《The villainess is... Is she?》extra 4


"We're about to arrive." Kyle said while caressing Clair's soft hair. Clair that fell asleep were awoken and slowly open her eyes.

Outside, is a busy town, everyone is bustling around and the town's atmosphere seems festive and cheerful as if there's a celebration.

Few months ago, Clair and akyle received an invitation from Lance, which is now an imperial knight of the emperor, also is the vice president of the Moon Owl.

It is stated there that Lance is going to married Nise and decided to do the ceremony at Nise's hometown, Hauvy Town, which is the place they are in now.

As both of them never saw Nise and Lance acting lovingly to each other, they were surprised when they got the news. The emperor approved their marriage and even give the title Baron to Lance as he contributed greatly at defeating an evil organisation.

"Mama! Auntie Nise is getting married?" Kelvin that just woke up from his nap asked. Nise came visit them thrice , once when Kelvin was born, the second time when Kelvin turns 3 years old. And recently when Clarina turn 1years old, which is also the time when she came with Lance and handed the invitation with flushed face.

"Yes, Auntie Nise is marrying the man she was with last time." Clair said while checking on the sleeping Clarina placed in a baby seat that was build by Kyle according to Clair's design.

"Uncle Lance? He is a great knight! right Papa?" Kelvin suddenly become energetic when talking about knights. Kyle and Kelvin talk about knights' stuff before the carriage stop.

"Miss!" Clair heard as soon as she step down the carriage. "Nise! Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at the bride's room now?" Clair were surprised, seeing Nise in a normal cloth and a little bit messy.


"I- It's nothing! I was just so nervous that I kinda fell at the horse stable when visiting my family's horse." Nise make a 'teehee' face and Clair facepalmed.

"Kyle, bring the kids in, I'll be with Nise." Clair said before rushing Nise to the bride's room to washed up and get dressed. She suddenly have strict motherly aura that Nise and Kyle never seen before and shocked by the change.

"As a bride, you need to be the moat beautiful in your entire life! What are you thinking going to the horse stable the morning of your wedding day?" Clair scolded Nise while Nise being scrubbed by some servants that was hired.

After showering, Nise was dressed and worn some make up, making her look very beautiful and lovely. Clair even help her with her hairdo and decorated it with some pearls pin, it looked simple yet elegant.

"I- I was nervous, I'm not beautiful or anything special, when I started chase after Lance back then, I would never thought that he would replied my feelings like this and even planned out our wedding." Nise said while fiddling her fingers.

"Of course I'm happy and all but Lance never once said that he is happy or he love me, sometimes I don't even know what is in his mind. Though he usually cared for me and treat me more gently than before, I still felt this anxiety inside of me."

"Did he actually like me? Or just pitying me because I'm getting old and might end up not having any partner even after pass my marriage age. What if after married me, he would get another wife that is more beautiful and gentle and left me alone?"

"Sometimes these thoughts can't help but entered my mind in the middle of the night, making me losing sleep. Only the sight of Lance able to calm my chaotic mind, yet he is the one that made me have these thoughts in the first place. H- how can seeing someone make you feel pain and sad yet happy and relieved at the same time?"


Clair just sat beside Nise while patting her, listening to all of her feelings. As fellow woman, she understand that as a woman, we tend to overthink things and can't help having our minds preoccupied by useless things.

We never wanted it to happen but it happen uncontrollably and unconsciously and sometimes makes us confused and anxious. Clair understand all this, that's why she didn't stop her letting it all out because it is better to let out all of your concerns and thoughts rather than keep it to yourself and suffered.

"Ofcourse, I know that I shouldn't think things like this, but I can't help it. I won't ask much, I just wanted love him. If- if in the future he wanted to take in another wife... I- I will let him..." Nise smiled sadly, making Clair clenched her fist, seeing the little sister figure getting upset on her wedding day, make her wanted to punch the groom in the face.

"Nise...What are talking about? We're not even married yet and you are already letting me take in another wife?" Lance suddenly came in, followed by Kyle, Kelvin and Clarina which is in her father's arms.

"Lance..." Nise look away immediately when she noticed some tears welled up when she saw Lance. Lance walked up to Nise and grab her hand.

"Nise... Um.. Well... I already vowed in front of my parents grave that I will only married one woman in my life. Plus, um... It's suffocating to wear a tuxedo so I'm bearing with it for today."

"I can't stand being close with a girl for a long time before... So, umm-"

Lance started to sweat and stuttered. His eyes kept shifting to Kyle as if asking for help.

"Why don't you just say you love her already?" Clair folded her arm. "I- I wanna save it on the wedding day, be-because my mom said the first confession on the wedding day will last forever." Lance muttered the reason under his breath which was heard by Nise.

Puff! Nise's face turn red and the bride and groom were sitting there awkwardly while each of them turning the other way, not seeing each other face.

"Aww Lance, I didn't know you could be this romantic." Kyle teased Lance and Clair just chuckled.

The ceremony went on and the bride was walking on the aisle assisted by her grandfather. At the front, a priest and the groom were waiting.

After the vows, came the rings exchange, followed by the iconic sentence, "You may now kiss the bride!" by the bride.

Lance grab onto Nise's waist and kiss her lips gently, he then lean in her ears and whispered, "That's my first kiss, you know. I love you, Nise." Lance kissed the blushing Nise again.

All well and ends well....

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