《Sealed Hearts》Sixteen


After finishing writing up patient notes, I could hardly concentrate on anything else. It was now Saturday, and I hadn't seen or heard from Riley Jo since Wednesday's crazy dinner with her family.

Pushing back on my chair, I grabbed my phone and headed out, flipping off the lights on the way out of my office.

Coming out of the elevator, I searched around. The main entrance was fairly free of people, which was odd for a Saturday evening. Staring down at my phone, I was paying no heed to anyone or anything... or where I was going.

No messages. Goddammit. I sighed for the umpteenth time, having messaged Riley more times than it was healthy and left three, maybe four, okay closer to ten answerphone messages.

And not one had been returned. My finger hovered over call.

Don't do it. I warned myself. This was getting out of hand; it wasn't even funny. I was a step down from stalker.

Dropping my hand, I groaned. Perhaps it was time to stop and face the harsh truth. She didn't want to talk or see me. She'd blown me off or ghosted me as the kids would say.

Cursing my own weakness, I raised my phone, finger at the ready... just try one last try?


I really had to quit this shit. I was old enough to know better. Too old for Riley for a kick-off.

But age wasn't the problem here, or so I thought. It was casual, fun, something that kept the darkness away. It wasn't like we were dating or planning to become anything more than what it was, add that to the fact she was leaving Lockwood.

So why was I fixating on her?

I knew why. Where Riley Jo Lockwood was concerned, I couldn't help myself. She was gorgeous, sexy, bright, and filled with a curiosity about life that I found so damn magnetic. My insides twist up into a storm every time I thought about her.

Oomph! A clash of bodies had my phone slipping from my hand, crashing onto the grey flooring. I looked up. "Sorry."

It was Dr Helen Wiseman.

"Hey, hi." She smiled as I double blinked, then dipped to pick up my phone. "Sorry Helen, I didn't hurt you?"

She shook her head. "No, it was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going, my mind was elsewhere."

Huh, mine too. "How's your second day?"

"Adam!" A voice shouted across the foyer. I turned to watch Chris jog toward us. "Thought I'd missed you buddy." His eyes flicked to Helen. A tight smile followed before refocusing on me. "You up for going out, tonight?"

Going out was the last thing I had planned or wanted. And I was about to say no, but stopped myself. Perhaps a distraction from my own misery might help. "Where are you heading?"

He looked taken aback, eyes wide, a grin curled his lips. "Usual, Callaghan's. Few of us are heading that way."

Callaghan's was a regular hangout not too far from Mercy Heights. They served food and drinks and most evenings you would find doctors and the nursing staff frequenting the joint, especially those calling in after a long afternoon shift.

I flicked up my chin. "Sure, why not. I'll see you there."

Chris clapped me loudly on the back. "Yeah, seriously?" I shrugged—why not? It beat being alone and wondering what Riley was doing.

"Great man, just gonna grab my coat." He started walking off backwards, shooting me a lopsided grin. "If you get there before me—get the first-round in."


Typical Chris. I waved him off.

Helen walked with me to the car park chatting away, but I was barely listening to a word she'd said. Thankfully, someone called out her name. We both turned as Helen mumbled something I didn't catch.

It was Dr Thompson, a nice guy. Recently divorced. His eyes lit up watching Helen.

Side glancing, I saw my car from the corner of my eye. "Here's my car."

"Oh, right," she said, touching my arm as if trying to stop me from leaving.

"Glad I caught up with you," said Dr Thompson.

I stepped back, my cue to leave. "See you around, Helen." I nodded at Dr Thompson.

"Yeah, okay bye, Adam," she said.

Closing my car door, I would try one last time to contact Riley in the hope she might talk to me. I fired off one final message asking her to meet me at Callaghan's at eight-thirty.

~ ~

Eight-thirty came and went. Nine pm stared at me.

I pushed my phone inside my back pocket. It was fucking crystal clear Riley wasn't coming. I wasn't even sure she'd got my message... any of them.

"Refill doc?" I pushed my glass forward. "Soda water, Hal." Hal was the bartender.

He laughed, snatching up my glass. "Good job I'm not lookin' for you to make me rich, doc" His eyebrows lifted in amusement.

I thought coming out might make me feel... less miserable, if anything I felt more lonely than being at home by myself. And drinking alcohol wouldn't help. It made it worse. "Yeah, sorry. I'm on call." I wasn't, but it was as good an excuse as any.

Hal returned with my drink, and I let my mind wander... no prizes for guessing where.


And suddenly I was hit with the image of her on her knees before me, those green eyes looking up at me as those full lips readied themselves to wrap around my....

I took a deep breath as cock nudged my zipper, almost encouraging my little daydream.

Not the place, down boy ...And probably never gonna happen again.

I looked down at my pitiful drink. I would have this then head home. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Chris entertaining two junior nurses. No doubt he would have both their numbers added to his phone... if not already.

Turning back around, I lifted my drink to my lips.

"Hey, Adam."

Twisting my stool, I did a double take. "Helen?" What was she doing here?

She offered a shy smile. "May I?"

I looked at the empty stool next to me. "Sure, I don't think Chris will need it anytime soon."

"What are you doing sitting here all by yourself?"

"Not the best company when you're trying to set up a date." I flicked my head around; Chris was laughing as one nurse whispered into his ear. A small smile played on my lips—I envied my best friend sometimes.

I turned back to Helen, whose eyes narrowed watching Chris. "He hasn't changed one little bit." There was no hiding the contempt in tone.

"Surprised to see you here." I was sure Chris hadn't invited her, he'd looked none too pleased finding out she'd been offered a position at Mercy. I wasn't too sure what had gone on with those two—he used to be sweet on her.

"Yeah, well staff said you don't go out anymore and then when I heard you say yes to Chris, I thought why not try this place." Her eyes wandered. "I won't make friends sitting at home."


Had she been talking about me? But the staff hadn't lied. This was only the second time I'd been out since Emma. "Thought I'd have a break from staring at the same four walls."

Helen sat on the stool. "Beer please, whatever you have," she asked Hal. "Can I get you something, Adam?"

"Nah, I'm good, thanks." Tapping my glass, it surprised me to hear her order a beer. "Didn't think of you as a beer drinker."

"I'm not usually. But a place like this won't serve the wine I like." She reached up, pulling the clips from her hair, dropping them on the bar before returning her hands to fluff up the long fall of hair, groaning. "That's better."

Helen hadn't changed either, wearing the same clothes I'd seen her in at the hospital. "Settling in okay?"

"Yeah, the first day was crazy. Different from my last job, but the staff are lovely."

The bartender placed her glass of beer down. "So, when are you gonna let me cook that meal for you?" she asked.

Oh, she was serious about that. "Fully unpacked then?" Change of direction.

She swivelled on her barstool, so her knee rubbed up against the side of my leg. "Yeah, more or less. Kinda. At least I've emptied all the boxes, still deciding where everything needs to go."

I took a sip of my soda water.

"You never answered my question," she reminded.

Helen had always been direct.

I thought about her offer. What would it hurt having dinner? It wasn't as if Riley was interested anymore, and it was time to stop thinking about something that wasn't going to happen —and maybe that was for the best.

My chest tightened; the partly closed hole of misery burst open. Why did it fucking feel like my heart was being ripped out?


I blinked. "What, sorry,"

"Dinner?" she repeated.

"Oh, yeah. I'll check my roster. Sometime next week good for you?"

She smiled eagerly. At least one of us was.

"Dr Wiseman!" Dr Jefferson interrupted, surprised. "Hey Adam, good to see you out too."

I nodded, shoving my hardly touched drink away. I was done socialising for tonight... baby steps. "Here, you can have my seat, Jack." I rose from the stool. "Catch you both later." I tried to catch Chris's attention, but he was too busy. I would message him to let him know I'd headed home.

Outside, I breathed deeply. The warm night arm filled my lungs. Patting my pants pockets, my keys jangled. Shoving my hand in, I retrieved them. "Adam, wait up."

I turned; Helen let the door close behind her as she walked toward me. Surely she didn't want a lift home? "Did I forget something?" I patted my back pocket. Nope phone still there.

"No," she said breathlessly, stopping barely a foot away. Had she unbuttoned her blouse? There was a hint of cleavage I hadn't noticed before, not that I'd looked. She came half a step closer, so close I could feel the heat from her body and her perfume tickled my nose. About to ask if she wanted something. My eyes widened as she lifted to her toes and pressed her lips to mine.

What the?

I broke the kiss, stepping back. My hand covered my mouth. Being honest, I was a little annoyed and bewildered. "Uh, Helen?" I might have been ready to have dinner and chat about old times, as friends—but this? I wasn't ready for this... not with anyone.

Or at least that's what I told myself.

"Please, I want to be there for you, Adam." She reached for my hand as I jerked mine out of reach.

Yeah, be there without your lips being attached to mine. "Helen, I'm not looking for—"

She held her hands up. "I know you're not ready to dive into another relationship yet, and it doesn't have to be anything serious for now."

I interrupted. "You're right, I'm not ready." She'd been in Lockwood for less than a few days and what exactly. Expected us to pick up something that ended before we'd even graduated college?

A sobering thought hit home. What if she'd accepted the position at Mercy because I worked there?

Nah, I pushed the thought away. Nobody held a candle for someone for that long—surely?

"Look, I'm sorry," she added, "I've obviously jumped the gun on this."

She didn't look sorry. And jumped the gun? Hell, she'd fired an entire magazine of bullets. "Look Helen, if us being friends and sharing a drink or having a meal together is gonna give out the wrong signals, then perhaps it's not a good idea."

She shook her head. "No, no. I'm good with just being friends, Adam." She shifted on her feet. "I'm sorry, I just thought with you coming out... here tonight, that you might have been ready to open yourself up." She paused, wetting her lips. "Ready to move on."

"No, I'm not." My tone was cutting, but if she could be direct—then so could I. "So please let's not do that again." Ever!

Her cheeks flushed. "Yes, I can see now it was stupid and insensitive. Please forgive me."

I exhaled, nodding. "It's fine." It wasn't, but I didn't want any awkwardness at work. "Just remember I'm not looking for anything more than friendship."

Not with her.

Helen nodded, slowly. "Okay, well I'm gonna head back inside, finish my drink." She gestured with her thumb over her shoulder.

"Okay." I turned, not bothering to say goodnight, still a little shocked. What in the world would make her think it was okay to kiss me?

Shaking my head, staring at the ground, exhaling, I looked up to find my car.

I paused my steps, double blinked. Was I seeing things? A strange feeling tumbled down into my stomach.

Shit, were those butterflies?

Riley, she was standing in front of my car. Looking every inch of the wet dream she was—curvy, beautiful. Her long dark hair tied in a braid, over one shoulder, her expressive face which was pouting...

Wait a minute, that wasn't a happy pout.

My stomach dropped, the butterflies morphed into a nest of angry wasps. Had she seen Helen kiss me?


She didn't move. Her steadfast eyes met mine as she clasped what looked like a purse in her hands. I picked up my pace, almost a jog. "You made it." My heart was beating like the clappers and my cock stirred. "I didn't think you were coming." We stood only a few inches apart and I could smell her familiar scent, sweet peaches... a smile spread across my mouth. Just seeing her made me ten degrees warmer and the misery lifted from my shoulders.

She didn't look like her usual happy self. The fire, her radiance was dulled somewhat. But still a little colour clotted on her cheeks. "Is everything okay, Riley?" Had she been crying?

She flinched, her long eyelashes fluttering. "I'm fine, Dr Matthews." She was sad... but also a little angry. Her voice broke, shoulders sagged, shaking her head. "I thought I could do this. But I can't."

She turned on heel and started to leave me. "Hey." I reached out and grasped her by the arm, stopping her from walking away. I could feel her goosebumps under my fingers. "If you just saw that... she, Helen, kissed me."

Jesus, I get her to finally talk to me and I fucked it up. "It was nothing."

Twirling around, her brows snapped into a frown. "I know we have nothing set in stone that says we're exclusive or that I mean anything to you." She swished her hand between us. "But this shows me I can't do casual. I'm sorry I thought I could." She took a deep breath, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not made that way, Adam."

Me neither. "I'm not interested in any relationship that isn't monogamous." Unsure why that blurted out, but on reflection, that was just who I was too.

She raised her head higher, her small chin jutting out as her voice came out strong. There was the spitfire I loved.

Loved? Fuck. Liked—I meant liked.

"You can't say that when you have another woman's lipstick on your mouth."


I swiped my hand across my mouth. "Like I said, she kissed me and I stopped her straight away. I don't want Helen, Riley." Her beautiful green soul-searching eyes stared back at me. I could stare into those eyes all goddamn day. "You are the only person I think about non-stop." I paused, chest tightening. "And I know that makes me a terrible person, because I should be thinking about Emma."

I stepped up; her head tilted back as she blinked back moisture. Damn, I didn't want her to cry. I cupped her face and brushed my thumb softly, tracing the soft skin of her cheek. "Only when I'm with you do I feel anything, Riley."

Her breath hitched as her lips parted. The space between us burned with intensity and those green eyes clouded with insecurity, insecurities that I'd stupidly put there. "Please Riley." I dropped a hand to her waist, pulling her flush to me.

She didn't pull away. Victory!

I would not waste what I had right in front of me. My words to Helen minutes ago, that I wasn't ready to be with anyone, still rang true.

But Riley Jo Lockwood wasn't just anyone. She's someone. This beautiful woman who does something to me I'm not even sure I've felt before. Not even with Emma, who I loved... still love. "Believe me," I whispered as her eyes closed and I pressed my lips to hers.

Riley trembled. Soft and warm, just as I remembered. Her lips parted. I wanted to be gentle, but that flew out the window as soon as her lips touched mine. The spark between us was well and truly lit.

Soft, hell no!

I was showing her exactly how much I wanted her. Slipping my tongue, searching out hers. I was owning her as her small hands clasped my arms.

Her tongue rubbed against mine, encouraging me, and I didn't hold back. I moaned and kissed her hard. Every hair on my body stood rigid... and my erection nudged the front of my pants, making its intentions clear.

I'm done trying to compose myself. I want her.

She pulled back abruptly, looking at me with wide, concerned eyes. "Shit, should we be doing this here?" She gulped, looking over my shoulder. "What if someone sees?" she grimaced.

In that second, the whole of Mercy Heights could have been watching. Nothing else mattered. She'd come here tonight to see me. That had to mean something, right?

My heart was ready to burst out my chest. "Please come home with me... don't say no."

I waited, heart in my mouth.

A/N: As we approach the end of 2021, I just want to thank all those readers who've given my stories a chance, whether you be silent or vocal its meant a lot. And I hope I can continue to entertain you throughout 2022. So with that in mind I wish you all a very happy new year! 🥳

As a side note, Sealed Hearts should be finished by April/May (I'm hoping) And then I want to move onto book two, Lockwood Creek for Maddy's story, which I'm so excited about. As always updates will be on a Wednesday. On that note, Love to everyone, Chrissy ❤️

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