《Sealed Hearts》Seventeen

Riley gulped, and I heard it. Those big green doe eyes banked with surprise; she hadn't expected me to ask her to come home with me. Hell, I hadn't expected to say it. I'd only wanted to see her again, talk to her. Waiting impatiently, my eyes dipped to her full lips, swollen and coloured pink.

Seconds ticked over and I counted each unbearable one.

Willing her to say yes, I knew beyond any doubt in that moment I wanted her more than I had ever wanted another woman. I swallowed with difficulty.

Holy hell, was I in trouble.

Her lips parted, and I sucked in a breath, holding it. Could she hear my heart thundering?

Back to counting seconds. What's taking her so long? My blood whooshed through my ears and I prepared for her to shoot me down.

And if she did then I would let her walk away, accept her decision.

Yeah, right. Keep lying to yourself. The little voice in my head mocked me.

Fine, I was lying. I wanted this more than I wanted my next breath.

"Go home with you—as in now, right now?"

Expelling the air in my lungs, I nodded. I wouldn't waste time bullshitting. If tonight was all I was ever going to have, then I'd take it. "It's simple Riley, I want you." Even in the dull light from the overhead carpark fluorescent, I watched her cheeks redden. She sucked in a breath. "And I know you want me." My voice was thick with desire.

Those green eyes glazed, my words affected her as she softened against me, almost melting at my declaration, and the swell of satisfaction had my cock twitching. I crazily felt like I could just about do anything. And the urge to pull her in for another scorching kiss took every ounce of self-control, more than I'd anticipated. My attention was once again on her full lips as the tip of her pink tongue poked out and swiped across her bottom lip.

My brain happily threw in the image of them wrapped around my cock.

Shit. I blinked it away. This was not the place. And Riley had been right on the mark with one thing—being out in the open in full view of anyone passing by was probably not the best move I'd made. Not that I regretted it, no far from it.

Taking a calming breath, my fingers tightened on her waist as differing emotions crossed her face.

Was she going to say no? I hoped to Christ she didn't and I would unapologetically admit I was quite prepared to beg if needed.

Riley nodded slowly, her mouth curved into a full-on smile. "Okay, Adam. I'll go home with you."

Yes! "Yes?" I double checked I'd heard her right.

"Yes," she replied, her entire face lit up with promise.

I scarcely restrained a fist-pump like some crazy teenager. "C'mon." Grabbing her hand I led her around to the passenger door, hitting the button, opening the car, helping her inside.

Jogging around to my side, I slid in and buckled up, hitting the ignition.

A few minutes down the road, I began shifting in my seat. My insistent erection nudged the front of my slacks. It seemed we were both impatient.

Take it down a notch.

Focusing instead on the road ahead, I fought to compose myself.

Side glancing, Riley was quietly sitting next to me, her hands placed one on top of the other in her lap.

Even her side profile was beautiful and it took just as much restraint not to stop the car and drag her into the back seat and ravage her. I shook the thought away. Riley deserved better than some quick back seat fuck. I had to wonder sometimes where my head was at? What this woman did to me on a very base level. It felt almost primal and nothing like I'd ever experienced.

Fifteen minutes until we got back to mine. I pressed the pedal and increased my speed, only slightly as I wanted to get us home in one piece. Stemming my impatience, I needed a distraction. "Do you want to listen to some music, Riley?"


"I asked do you want listen to music? I have cd's in there." I pointed to glove department whilst inwardly cursing myself, it was doubtful we liked the same music.

Riley shook her head. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks," she added, "Anyways, I like the quiet."

She's too quiet. Her head turned away from me, looking outside the window.

"Is everything okay, Riley?" Something was obviously bothering her.

She turned to face me; her eyes bright. "Why, yes. I'm good, better than good."

Her words did nothing to convince me. Something was wrong. I could feel it.

Part of me wanted to push. But the other part of me—the selfish bastard in me wanted to feel something other than the shitty feeling of emptiness I live with day in, day out.

That part of me wants to lose myself in the beautiful woman sitting next to me. Drown in her touch. Revel in the feel of her body pressed up against mine.

My house was up ahead, it had my heart kicking up in beats. And if anyone asked me to describe how I felt, I wouldn't know where to start.

Nervous—maybe. Excited—absolutely.

My body was buzzing with need and desire.

Shit. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I ignored it. There's no way I would look at the caller. Tonight was about Riley. No interruptions. I wanted this to be a night to remember—for both of us. She'd already confessed our first time together was lost in the sea of alcohol.

Thankfully, tonight, alcohol wasn't in play. I needed no stimulant to stir my desire for her.

Parking the car, "Ready?" She nodded, unclipping her belt. I reached out and took hold of her hand. "Are you sure, Riley?"

"One hundred percent, doctor." She smiled, and that was enough for me.

Out of my car, I headed around to her side. She slipped her small hand in mine and I closed the car door behind her. We headed up my path and I didn't bother to see if anyone was watching us walk into my home holding hands. I didn't care. Right now it was about feeling alive. Tomorrow was for consequences.

Reaching for my keys, I did my best to calm my sprinting heart and swelling cock.

Door unlocked, stepping inside.

I didn't bother to hit the light. Closing the door behind us, barely a second passed as I pulled her toward me. I'm running on instinct as my hands slid over her waist, my lips sealing over hers.


Her small hands travelled up my arms, around my neck, pulling us closer, her breasts pushed up against my chest.

Close, but still not close enough. I wanted nothing between us, only the feel the softness of her skin under my fingers. And right now, there were too many clothes.

Pulling away on a gasp. "Wait!" I breathed against her lips.

"What?" she said, stiffening, her eyes unsure.

Taking a breath. "I'm trying not to rush this, but I don't think I can go slow." The desperation in my tone reflected everything I felt. "I want to be gentle, make it last, but at this rate, I'll come quicker than an eighteen-year-old on prom night."

She did a sexy little growl, adding in a saucy smile. "No, doctor. I don't want gentle." She brought her hands down, pressing one to my chest, right over my racing heart. "And we have all night."

Christ, she could bewitch a pastor with that look, and she wasn't wrong. We had all night. "You don't need to get home?"

She shook her head as I caught a flash of something in her eyes.


My heart stuttered. I knew what pain looked like. I felt it most days. It stared back at me every morning and I wore it like a second skin.

I gently stroked my knuckle down her cheek, about to speak, she beat me to it.

"You're not the only one who needs to feel something. I need that too."

So there was something wrong. I was right. Warning sirens rang in my head, I should slam the brakes on and talk to her.

"Take me to bed, doctor."

Fuck. I warred with the bastard inside of me.


Riley's tone spoke volumes. We both needed this. Her hand dropped from my chest, reaching for mine as she entwined our fingers.

I reacted, pulling us toward the stairs. Dashing up, I stopped at the top, pulling her close. I sat my hands on her waist, my head dipping to find her lips.

She whimpered as I walked us backwards. My eyes squeezed tightly shut as we passed the bedroom I shared with my wife.

Peeking, one more step and we were at the bedroom door. Dropping my hand, I fumbled opening the door. Still kissing, bodies in sync, step by step, as if we've been doing this dance for years.

Inside my room, I broke the kiss, trailing my lips down the skin of her hot neck along her collarbone. I wanted to taste every inch.

Worship her.

Understanding, Riley fixed her neck to one side, clearing the way from me to continue to indulge her. Pulling her tightly to me, I pushed my hips into hers. My cock was as hard as he'd ever been, the heat rising between us.

"Adam..." she moaned. Just hearing my name from her lips did strange things to me.

When I'm with her, I breathe. I feel.

Nibbling, sucking, my hands wandered lower to squeeze her ass as she rolled her hips onto my erection. "Jesus, Riley, I want you so badly." I pressed my lips into her soft skin.

"I want you too, Adam."

Music to my ears.

Breaking apart, we stood staring. "Take off that pretty dress for me." With only the light from the moon illuminating the room. She looked stunning and tempting and oh so young.

"My dress for your shirt and pants, doctor."

Damn, every time she said doctor, my cock twitched. My Riley was a little temptress.

My Riley? For tonight, at least.

I unbuttoned my shirt as Riley carried her hands to the side of her dress, teasing down the zipper, with my eyes following. Down, she pushed the small straps from her shoulder, down her arms. Wriggling the dress dropped to reveal her lacy bra. Another swish of her hips and it flowed freely as gravity did the rest to leave her standing in all her perfectness. Every inch, every delicious curve.

Fuck me. What a vision. Sublime.

"You are by far the sexiest woman I've ever known, Riley Jo Lockwood." This woman was totally and completely out of my league.

Toeing off my shoes at the same time yanking my shirt and tossing it to one side. My fingers worked on my slacks. Undone, they dropped and kicked off. I was now standing in my snug boxers, tenting with an obvious erection.

"Take off your bra and those sweet lacy panties." I flicked my chin as I reached down, extracting my socks. "I want to feel every inch of your naked body against mine." Christ, was that my voice? It's guttural and filled with as much need as my body.

My fingers itched as I watched, mesmerised, as her deft fingers flipped the clip between her breasts. Barely hiding her smile, she teased, peeling the cups away to reveal all of her lush creaminess before dropping the silken lace to the ground.

Just as I remembered. Perfect.

My eyes trained on her hands as they ran up her midriff, cupping her breasts, tugging her stiff little nipples.

My body practically vibrated with the lust in her eyes.

Hooking her panties, another wiggle, jiggling her breasts to tease me further. She slid them down. Lifting each foot, they now sat with her bra and dress.

The sight of her was one I would never forget. She was mouth-wateringly, jaw-droppingly every inch a goddess.

I swore my heart stopped beating.

"Your turn." She pointed to my briefs.

Not needing to be asked twice, I removed them with less grace, practically comical as I kicked them free.

Riley's eyes widened, glued to my erection, that proudly arched up to my stomach.

"Well, as I live and breathe doctor..." Her chest rose and fell as her small teeth dented her bottom lip seductively.

She lifted her finger, crooking it, beckoning me.

Three steps and I took her mouth with the same frenzied need, almost making me dizzy.

My cock pushed into the seam of her thighs. Hot. Fiery. I gripped her hips.

I walked her back a few inches to my bed. As her legs connected with the mattress, I moved my hands to the small of her back, lowering her gently.

Breaking our kiss, Riley shuffled back. I crawled, following, caging her beneath me as her hands ran up and down my sides before reaching down, grabbing my ass as I felt the bite of her nails as she pulled me down. Her legs opened, offering me free rein of her delicious body.

I ran one hand over the swell of her breasts, letting my mouth drop, drawing her sweet nipple, sucking and teasing with my lips and teeth.

"Oh, Adam..." She sucked in sharply as I smiled around her nipple. I loved the sound of my name from her lips. "Please—" Fingernails clawed at my skin.

I wanted to map every inch of luscious curves, but the whimpers escaping her throat were making me painfully harder.

I needed to be inside her.

Edging back, she let out another whimper. Condom. I stretched up over her head, happy I'd put a box full in my side table drawer.

I jumped when Riley teased my nipple with her teeth, making me shudder. "Naughty girl."

"You have no idea, doctor," she quipped.

Condom in hand. I pushed myself up to the rest on my heels, extracting the protection, which I wished I didn't have to use, Riley pulled her knees up, keeping them wide.

Cock in hand, I stilled, watching her hand slide down and tease through her tiny patch of curls.

Swallowing hard, I was spellbound. She's sexy as hell. A growl ripped from my throat. "You are fucking stunning, perfect."

A smile lifted her entire face. "Well, doctor, what you waitin' for? Come get me."

Fuck yeah.

Caging her again, I took her mouth in another possessive kiss. My hand slipped down, tracing her breast, going lower. My fingers are now teasing her sex, to slip my finger inside.

Holy fuck, she's soaked.

My finger circled her plump clit, teasing to hear her whimper and soften. I wished I could step back and just watch her. Instead, I pulled back just a little to see her eyes closed, cheeks flushed, and lips parted as my finger played.

I could do this all day, however, I needed to be inside her.

Writhing under me, Riley decided for me. "Please Adam, I need you."

My heart stuttered forcing me to pause as her eyes met mine. "Say that again."

Her eyelashes fluttered. "I need you, Adam."

Kissing her again, I pulled my finger free and positioned myself above her. Riley wrapped her legs around me, pulling me closer, and as natural as puzzle pieces slotting together, I nudged inside her hot tight heat.

Jesus Christ.

We both breathed out at the same time. "Fuck, you're perfect Riley... perfect."

"Oh, god yes."

I withdrew and as Riley's heels dug into my ass. I lunged back in, a little too hard, pushing us both up the bed.

"So good," she said.

A rhythm of powerful thrusts, each one polished over her pubic bone.

Harder, faster and each one deeper as Riley matched me in pace and passion. My name left her lips over and over as her body stripped every ounce of control. "Christ Riley, you feel so goddamn good."

Being inside a woman had never felt so hot. Internal combustion was perhaps a possibility.

A tingling started at the base of my spine; my balls drew tight as my climax was in reach.

Riley's whole body tightened as a scream tore from her lips and I shattered deep inside, losing my breath and perhaps my mind.

Dropping my head, an urge to feel more, take more. I didn't want to come down from this high.

Pulling out, Riley panted heavily as I trailed kisses down her torso, sucking each nipple to hear her gasp. I wanted to taste her. Lower, her tummy sucked in as I dipped my tongue into her cute belly-button. Her hands tangled in my hair and I eased lower, dragging my mouth, nipping her skin till I was covering her sweet sex and my lips sucked at her swollen clit.


Riley cried out, her hands almost yanking at the roots as she pushed her hips up.

I sucked hard, then softly, both working my tongue and grazing my teeth.

Her taste was sweet and delectable.

Riley was on the edge of climax as her body thrashed uncontrollably. I changed angle to suck her deeper into my mouth, slipping two fingers inside.

"Adam —I, oh god... Adam." She shattered under my tongue, shuddering.

One last swipe of my tongue, I lifted my head, pushing up to crawl back up her body, dotting kisses where I may have missed.

Faces aligned, her eyes fluttered open, breathing unsteadily.

Being here with her was akin to heaven and hell. I was alive and breathing but well aware that this was fleeting... all good things end... leave.

But... tonight she was mine and I would make love to her as many times as my body would allow.

Lowering my mouth, I kissed her gently... my Riley.

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