《The villainess is... Is she?》Chapter 4


~From here, Claire Luna is change to Clair Lune~

"Blayd Village is too near to here, Freign Village is in Duke Lune's territory. Hmm... Ah ha! This is it! Drabel! This is the best and most suitable candidate! Let me see, it's about 2 days of carriage to there, a countryside village surrounded by nature, and it is in the free zone territory! Means no one take control there!"

Clair's eyes light up and her eyes that reflecting the light shine brightly like the stars in the sky.

Suddenly, a thought came into her 'why I didn't complain to Duke Lune and tell him the truth? Or, asked him to help me escaped?' Clair previous excitement died down as she sat back down. After a whild, she sighed and a sad smile appeared.

'Silly me, did I just forget what his words just now? He doesn't even believe in Clair. If he believe in Clair, no way Clair would die in the end. Escape? Isn't that embarrass him more? He might as well put me under house arrest.'

Clair stood up again and started to pack things up, her eyes wandering around that luxurious bedroom with a sense of familiarity, sadness and emptiness.

Clair noticed she didn't have a simpler clothes or dress as every single clothing in her wardrobe is a fine material dress and custom made with meticulous handiwork. It would be to eye catching if she wanted to go to the countryside.

She went out of the mansion after notified the butler, without minding the whispers and looks on the street with her bandaged state. She can still walk and see with one eye, plus, it's not like she is blind or what, her eye is fine, it's just a deep cut above her eyebrow which caused the bleeding.


She walked leisurely, seemingly relaxed as she looked around until she arrive in front of a grand and luxurious store, there she saw two figure standing next to each other lovey dovey in front of the store.

She rolled her eyes and try to get away as soon as possible without being noticed but unfortunately, "Clair! You're here too!" A poisonous sweet voice rang out loudly, attracting a lot of people.

'Damn it, pig gonna have a lot of attention.' Clair cursed inside and stay rooted at her place, not moving or turning back. Anne saw this and smirk before she put on an apologetic and concern look while running towards Clair, her hands grab Clair's wrist, but unbeknown to everyone, there is small needle in between her fingers which prickled Clair.

"Ouch!" Clair frowned and immediately pulled her wrist away and slap Anne's hands. Anne appeared shocked and suddenly teared up.

"Clair! Do you have to do this? I thought we were friends! How can you do this to me just to get his Higness' attention?" Anne shouted sadly while running into the embrace of Prince Carl.

Gasped and whispers could be heard from the people around that had been attracted by the commotion. All of them look disdainfully and sneered at Clair. Clair calmly raised her eyebrows and walked away as if nothing happened.

'Talking about drama queen, a simple tear and words could moved a hundread of hearts, is this the so called luck and power of the main character?' Clair sneered and walk pass the crowd which had increased and the whispers become more and more louder.

Not long after walking, Clair arrived in front of a not so sparkling sign of a shop 'Bred's Taylor' , it stated. Clair walked in, although the shop is not luxurious or sparkling everywhere, it is still neat and clean.


As the shop is at the end of the street, only a little bit of people walk pass here therefore only one or two customer is inside looking at the clothes, not minding Clair that just walked in.

A young man arrived beside Clair and bowed respectfully before asking for her orders. "Let me see some simple dress or female clothing that does not stand out much." Clair stated calmly as her eyes wander around some cloaks displayed near the entrance of the shop.

The young man nodded and lead Clair the a certain part of the shop which displayed a variety of female clothing and dresses. Clair nodded satisfiedly and dismissed the young man as she wanted to looked onto the clothes alone.

Clair fiddled and search the clothes before chosen a few simple and plain yet elegant dresses and clothing. She called the young man back and gave him all the clothes to be packaged.

"Oh yeah, and give me a black, dark blue, brown and dark red cloaks in front. One each." Clair spoke as she handed out a bag of gold coins to the young man.

The young man nodded and a few moments later came back with the package in his hands. "Thankyou." Clair spoke while smiled sincerely to the young man. The young man quickly bowed and lowering his head.

After Clair left, the young man raised his head and looked at the departing figure, his cheeks flushed red. 'Indeed, a great beauty even with a bandaged face.' His heart thought while thumping hard and fast.

A certain someone come out from a corner of the shop and smiled cunningly like a fox, 'Interesting, and she is pretty like rumoured' thought the person, before disappearing into crowds after walked out from the shop.

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