《The villainess is... Is she?》extra 3


"Wow, Mama, she is so cute! She look just like Mama!" Sakura and Kelvin tiptoed beside the baby rack to take a peek of the newborn baby, Clarina Liddon.

Clair smiled gently while patting the two kids' head. "Both of you should lower down your voice a little, or little Clarina will woke up."

Kelvin and Sakura nodded and continued to stare at Clarina. Clair look at Sakura and Kelvin who get along very well, she was grateful that some of her flowers were in child's form, like Sakura and Lily. They were able to get along well with each other and will not get bored.

Though sometimes Sakura teach Kelvin things that shouldn't be known by kids his age, and Lily spokes some gruesome words that a kids shouldn't said. Somehow Kelvin stay pure inside out (atleast thats what she thought).

Clair sighed a little while looking at the sleeping Clarina. She remembered the day when she was born, nobody can see it but since she has the element of forest, she could hear the nearby forest gentle howling and rustling, as if welcoming the newborn baby.

"Mama!" Kelvin suddenly shouted and Clair immediately go to them. There, she gasped when she saw little Clarina opened her eyes. But it's her pupil is not the same colour as it was before, it was gold in colour, with her blonde hair slowly turning silver.

"Mama! She's a fairy too!" Sakura chimed in excitedly. Clair is in a daze, she did not snap back until Clarina let out a cry.

"Oh dear, my darling Clarina." Clair had a teary eyes while taking Clarina out from her bed.

The golden eyes, the silver hair, no doubt it's the fairy form. It's only left her wings before she had the full form of fairy.


"Mom, I'm living well here. Thank you for always protecting me and my family." Clair wiped her tears and kissed the forehead of Clarina, with Kelvin and Sakura staring at her crying.

Indeed, their fairy form is the prove of Clair's mother both here and the other world's blood flows in them. To Clair, it was the symbol of the love and protection by the mother that she had love dearly without even knowing each other.

"Mama, is Rina sick? Why are you crying? And why is Rina changing?" Kelvin grab Clair's skirt with his little hand and ask with a teary eyes.

The crocodile tears at the corner of his eyes seems to be ready to poured down as soon as Clair said a word.

The cute little Kelvin tried so hard to not cry with a hand grabbing onto Clair's skirt, while another grab tightly onto Sakura's hand, as if asking for emotional support.

"It's nothing my dear, your little sister just awaken her power, like you awaken your blue fire last year." Clair said while rubbing Kelvin's head. Clarina stared at Kelvin and touched his cheek when Clarina bend down.

"Ata ta!" Clarina suddenly said with a serious face while her little hand still cupping Kelvin's cheek. Everyone was surprised, including Clair, as Clarina just aged 2 weeks old.

"Umm! Brother will not cry! Brother will protect Rina!" Kelvin said, determined while clenching his little fist, the two kids talking as if they understand each other which make Clair and even Sakura speechless.

"Mama, did he really understand what little Rina said?" Sakura nudged Clair while asking. Clair just shrugged.

The two kids seems to have an incredible talent compared to the kids of their age, but it can't be help since they have an incredibly genius and rare talent of a father. (A/N: did you just forget about your monstrous self?)


Sakura asked to held Clarina, since Sakura may be little but had experience with baby (Sakura help in taking care Lily when she was a baby), Clair allowed her, but told her to not move around with Clarina, so the three kids just sat down on a corner.

Clair can't help sighed in her mind. If words to be out, their little family is going to attract so much attention and trouble. She had to protect her family from any danger!

"Where is my lovely children?" A bright voice sounded and a smile grew on Clair's lips. The light and love of her life, Kyle is walking in after coming back from work.

"Are you forgetting me after having kids?" Clair faked angry and pouted, she folded her arm and refuse to look at the incoming Kyle.

"Aww, look at my lovely wife getting jealous of our child." Kyle back hugged Clair and peck on her cheek, making Clair can't help smiling and pinched Kyle's cheek.

Suddenly Clair felt her skirt being grab and and her arms getting pulled. When both Kyle and Clair look down, both Kelvin and Clarina in Sakura's arm is pouting.

"Mama is ours!" Kelvin said, followed by Clarina's "A ta ta!" , Clair laughed and decided to tease Kyle. "Oh no, I belong to the kids, looks like their papa don't have any space in their mind." Clair said before escaping from Kyle's hug.

Clair grab onto both Kelvin and Clarina and quickly went to her room followed by the giggling Sakura, leaving behind the dazed Kyle.

When he finally snapped back, he immediately went to their room but it was locked. "Kelvin! Open the door! That is my wife! Don't you dare take my wife away from me! She's mine!" Kyle tried to open the door but to no avail.

Inside the room, both Sakura and Clair burst in laughter, seeing Kyle childishly get mad and scolding Kelvin. Kelvin just humphed while snuggled in Clair's arms.Clarina giggled when she saw both Sakura and Clair laugh.

Behind the door, their laugh including Clarina's giggles were heard by Kyle and make him teared up. "Clarina! How could you do this to papa!" Kyle crouched at the corner and cry like a little child.

Clair felt kinda guilty and slowly went to open the door. What she saw is the back of a lonely and sad man at the corner of the hall of their room. Clair surpressed her laugh and back hugged the man.

"Aww, look at my husband crying like a little kid, so cute, make me wanted to pampered him with love." Clair said and give a peck on his cheek.

"But..but... You choose the kids more than me." Kyle pouted though inside he is in cloud ninth.

"Well, papa can have mama too once in a while..." Kelvin suddenly chimed in, followed by Clarina cute little "Ata!". Clair giggled in her heart when she saw how happy Kyle become.

Kyle immediately got up and princess carry Clair onto the bed of the bedroom, which Sakura had brought Kelvin and Clarina out of.

The sudden action make Clair shouted a little and blushed when she saw the seductive smile of Kyle as he put her down on the bed.

"I- I just gave birth." Clair said. Kyle smiled, "It's okay, we're not doing it." Kyle snuggled in Clair's arm throughout the whole day, leaving Lavender and Black in charge of the house.

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