." I angled my head back up to Colt. "Adam's a friend from Lockwood."
Colt's attention dropped to me, and the hard lines around his mouth and eyes softened. I pointed to my eyes. "Hormones." Throwing in an eye roll for good measure.
Yeah, the penny dropped. He'd seen me enough times in an emotional, hormonal state. "Oh," he turned to Adam and offered out his hand. "Sorry, you can't be too careful."
Adam looked between us but smiled and took Colt's hand. "It's good to meet you Colt." They shook hands.
"You both good to come inside?" Colt asked. "Always room for one more, especially one of Riley's friends."
I wasn't ready to go inside, knowing the second I showed my face with Adam inside that building, Cynthia would pounce on us and there would be no escaping the rapid firing questions. There was more of a chance of me flying a kite in a hurricane than dodging them. "Give us a minute, Colt?"
One quick nod of his head. "Sure, you got it."
I waited until Colt opened the door to the restaurant, letting out the music only to fade as the door closed behind him.
"It's a party... a birthday party," I offered an explanation.
Adam smiled at me, but it was a little reserved. Did he think Colt was my boyfriend? "Colt's my personal trainer." I blurted out.
"Oh, so you and he?" his eyebrows rose, leaving the question open—hanging between us, but I knew what he was asking.
I shook my head. "No, no. But he is a little protective of me." A small laugh escaped me. "He's been teaching me some self-defence, because..." I hitched a shoulder. "... you know."
He nodded, and I saw sadness wash through in his eyes. I hated it. I wanted to see him smile. "That's good, Riley—great in fact."
We both stood awkwardly, staring.
"You look beautiful." His eyes warmed. "And your hair looks different."
I ran my hand over it. "Oh, I had some new highlights." Anything to take away the dreary, dull brown and the subtly fiery strands suited my mood lately.
"I like it," he said.
And I didn't know why, but those three words warmed me up a treat.
The small space between us fell into silence again, but I couldn't force myself to look away from him. I'd forgotten he had the longest, darkest eyelashes I'd ever seen on a man as my eyes fell on his full lips, which were now adorned by a beard.
"You have a beard." I stated the obvious, cursing how stupid I must sound.
"Yeah, it just kinda happened." He slowly ran his hand over it. And I wanted to do the same. "Chris says I look like a homeless person," he chuckled.
"I like it."
Adam smiled, and he nodded. "Then it can stay."
It was weird stood here discussing hair. But I reckon it was as safe a topic as any.
He moved a fraction closer, his eyes dropped to my lips, and I held my breath expecting him to... well, I didn't know what I expected. I guess I hoped. And although I knew hope was a dangerous creature—I still wanted him to touch him. To feel his skin on mine and the warmth and comfort of his arms around me. I wouldn't lie and say I hadn't thought about it at least a thousand times since I'd left Lockwood.
But he didn't. He stopped, pulling himself away and the disappointment was crushing. Pushing those hopes aside, we couldn't stand here all night. "Why are you here, Adam?"
"I needed to see you."
Needed? Guilt railed through me. Was he here because he almost lost his job because of me? "I'm really sorry for leaving without telling you—" I held my hand up as he tried to interrupt. "And for you getting into trouble—I never," trying to hide the shake in my voice. Lowering my gaze I sucked in a breath. When I looked back up his brows furrowed, and a look of confusion draped over his eyes. "You could have lost your job, Adam."
He moved toward me again, so close I had to tilt my head up to look at him and a heartening warmth rolled over me at his proximity.
"You've got nothing to be sorry for, Riley." He stated firmly. "You were right to leave me. I deserved it for how I behaved... treated you." He shifted uncomfortably on his feet. "You deserve better. And me doing what I did, punching the asshole for what he did to you was worth any punishment." He sighed heavily. "I'm only sorry it didn't help."
He looked so defeated, and I almost closed that tiny space between us and wrapped my arms around him.
"No, you're wrong. It helped." My voice wobbled, and I swallowed to strengthen it. "When Danny told me, told me what you did," I said, trying so hard not to get emotional and make a fool of myself. "It meant a lot—to me."
"Riley Jo!" The cutting sharpness of Cynthia's voice made me jump. "And who might this handsome man be, Riley Jo?" she asked coyly and Angie, her best friend, giggled whilst sipping what looked like a martini. They were like two peas in a pod and lethal when together.
Internally sighing, my shoulders sagged, and I tossed an apologetic smile Adam's way. Cynthia's timing couldn't have been more off.
"Cynthia, this is Adam." I did the introductions and before another word could pass my lips, Cynthia linked Adam's arm on one side and Angie on the other. It forced me to step back.
"Adam?" I saw a lightbulb above Cynthia's head, and the crinkle of amusement around her eyes... oh boy. "The doctor?" she teased.
I barely contained an eye-roll.
"A doctor. Oh my. What kind of doctor, sugar?" asked Angie.
"A heart doctor," butted in Cynthia.
Adam flashed me a look, but there was no saving him and I only hoped he could stay ten mental steps ahead of them.
Angie's mouth dropped open. "This is my lucky day. You don't mind me asking you some questions now do you?" Angie looked at me and then back at Adam. It was safe to say finding out why he'd come to see me was gonna have to wait.
Before Adam could reply, they were both leading him into the restaurant. He cast a stricken look over his shoulder at me and I shrugged.
Stepping inside the restaurant, I was greeted with smiles and warm welcomes. A few younger children ran around me excitedly and damn, y'all gone to town on the decorations. Rainbow colours were fit to bursting all over the damn place. But oh my, did it smell good in here. Garlic and other spices from their day's cooking filled the air making my mouth water. They had moved most of the tables and chairs out to open up a dance floor of sorts. It looked completely different from the only other time I'd been here with Cynthia and Mac.
Trying to keep track of Adam, I could see his ear being chewed off. I bet he was regretting his decision to come and find me now.
"Riley Jo," a deep voice rang out, and it confronted me with a mound of muscle and before I could say hold your horses, I was crushed into a bear hug and lifted clear off my feet with a yelp.
It was Doug, Mac's other best and oldest friend. He owned a string of gym's up and down the country.
Doug made a humming sound. "Yooz smooth on the eyes, girl. Where's yooz been hidin'?" He shouted over the music and no doubt heads turned our way.
"Doug, yooz buggin' the girl out, acting like a total thirstbucket and she needs to breathe."
Mac came to my rescue.
My feet back on solid ground, I managed to un-attach myself and put some breathing space between us. "Great to see you, Doug... And that tongue of yours is still slicker than butter I see."
He laughed.
"I was back home for a few weeks," answering his question.
"I missed that cawfee of yours when I dropped by Mac's studio." He gestured with his thumb. "Mac's, here is pretty whack."
I was still getting accustomed to New York slang, but I liked it all the same. "Well, ya'll be happy to know I'm back."
Mac slapped him on the back, turning to me. "Looking tight Riley Jo."
I could feel my cheeks heating. "Thanks, Mac." I spied a drink in his hand. "I reckon that's for me?"
He laughed. "What gave it away?" He handed me the pink cocktail. "It's a Manhattan."
"Thank you." Taking a quick sip I glanced around Mac and Doug to see Adam nodding as he listened to Angie, but his eyes were on me, all dark and sexy. A shiver passed right through me.
Quit it Riley Jo—it means nothing.
"Y'all excuse me, fella's." Mac winked and placed a hand on Doug's shoulder to stop him following me.
I made my getaway and strolled around the room, but all's the while I could feel Adam watching me and every so often, I would glance his way to confirm my intuition. And I wasn't wrong. This time, he winked when he caught my eye. Damn, why did the man have to look so hot and fifty shades of glorious?
How's a girl supposed to get over someone like him?
Weaving through people, saying hello to all those I recognised, I found myself toward the back of the room where a fancy table presented an enormous birthday cake. What I wouldn't give for a slice of that piece of heaven. And surrounding it was lots of smaller cupcakes and each one as edible as the next.
I did a quick glance to see if anyone was watching... surely they wouldn't miss one. Biting my lip, I was about to sneak one when I felt something pull on the hem of my dress.
Startled, I look down to see a small hand disappear under the table. I squatted down to see the cutest little boy hiding under the table. "Well, hi there?"
He smiled and didn't my heart melt a little. He could't have been no more than five. "I'm Riley Jo. What's your name?"
He stayed quiet. "Oh, I bet you're not supposed to talk to strangers, eh?"
He shook his head and scrunched his face, but then decided it must have been alright to tell me his name. "Sammy."
"Oh, I like that name." I glanced around to see a few other children nearby. "Why are you not playing?"
He shook his head, his curly mop of brown hair shifted as his little hand pointed upwards. "Ah... I'm bettin' you wanna be first in line for a slice of that fine birthday cake?"
He nodded eagerly. I wasn't sure if we could, but I was back to my original thought... they wouldn't miss one small cupcake... surely? "How about you and me do a deal?" He looked at me curiously, obviously not understanding my meaning. "You don't tell anyone I was about to eat one of these fine cakes."
He giggled.
"And instead, me and you share one... half each. What do you say?"
His eyes lit up a picture. I glanced around again and quickly stole one. Breaking it in half, I handed one to Sammy. "Shush... our secret." I took a nibble as Sammy pushed his half in his mouth.
"It good?"
He nodded, wiping his hand across his mouth, smearing some icing. "Now if anyone asks you who gave you that, you tell them Riley Jo."
"K," he answered.
About to take another nibble someone squatted beside me and wrapped their hand around mine, leaning in to take a bite. Warmth spread through me, and a cheesy grin erupted.
"Hmm, good," said Adam, his eyes lifting to mine.
Still holding my hand, he turned his attention to the little boy. "Do you mind if I steal this beautiful lady?"
Sammy's eyes widened, then frowned. "Stealing is bad."
Adam chuckled. "Yes, you're right, but can I tell you something?"
Sammy nodded. "I really want to impress her, and I'm hoping she will dance with me."
Well, if my heart didn't darn well nearly explode.
Sammy nodded his approval.
"Thank you," said Adam.
I waved goodbye to Sammy and Adam pulled up me. "Will you?" he asked.
And damn if my heart wasn't drumming so darn fast. "Will I what?" I said, a tad breathless.
"Dance with me?"
Ah, of course. And was hit with a deja-vu moment from the first time we'd danced. My memories might be hazy after that dance, but Adam holding me, his dark eyes never leaving mine as if he was staring right into my soul, would never leave me. I didn't doubt I handed over a piece of my heart in that moment.
My brain must have short-circuited because my eyes got lost in his. "Riley?"
Oh yeah... oops. "Sure, why not," I answered hoping I sounded casual, but my cheeks heated and the stupid grin gave away my excitement. Following him, our fingers still entwined I realised I must be crazy to do this to myself.
Once he found us a spot on the floor he turned and pulled me easily into his arms, his warm body heat wrapping itself around me, making me feel...home.
I tried to put some space between, but Adam tightened his grip on my lower back, pulling me against him.
What the hell did this mean?
Dropping his forehead to mine, he whispered. "It's just a dance Riley. Just give me this. Let me hold you." And I wondered if I'd said it out loud, but it didn't stop me softening in his arms.
Just one dance. Fooling myself it meant nothin'.
"This is nice," he murmured against my temple.
He wasn't wrong. I liked it; him holding me. But there was a problem—I liked it too damn much.
"What did Cynthia say to you?" I asked, trying not to think how good this felt.
He chuckled softly. "Threatened to cut my balls off with a blunt scalpel and feed them to a homeless person's dog if I'd come here to upset you."
I pulled back, my mouth hanging open.
Adam smiled and ran his hand across my cheek. "It's good you have people looking out for Riley."
And before I could reply, he spun me in a circle, and I laughed, listening to the swinging notes of the familiar song, making me almost feel as good as being in his arms again.
Keep dreamin' Riley Jo. I ignored the little voice in my head telling me I shouldn't read anything into this. But it was hard not to pretend when he was here with me.
As the song ended, I stepped out of his hold and cleared my throat, which was suddenly tight. "You want something to drink?" he asked, and I fumbled with the belt on my dress. I needed to stop my crazy thinking.
"I would prefer you to tell me why you're here."
"Can we go somewhere a little quieter?"
I nodded, and we headed outside.
Thankfully, it was quite mild out as we walked through the now dark city. "Do you want to grab something to eat or drink?" he asked.
I shook my head. There was no way I could eat. I'd wanted nothing more than to be on my own with Adam to find out why he was here—but now it was just the two of us. I was nervous as hell.
"I've missed you," he said.
Oh god, I'd missed him too, but I kept my mouth shut. No way was I opening up that can of worms.
"I'm guessing you want me yo start talking?"
"Ah-hu," I mumbled, counting the palpitations running amok in my chest.
"For you," he answered, and my feet ceased working.
For me? Turning to face him head on, I gave myself a moment to understand what he said. "What does that even mean, Adam?"
He answered me with a smile. "It means that I want you—to be with you."
I heard the words and I had fight the urge to crawl into his arms again. My head screamed run, but my stupid heart was rehearsing the wedding march.
Stupid, stupid, heart.
And as much as I wanted to believe even my heart agreed with my head...
Adam didn't love me.
And there was no way in hell in six weeks he was over losing his wife. I opened my mouth to tell him all the reasons this couldn't work, but he placed a finger over my lips.
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